
  1. Deveney, T., Mueller, E., & Shardlow, T. (2019) A deep surrogate approach to efficient Bayesian inversion in PDE and integral equation models.

    @online{tep, author = {Deveney, T. and Mueller, E. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {A deep surrogate approach to efficient Bayesian inversion in PDE and integral equation models}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1910.01547}, note = {arXiv:1910.01547}, year = {2019} }
  2. Delos Reyes, J., Shardlow, T., Delgado-Charro, M.B., Webb, S., & White, K.A.J. (2022) Mathematical modelling of adjuvant-enhanced active ingredient leaf uptake of pesticides.
    arXiv: 2210.11205

    @online{delosreyes2022, author = {{Delos Reyes}, J. and Shardlow, T. and Delgado-Charro, M. B. and Webb, S. and White, K. A. J.}, title = {Mathematical modelling of adjuvant-enhanced active ingredient leaf uptake of pesticides}, year = {2022}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2210.11205}, note = {arXiv: 2210.11205} }
  3. Delos Reyes, J., Shardlow, T., Delgado-Charro, M.B., Webb, S., & White, K.A.J. (2023) Mathematical Modelling of Droplet Evaporation and Surfactant Effects on Pesticide Leaf Uptake.

    @online{delosreyes2023, author = {{Delos Reyes}, J. and Shardlow, T. and Delgado-Charro, M. B. and Webb, S. and White, K. A. J.}, title = {Mathematical Modelling of Droplet Evaporation and Surfactant Effects on Pesticide Leaf Uptake}, year = {2023}, eprinttype = {SSRN}, eprint = {4331165}, url = {} }
  4. Wang, F., Poon, C., & Shardlow, T. (2023) Compressed online Sinkhorn.

    @online{peggy_cos, author = {Wang, F. and Poon, C. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {Compressed online Sinkhorn}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2310.05019}, note = {arXiv:2310.05019}, year = {2023} }
  5. Paul, A., Campbell, N., & Shardlow, T. (2024) Sparse Nystrom Approximation of Currents and Varifolds.

    @online{allen1, author = {Paul, A. and Campbell, N. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {Sparse Nystrom Approximation of Currents and Varifolds}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2406.09932}, note = {arXiv:2406.09932}, year = {2024} }

Refereed publications

  1. MacKay, R.S. & Shardlow, T. (1994) The multiplicity of bifurcation for area-preserving mappings. Bulletin of the London Mathematics Society, 4, 382–394.

    @article{mackay:94, author = {MacKay, Robert S. and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {The multiplicity of bifurcation for area-preserving mappings}, journal = {Bulletin of the London Mathematics Society}, year = {1994}, volume = {4}, pages = {382--394}, doi = {10.1112/blms/26.4.382}, file = {R1.pdf} }
  2. Shardlow, T. (1996) Periodic orbits and unstable manifolds. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 17, 963–989.

    @article{shardlow:1996, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Periodic orbits and unstable manifolds}, journal = {Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization}, year = {1996}, doi = {10.1080/01630569608816737}, volume = {17}, number = {9--10}, pages = {963--989}, file = {R2.pdf} }
  3. Aczon, M., Gander, M., Gerritsen, M., Shardlow, T., & Sircar, R. (1997) SCCM Advice: Stanford University’s consulting group for applied math and numerical analysis. IEEE Computer Science & Engineering, 4, 7–9.

    @article{aczon:1997, author = {Aczon, Melissa and Gander, Martin and Gerritsen, Margot and Shardlow, Tony and Sircar, Ronnie}, title = {{SCCM Advice}: {Stanford University}'s consulting group for applied math and numerical analysis}, journal = { IEEE Computer Science \& Engineering}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, pages = {7--9}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1109/99.590850}, file = {R4.pdf} }
  4. Shardlow, T. (1997) Inertial manifolds and linear multistep methods. Numerical Algorithms, 14, 189–209.

    @article{shardlow:1997, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Inertial manifolds and linear multistep methods}, journal = {Numerical Algorithms}, year = {1997}, volume = {14}, number = {1--3}, pages = {189--209}, doi = {10.1023/A:1019165014068}, file = {R3.pdf} }
  5. Shardlow, T. (1999) Numerical methods for stochastic parabolic PDEs. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 20, 121–145.

    @article{shardlow:1999a, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Numerical methods for stochastic parabolic {P}{D}{E}s}, journal = {Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization}, volume = {20}, year = {1999}, doi = {10.1080/01630569908816884}, number = {1-2}, pages = {121--145}, issn = {0163-0563}, coden = {NFADOL}, annote = {The stability condition described here can be weakened to $\nu(1- 2 \theta)< \half$}, file = {R5.pdf} }
  6. Shardlow, T. (1999) Geometric ergodicity for stochastic PDEs. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 17, 14 pages.

    @article{shardlow:99, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Geometric ergodicity for stochastic {PDE}s}, journal = {Stochastic Analysis and Applications}, year = {1999}, volume = {17}, pages = {14 pages}, doi = {10.1080/07362999908809639}, number = {5}, file = {R6.pdf} }
  7. Shardlow, T. (2000) Stochastic perturbations of the Allen–Cahn equation. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 47, 19 pages.

    @article{shardlow00:_stoch_allen_cahn, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Stochastic perturbations of the {A}llen--{C}ahn equation}, journal = {Electronic Journal of Differential Equations}, year = {2000}, volume = {47}, pages = {19 pages}, issn = {1072-6691}, file = {R8.pdf} }
  8. Shardlow, T. & Stuart, A.M. (2000) A perturbation theory for ergodic properties of Markov chains. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 37, 1120–1137.

    @article{shardlow00:_pertur_theor, author = {Shardlow, Tony and Stuart, Andrew M.}, title = {A perturbation theory for ergodic properties of {Markov} chains}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, year = {2000}, volume = {37}, number = {4}, pages = {1120--1137}, doi = {10.1137/S0036142998337235}, file = {R7.pdf} }
  9. Shardlow, T. (2002) A coupled Cahn–Hilliard particle system. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 73, 21 pages .

    @article{shardlow02:_cahn_hilliar, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {A coupled {C}ahn--{H}illiard particle system}, journal = {Electronic Journal of Differential Equations}, year = {2002}, pages = {21 pages }, volume = {73}, issn = {1072-6691}, file = {R9.pdf} }
  10. Shardlow, T. (2003) Weak convergence of a numerical method for a stochastic heat equation. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 43, 179–193.

    @article{shardlow:2003, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Weak convergence of a numerical method for a stochastic heat equation}, year = {2003}, journal = {BIT Numerical Mathematics}, pages = { 179--193}, doi = {10.1023/A:1023661308243}, volume = {43}, number = {1}, file = {R10.pdf} }
  11. Shardlow, T. (2003) Splitting for dissipative particle dynamics. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 24, 1267–1282.

    @article{shardlow03:_split, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Splitting for dissipative particle dynamics}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, volume = {24}, year = {2003}, number = {4}, pages = {1267--1282}, issn = {1095-7197}, doi = {10.1137/S1064827501392879}, file = {R11.pdf} }
  12. Shardlow, T. (2004) Nucleation of waves in excitable media by noise. SIAM Multiscale modelling and simulation, 3, 151–167.

    @article{shardlow04:_nucleat_pde, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Nucleation of waves in excitable media by noise}, journal = {SIAM Multiscale modelling and simulation}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1137/030602149}, pages = {151--167}, year = {2004}, file = {R12.pdf} }
  13. Buckwar, E. & Shardlow, T. (2005) Weak approximation of stochastic delay differential equations. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 25, 57–86.

    @article{shardlow05:_weak, author = {Buckwar, Evelyn and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Weak approximation of stochastic delay differential equations}, journal = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, volume = {25}, doi = {10.1093/imanum/drh012}, number = {1}, pages = {57-86}, year = {2005}, file = {R14.pdf} }
  14. Shardlow, T. (2005) Numerical simulation of stochastic PDEs for excitable media. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 175, 429–446.

    @article{shardlow05:_numer_pdes, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Numerical simulation of stochastic {PDE}s for excitable media}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, volume = {175}, number = {2}, month = mar, pages = {429--446}, year = {2005}, doi = {10.1016/}, file = {R13.pdf} }
  15. Mills, A., Marsland, S., & Shardlow, T. (2006) Computing the geodesic interpolating spline. Biomedical Image Registration, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4057, 169–177.

    @article{mills06:_comput, author = {Mills, Anna and Marsland, Stephen and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Computing the geodesic interpolating spline}, booktitle = {Biomedical Image Registration}, pages = {169--177}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/11784012_21}, year = {2006}, editor = {Pluim, J. P. W. and Lika, B. and Gerritsen, F. A.}, volume = {4057}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, file = {R17.pdf} }
  16. Shardlow, T. & Yan, Y. (2006) Geometric ergodicity for dissipative particle dynamics. Stochastics and Dynamics, 6, 31 pages.

    @article{shardlow04:_geomet, author = {Shardlow, Tony and Yan, Yubin}, title = {Geometric ergodicity for dissipative particle dynamics}, journal = {Stochastics and Dynamics}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1142/S0219493706001670}, pages = {31 pages}, year = {2006}, file = {R15.pdf} }
  17. Shardlow, T. (2006) Modified equations for stochastic differential equations. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 46, 111–125.

    @article{shardlow04:_modif_equat, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Modified equations for stochastic differential equations}, year = {2006}, journal = {BIT Numerical Mathematics}, volume = {46}, pages = {111-125}, doi = {10.1007/s10543-005-0041-0}, file = {R16.pdf} }
  18. Lord, G.J. & Shardlow, T. (2007) Postprocessing for stochastic parabolic partial differential equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 45, 870–889.

    @article{shardlow07, author = {Lord, Gabriel J. and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Postprocessing for stochastic parabolic partial differential equations}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, volume = {45}, year = {2007}, number = {2}, pages = {870--889}, issn = {0036-1429}, doi = {10.1137/050640138}, file = {R18.pdf} }
  19. Gilsing, H. & Shardlow, T. (2007) SDELab: a package for solving stochastic differential equations in MATLAB. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 205, 1002–1018.

    @article{gilsing05:_sdelab_matlab, author = {Gilsing, Hagen and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {S{DEL}ab: a package for solving stochastic differential equations in {MATLAB}}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, volume = {205}, year = {2007}, number = {2}, pages = {1002--1018}, doi = {10.1016/}, issn = {0377-0427}, coden = {JCAMDI}, addendum = {The original MATLAB implementation is no longer available. A Julia implementation is available on Github}, github = {tonyshardlow/SDELAB2}, file = {R19.pdf} }
  20. Buckwar, E., Kuske, R., Mohammed, S.-E., & Shardlow, T. (2008) Weak convergence of the Euler scheme for stochastic differential delay equations. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 11, 60–99.

    @article{shardlow08:delay, author = {Buckwar, Evelyn and Kuske, Rachel and Mohammed, Salah-Eldin and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Weak convergence of the {E}uler scheme for stochastic differential delay equations}, journal = { LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics}, volume = {11}, year = {2008}, pages = {60--99}, doi = {10.1112/S146115700000053X}, file = {R21.pdf} }
  21. Mills, A. & Shardlow, T. (2008) Analysis of the geodesic interpolating spline. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 19, 519–539.

    @article{shardlow08:gis, author = {Mills, Anna and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Analysis of the geodesic interpolating spline}, journal = {European Journal of Applied Mathematics}, volume = {19}, year = {2008}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1017/S0956792508007493}, pages = {519--539}, file = {R20.pdf} }
  22. Alzubaidi, H. & Shardlow, T. (2009) Numerical simulations of SDEs and SPDEs. Stochastic Methods in Neuroscience, 344–366.

    @article{shardlow09:hasan, author = {Alzubaidi, Hasan and Shardlow, Tony}, editor = {Laing, Carlo and Lord, Gabriel}, booktitle = {Stochastic Methods in Neuroscience}, title = {Numerical simulations of {SDE}s and {SPDE}s}, chapter = {12}, pages = {344-366}, publisher = {OUP}, year = {2009}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199235070.003.0012} }
  23. Kloeden, P.E., Lord, G., Neuenkirch, A., & Shardlow, T. (2011) The exponential integrator scheme for stochastic partial differential equations: pathwise error bounds. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235, 1245–1260.

    @article{shardlow08:andreas, author = {Kloeden, Peter E. and Lord, Gabriel and Neuenkirch, Andreas and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {The exponential integrator scheme for stochastic partial differential equations: pathwise error bounds}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, volume = {235}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1016/}, year = {2011}, pages = {1245--1260}, file = {R23.pdf} }
  24. Kloeden, P.E. & Shardlow, T. (2012) The Milstein scheme for stochastic delay differential equations without using anticipative calculus. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 30, 181–202.

    @article{kloeden10:milstein_delay, author = {Kloeden, Peter E. and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {The {Milstein} scheme for stochastic delay differential equations without using anticipative calculus}, journal = {Stochastic Analysis and Applications}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.1080/07362994.2012.628907}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, pages = {181--202}, file = {R24.pdf} }
  25. Alzubaidi, H. & Shardlow, T. (2013) Interaction of waves in a one-dimensional stochastic PDE model of excitable media. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, 18, 1735–1754.

    @article{alzubaidi13:_inter_pde, author = {Alzubaidi, Hasan and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Interaction of waves in a one-dimensional stochastic {PDE} model of excitable media}, journal = {Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Series B}, year = {2013}, volume = {18}, number = {7}, pages = {1735--1754}, doi = {10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.1735}, file = {R25.pdf} }
  26. Alzubaidi, H. & Shardlow, T. (2014) Improved simulation techniques for first exit time of neural diffusion models. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 43.

    @article{alzubaidi, author = {Alzubaidi, Hasan and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Improved simulation techniques for first exit time of neural diffusion models}, journal = {Communications in Statistics -- Simulation and Computation}, volume = {43}, number = {10}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.1080/03610918.2012.755197}, file = {R26.pdf} }
  27. Tang, H., Shardlow, T., & Owen, J.M. (2015) Use of fin equation to calculate Nusselt numbers for rotating discs. J. Turbomach, 137.

    @article{huimike, author = {Tang, Hui and Shardlow, Tony and Owen, J. Michael}, title = {Use of fin equation to calculate {Nusselt} numbers for rotating discs}, journal = {J. Turbomach}, year = {2015}, volume = {137}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1115/1.4031355}, file = {R27.pdf} }
  28. Müller, E., Scheichl, R., & Shardlow, T. (2015) Improving MLMC for SDEs with application to the Langevin equation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 471.

    @article{eikerob2, author = {M\"uller, Eike and Scheichl, Rob and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Improving {MLMC} for {SDEs} with application to the {Langevin} equation}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A}, volume = {471}, number = {20140679}, doi = {10.1098/rspa.2014.0679}, year = {2015}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1409.2342}, file = {R28.pdf}, bitbucket = em459/mlmclangevin }
  29. Shardlow, T. & Taylor, P. (2016) On the pathwise approximation of stochastic differential equations. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 56, 1101–1129.

    @article{philip2, author = {Shardlow, Tony and Taylor, Phillip}, title = {On the pathwise approximation of stochastic differential equations}, journal = {BIT Numerical Mathematics}, volume = {56}, issue = {3}, pages = {1101--1129}, year = {2016}, doi = {10.1007/s10543-015-0597-2}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1409.2362}, file = {R29.pdf} }
  30. Marsland, S. & Shardlow, T. (2017) Langevin equations for landmark image registration with uncertainty. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 10, 782–780.

    @article{reg_sde, author = {Marsland, Stephen and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Langevin equations for landmark image registration with uncertainty}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {782-80}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1605.09276}, gitub = {tonyshardlow/reg_sde}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1137/16M1079282}, file = {R30.pdf}, github = tonyshardlow/reg_sde }
  31. Kloeden, P. & Shardlow, T. (2017) Gauss-quadrature method for one-dimensional mean-field SDEs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39, A2784–A2807.

    @article{gqpeter, author = {Kloeden, Peter and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Gauss-quadrature method for one-dimensional mean-field SDEs}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, year = {2017}, volume = {39}, number = {6}, pages = {A2784--A2807}, doi = {10.1137/16M1095688}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1608.06741}, file = {R32.pdf}, github = tonyshardlow/sdelab2 }
  32. Kyprianou, A., Osojnik, A., & Shardlow, T. (2018) Unbiased walk-on-spheres Monte Carlo methods for the fractional Laplacian. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38.

    @article{wos, author = {Kyprianou, A. and Osojnik, A. and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Unbiased walk-on-spheres {Monte Carlo} methods for the fractional {Laplacian}}, journal = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1609.03127}, doi = {10.1093/imanum/drx042}, volume = {38}, number = {3}, year = {2018}, file = {R31.pdf}, bitbucket = wos_paper/wos_repo }
  33. Katsiolides, G., Mueller, E.H., Scheichl, R., Shardlow, T., Giles, M.B., & Thomson, D.J. (2018) Multilevel Monte Carlo and Improved Timestepping Methods in Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling. Journal of Computational Physics, 354, 320–343.

    @article{1612.07717, author = {Katsiolides, Grigoris and Mueller, Eike H. and Scheichl, Robert and Shardlow, Tony and Giles, Michael B. and Thomson, David J.}, title = {Multilevel {Monte Carlo} and Improved Timestepping Methods in Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, doi = {10.1016/}, year = {2018}, volume = {354}, pages = {320--343}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1612.07717}, file = {R33.pdf}, bitbucket = em459/mlmclangevin }
  34. Shardlow, T. (2019) A walk outside spheres for the fractional Laplacian: fields and first eigenvalue. Mathematics of Computation, 88, 2767–2792.

    @article{field_wos, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {A walk outside spheres for the fractional Laplacian: fields and first eigenvalue}, journal = {Mathematics of Computation}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1090/mcom/3422}, volume = {88}, pages = {2767-2792}, file = {R34.pdf}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1803.03921}, github = {tonyshardlow/julia_wos} }
  35. Cornalba, F., Shardlow, T., & Zimmer, J. (2019) Regularised Dean–Kawasaki model: derivation and analysis. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 51, 1137–1187.

    @article{federico2018, author = {Cornalba, Federico and Shardlow, Tony and Zimmer, Johannes}, title = {Regularised {Dean}--{Kawasaki} model: derivation and analysis}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis}, doi = {10.1137/18M1172697}, volume = {51}, number = {2}, pages = {1137--1187}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1802.01716}, year = {2019}, month = apr, file = {R35.pdf} }
  36. Cornalba, F., Shardlow, T., & Zimmer, J. (2020) From weakly interacting particles to a regularised Dean–Kawasaki model. Nonlinearity, 33, 864–891.

    @article{federico2018b, author = {Cornalba, Federico and Shardlow, Tony and Zimmer, Johannes}, title = {From weakly interacting particles to a regularised {Dean}--{Kawasaki} model}, journal = {Nonlinearity}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {1811.06448}, year = {2020}, volume = {33}, number = {2}, pages = {864--891}, month = jan, doi = {10.1088/1361-6544/ab5174}, file = {R36.pdf} }
  37. Cornalba, F., Shardlow, T., & Zimmer, J. (2021) Well-posedness for a regularised inertial Dean-Kawasaki model for slender particles in several space dimensions. Journal of Differential Equations, 284, 253–283.

    @article{2005.06014, author = {Cornalba, Federico and Shardlow, Tony and Zimmer, Johannes}, title = {Well-posedness for a regularised inertial {Dean-Kawasaki} model for slender particles in several space dimensions}, year = {2021}, volume = {284}, month = may, day = {25}, pages = {253--283}, file = {R37.pdf}, doi = {10.1016/j.jde.2021.02.048}, journal = {Journal of Differential Equations}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2005.06014} }
  38. Rambojun, A., Tillett, W., Shardlow, T., & Campbell, N. (2021) Active Latent Space Shape Model: A Bayesian Treatment of Shape Model Adaptation with an Application to Psoriatic Arthritis Radiographs. 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).

    @article{adwaye:2021, author = {Rambojun, A. and Tillett, W. and Shardlow, T. and Campbell, N.}, month = jan, title = {Active Latent Space Shape Model: A Bayesian Treatment of Shape Model Adaptation with an Application to Psoriatic Arthritis Radiographs}, year = {2021}, journal = {2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, file = {R38.pdf} }
  39. Tang, H., Deveney, T., Shardlow, T., & Lock, G. (2022) Use of Bayesian Statistics to Calculate Transient Heat Fluxes on Compressor Discs. Physics of Fluids, DOI: 10.1063/5.0091371.

    @article{teo, doi = {10.1063/5.0091371}, url = {}, year = {2022}, month = apr, publisher = {{AIP} Publishing}, author = {Tang, Hui and Deveney, Teo and Shardlow, Tony and Lock, Gary}, title = {Use of Bayesian Statistics to Calculate Transient Heat Fluxes on Compressor Discs}, journal = {Physics of Fluids} }
  40. Deveney, T., Mueller, E., & Shardlow, T. (2023) Deep surrogate accelerated delayed-acceptance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal heat fluxes in rotating disc systems. SIAM Uncertainty Quantification, DOI: 10.1137/22M1513113.

    @article{teo_hmc, author = {Deveney, T. and Mueller, E. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {Deep surrogate accelerated delayed-acceptance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal heat fluxes in rotating disc systems}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2204.02272}, journal = {SIAM Uncertainty Quantification}, doi = {10.1137/22M1513113}, year = {2023}, vol = {11}, number = {3} }
  41. Cornalba, F. & Shardlow, T. (2023) The Regularised Inertial Dean-Kawasaki equation: discontinuous Galerkin approximation and modelling for low-density regime. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, DOI: 10.1051/m2an/2023077.

    @article{2207.09989, author = {Cornalba, Federico and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {The Regularised Inertial {Dean-Kawasaki} equation: discontinuous Galerkin approximation and modelling for low-density regime}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1051/m2an/2023077}, journal = {ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2207.09989}, github = {tonyshardlow/RIDK-FD} }


  1. Blowey, J.F., Craig, A.W., & Shardlow, T. (2003) Frontiers in Numerical Analysis. , Universitext. Springer.
    Papers from the 10th LMS–EPSRC Numerical Analysis Summer School held at the University of Durham, July 7–19, 2002

    @book{blowey03:_front_nourl, title = {Frontiers in Numerical Analysis}, series = {Universitext}, editor = {Blowey, James F. and Craig, Alan W. and Shardlow, Tony}, note = {Papers from the 10th LMS--EPSRC Numerical Analysis Summer School held at the University of Durham, July 7--19, 2002}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2003}, pagetotal = {xiv+349 pages}, isbn = {3-540-44319-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-55692-0} }
  2. Lord, G., Powell, C., & Shardlow, T. (2014) An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs. , Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. CUP.

    @book{book:2014_nourl, author = {Lord, Gabriel and Powell, Catherine and Shardlow, Tony}, publisher = {CUP}, series = {Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.1017/cbo9781139017329}, pagetotal = {x+509 pages}, title = {An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs}, typos = {book-typos.pdf}, github = tonyshardlow/picspde }


  1. Shardlow, T. (2001) Stochastic Allen-Cahn: analysis and numerics. Workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Proceedings of workshop held at University of Copenhagen January 4-6, 2001 (Huebner, M. & Sorensen, M. eds). University of Copenhagen.

    @inproceedings{shardlow01:_stoch_allen_cahn, author = {Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Stochastic {Allen-Cahn}: analysis and numerics}, booktitle = {Workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations}, editor = {Huebner, Marianne and Sorensen, Michael}, year = {2001}, number = {20}, organization = {Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastic - MaPhySto}, publisher = {University of Copenhagen}, series = {Proceedings of workshop held at University of Copenhagen January 4-6, 2001} }
  2. Rambojun, A.M., Tillett, W., Campbell, N.D.F., & Shardlow, T. (2019) Development of an automated segmentation algorithm to identify bones of the hand. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 78.

    @inproceedings{R1, author = {Rambojun, Adwaye M and Tillett, William and Campbell, Neill D F and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {Development of an automated segmentation algorithm to identify bones of the hand}, journal = {Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases}, year = {2019}, volume = {78}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-eular.2336} }
  3. Rambojun, A., Tillett, W., Campbell, N.D.F., & Shardlow, T. (2019) A novel human-assisted computer algorithm for identification of hand bones on plain radiographs in psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology, vol. 58.

    @inproceedings{R2, author = {Rambojun, A and Tillett, William and Campbell, Neill D F and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {A novel human-assisted computer algorithm for identification of hand bones on plain radiographs in psoriatic arthritis}, journal = {Rheumatology}, year = {2019}, volume = {58}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1093/rheumatology/kez106.031} }

PhD theses

  1. Mills, A. (2006) Image Registration Based on the Geodesic Interpolating Spline (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{mills:phd, author = {Mills, A.}, title = {Image Registration Based on the Geodesic Interpolating Spline}, school = {School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, co-supervised with S. Marsland}, year = {2006}, uni = {} }
  2. Alzubaidi, H. (2011) Numerical Simulations of the Spiking Activity and Related First Exit Time of Stochastic Neural Systems (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{hasan:phd, author = {Alzubaidi, Hasan}, title = {Numerical Simulations of the Spiking Activity and Related First Exit Time of Stochastic Neural Systems}, school = {University of Manchester}, year = {2011}, uni = {} }
  3. Taylor, P. (2013) Simulating random fields and SDEs with bounded increments (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{phil:phd, author = {Taylor, Phillip}, title = {Simulating random fields and {SDE}s with bounded increments}, school = {University of Manchester, co-supervised with C. Powell}, year = {2013}, uni = {} }
  4. Aljuhani, S. (2014) Visualising biological sequence alignments (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{shaimaa:phd, author = {Aljuhani, Shaimaa}, title = {Visualising biological sequence alignments}, school = {University of Manchester, co-supervised with T. Attwood}, year = {2014}, uni = {} }
  5. Katsiolides, G. (2018) Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods in Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{grigoris:phd, author = {Katsiolides, Grigoris}, title = {Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods in Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling}, school = {Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, co-supervised with R. Scheichl, E. M\"uller, D. Thomson}, file = {Katsiolides_thesis.pdf}, uni = {}, year = {2018} }
  6. Cornalba, F. (2019) Modelling, regularisation, and analysis of Dean–Kawasaki-type equations (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{federico:phd, author = {Cornalba, Federico}, title = {Modelling, regularisation, and analysis of {Dean--Kawasaki}-type equations}, school = {Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, co-supervised with J. Zimmer}, year = {2019}, uni = {} }
  7. Rambojun, A. (2020) Automatic Scoring of X-rays in Psoriatic Arthritis (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{adwaye:phd, author = {Rambojun, Adwaye}, title = {Automatic Scoring of {X}-rays in Psoriatic Arthritis}, school = {Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, co-supervised with N. Campbell, W. Tillett}, uni = {}, year = {2020} }
  8. Deveney, T. (2022) Accelerating Bayesian inference with physics-governed likelihoods using deep learning (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{deveney:phd, author = {Deveney, Teo}, title = {Accelerating {Bayesian} inference with physics-governed likelihoods using deep learning}, school = {Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, co-supervised with E. Mueller}, year = {2022}, uni = {} }
  9. Firmo, M. (2023) Numerical Methods and Bayesian Inference for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{firmo:phd, author = {Firmo, M.}, title = {Numerical Methods and Bayesian Inference for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance}, school = {University of Bath, co-supervised with S. Gazzola and E. Fordham}, year = {2023}, uni = {} }
  10. Delos Reyes, J. (2023) Mathematical modelling of agrochemical uptake across leaf cuticle (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{reyes:phd, author = {{Delos Reyes}, J.}, title = {Mathematical modelling of agrochemical uptake across leaf cuticle}, school = {University of Bath, co-supervised with K. A. J. White, B. Delgado-Charro}, year = {2023}, uni = {} }