Journal Publications / Book chapters / Preprints (black, peer-reviewed)
REPORTS (blue, non-peer-reviewed)
60. H.K. Vo, J.H.P. Dawes and R.N. Kelsh,
Oscillatory differentiation dynamics fundamentally restricts the resolution of pseudotime reconstruction algorithms.
J. Roy. Soc. Interface 21: 20230537 (2024)
Full text version available here.
DOI link to paper.
Electronic Supplementary Material (zipfile) available also
via Zenodo, with DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10673541.
59. F.R. Waters, C.A. Yates and J.H.P. Dawes,
Minimal reaction schemes for pattern formation.
J. Roy. Soc. Interface 21:20230490 (2024)
Full text version available here.
DOI link to paper.
Electronic Supplementary Material available here.
Code on Zenodo.
58. J.H.P. Dawes, Network analysis of SDG interlinkages.
In Interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals, Eds R. Bali Swain and Y. Min. Chapter 6, 94--128. Edward Elgar (2023)
Colour version of this chapter is available for download here.
E-book download.
57. T. Subkhankulova, K. Camargo Sosa, L.A. Uroshlev, M. Nikaido, N. Shriever, A.S. Kasianov, X. Yang, F.S.L.M. Rodrigues, T.J. Carney, G. Bavister, H. Schwetlick, J.H.P. Dawes, A. Rocco, V.J. Makeev and R.N. Kelsh,
Zebrafish pigment cells develop directly from persistent highly multipotent progenitors.
Nature Communications 14:1258 (2023)
Link to published version, or via this DOI link.
(Earlier preprint (now out of date) available here.)
56. J.H.P. Dawes, X. Zhou and M. Moinuddin,
System-level consequences of synergies and trade-offs between SDGs:
quantitative analysis of interlinkage networks at country level,
Sustainability Science (2022).
Open Access publication, DOI: 10.1007/s11625-022-01109-y.
Paper available for download here.
Supplementary material available to download here.
55. J.H.P. Dawes,
SDG interlinkage networks: analysis, robustness, sensitivities, and hierarchies.
World Development 149, 105693. (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105693.
Open Access PDF download: PDF (2.9M)
54. J.H.P. Dawes and R.N. Kelsh,
Cell fate decisions in the neural crest, from pigment cell to neural development.
Int. J. Molecular Sciences 22, 13531 (2021)
Open Access publication, also available here.
53. R.N. Kelsh, K. Camargo Sosa, S. Farjami, V. Makeev, J.H.P. Dawes and A. Rocco,
Cyclical fate restriction: a new view of neural crest cell fate specification.
Development 148(22), dev176057 (2021)
52. S. Farjami, K. Carmarga Sosa, J.H.P. Dawes, R. Kelsh, and A. Rocco,
Novel generic models for differentiating stem cells reveal oscillatory mechanisms.
J. R. Soc Interface. 18: 20210442 (2021)
Available here and
on arXiv.
Supplementary material can be found
Preprint: PDF (3.7M)
51. A.G. Hart, K.R. Olding, A.M.G. Cox, O. Isupova and J.H.P. Dawes;
Echo state networks for reinforcement learning.
Available on arXiv.
Preprint: PDF (3.3M)
50. A.G. Hart, J.L. Hook and J.H.P. Dawes,
Echo state networks trained by Tikhonov least squares are L2 approximators of ergodic dynamical systems.
Physica D 421:132882 (2021)
Available on arXiv. Preprint: PDF (448k)
49. T. Wagener, D. Savic, D. Butler, R. Ahmadian, T. Arnot, J. Dawes,
S. Djordjevic, R. Falconer, R. Farmani, D. Ford, J. Hofman, Z. Kapelan,
S. Pan, and R. Woods,
Hydroinformatics education – the Water Informatics in Science and
Engineering (WISE) Centre for Doctoral Training.
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 2721-2738 (2021)
Link to journal version.
48. A.L.L. Middleton, A.A. Jarai, J.H.P. Dawes and K. Briggs,
How close is the nearest node in a wireless network?
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 86(1), 188-219 (2021)
Preprint version: PDF (506k).
[REPORT] R2. H. Lee and E. Pollitzer (Editors), J.H.P. Dawes (and 44 other authors),
Applying Gender Lenses to the Interlinkages and synergies between SDGs. Making sure that Agenda 2030 will not leave women behind. Center for Gendered Innovations in Science and Technology Research (GISTeR), Korea and Portia Ltd, UK. (2020)
[REPORT] R1. A. Alfaris (S20 Chair) and 70 others,
Foresight: Science for navigating critical transitions. A Report on Analysis and Recommendations from the Saudi Arabia S20 Task Force. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2020).
47. M.W. Adamson, J.H.P. Dawes, A. Hastings and F.M. Hilker,
Forecasting resilience profiles of the run-up to regime shifts in nearly-one-dimensional systems.
J. Royal Society Interface 17:20200566 (2020)
Preprint version: PDF (906k).
Supplementary material: PDF (277k)
46. A.G. Hart, J.L. Hook and J.H.P. Dawes,
Embedding and approximation theorems for echo state networks.
Neural Networks 128, 234-247 (2020)
Available on arXiv. Preprint version: PDF (963k)
45. J.H.P. Dawes,
Are the Sustainable Development Goals self-consistent and mutually achievable?
Sustainable Development, 28, 101-117 (2020)
DOI: 10.1002/sd.1975. Open Access PDF download:
PDF (1.8M)
44. A.R. Langley, P.J. Fletcher, J.H.P. Dawes and F. Marken,
Effects of dissolved gases on partial anodic passivation phenomena at copper microelectrodes immersed in aqueous NaCl. In press. (2019)
Online first.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2019.113589.
43. A.R. Langley, M. Carta, R. Malpass-Evans, N.B. McKeown,
J.H.P. Dawes, E. Murphy and F. Marken,
Linking the Cu(II/I) potential to the onset of dynamic phenomena at
corroding copper microelectrodes immersed in aqueous 0.5M NaCl.
Electrochemica Acta 260, 348-357 (2018)
PDF: PDF (3.4M)
42. P. Tee, I. Wakeman, G. Parisis, J.H.P. Dawes and I.Z. Kiss,
Constraints and entropy in a model of network evolution.
Euro. Phys. J. B.
DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2017-80185-5 (2017)
Available on arXiv.
Preprint: PDF (877K)
41. K. Minors and J.H.P. Dawes,
Invasions slow down or collapse in the presence of reactive boundaries.
Bull. Math. Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11538-017-0326-x (2017)
Open Access, downloadable here or
here (PDF, 0.8M)
40. T. Putelat, J.H.P. Dawes and A.R. Champneys,
A phase-plane analysis of localized frictional waves.
Proc. R. Soc. A 473:20160606 (2017)
39. J.H.P. Dawes and J.S. Greaves,
Diagnostics of circumstellar grains in geometric models - I.
Structure and composition.
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 467, 218-225 (2017)
38. Q. Yang, T. Rogers and J.H.P. Dawes,
Demographic noise slows down cycles of dominance
J. Theor. Biol. 432, 157-168 (2017)
Available on arXiv:1708.00632.
Preprint: PDF (0.7M)
37. J.H.P. Dawes,
After 1952: The later development of Alan Turing's ideas on
the mathematics of pattern formation.
Historia Mathematica 43, 49-64 (2016)
Preprint: PDF (1.4M).
Supplementary material: PDF (0.5M)
Included in the Notable Writings section of Mircea Pitici's The Best Writing on Mathematics 2017.
Princeton University Press (2018)
36. J.H.P. Dawes and J.L.M. Williams,
Localised pattern formation in a model for dryland vegetation.
J. Math. Biol. 73, 63-90 (2016)
Preprint: PDF (1.7M)
35. T. Putelat and J.H.P. Dawes,
Steady and transient sliding under rate-and-state friction.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 78, 70-93 (2015)
Preprint: PDF (1.7M)
34. D. Morgan and J.H.P. Dawes,
The Swift-Hohenberg equation with a nonlocal nonlinearity.
Physica D 270, 60-80 (2014)
Preprint: PDF (1.1M).
Also available at arXiv:1312.6697.
33. J.H.P. Dawes and H. Susanto,
Variational approximation and the use of collective coordinates.
Phys. Rev. E 87, 063202 (2013)
Preprint: PDF (228K).
Also available at arXiv:1305.4379.
32. T.L. Tsai and J.H.P. Dawes,
Dynamics near a periodically-perturbed robust heteroclinic cycle.
Physica D 262, 14-34 (2013)
Preprint: PDF (3.5M)
31. J.H.P. Dawes and M.O. Souza,
A derivation of Holling's type I, II and III functional responses in predator-prey systems.
J. Theor. Biol. 327, 11-22 (2013)
Preprint: PDF (340K)
30. J.H.P. Dawes and C.J. Penington,
Scaling laws for localised states in a nonlocal amplitude equation.
Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 106, 372-391 (2012)
(Special issue: Convection, magnetoconvection and dynamo theory.)
Preprint: PDF (3.7M)
29. T. Putelat, J.R. Willis and J.H.P. Dawes,
Wave-modulated orbits in rate-and-state friction.
International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics 47, 258-267 (2012)
Preprint: PDF (1.8M)
28. J. Burke and J.H.P. Dawes,
Localized states in an extended Swift--Hohenberg equation.
SIAM J. App. Dyn. Syst. 11, 261-284 (2012)
Article: PDF (584K). Also available at arXiv:1108.1984v1.
27. J.H.P. Dawes and W.J. Giles,
Turbulent transition in a truncated 1D model for shear flow.
Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 467, 3066 3087 (2011)
Preprint: PDF (2.4M)
26. T. Putelat, J.H.P. Dawes and J.R. Willis,
On the microphysical foundations of rate-and-state friction.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59, 1062-1075 (2011)
Preprint: PDF (205K).
Article: here.
25. J.H.P. Dawes,
The emergence of a coherent structure for coherent structures: localized states
in nonlinear systems.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 368, 3519-3534 (2010)
(Special issue: 'Visions of the future for the Royal Society's 350th
anniversary year')
Preprint: PDF (563K)
24. C. Taylor and J.H.P. Dawes,
Snaking and isolas of localised states in bistable discrete lattices.
Phys. Lett. A 375, 14-22 (2010)
Preprint: PDF (1.8M)
23. C.M. Postlethwaite and J.H.P. Dawes,
Resonance bifurcations from robust homoclinic cycles.
Nonlinearity 23, 621-642 (2010)
Preprint: PDF (500K)
22. J.H.P. Dawes and S. Lilley,
Localized states in a model of pattern formation in a vertically vibrated layer.
SIAM J. App. Dyn. Syst. 9, 238-260 (2010)
Preprint: PDF (1.3M)
- 21. T. Putelat, J.H.P. Dawes and J.R. Willis,
Regimes of frictional sliding of a spring-block system.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 58, 27-53 (2010)
Preprint: PDF (2.1M)
- 20. J.H.P. Dawes, Modulated and localised states in a finite
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 8, 909-930 (2009)
Preprint: PDF (603K)
- 19. T. Putelat, J.R. Willis and J.H.P. Dawes,
On the seismic cycle seen as a relaxation oscillation.
Phil. Mag. 88 3219-3243 (2008)
(Special issue: `Instabilities across the scales').
Preprint: PDF (1.5M)
- 18. Stephen W. Morris, Jonathan H. P. Dawes, Neil M. Ribe, and John R. Lister,
Meandering instability of a viscous thread. Phys. Rev.
E. 77 066218 (2008)
Preprint: PDF (1.7M)
- 17. J.H.P. Dawes and M.R.E. Proctor, Secondary Turing-type
instabilities due to strong spatial resonance.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A. 464, 923-942 (2008)
DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2007.0221. Preprint version: PDF (4.4M)
- 16. J.H.P. Dawes, Localised pattern formation with a large-scale mode:
slanted snaking. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 7 (1), 186-206 (2008)
- doi: 10.1137/06067794X. Preprint: PDF (383K)
- 15. J.H.P. Dawes, Localised convection cells in the presence of a
vertical magnetic field. J. Fluid Mech. 570, 385-406 (2007)
Preprint: Gzipped postscript (940K) or PDF (1.1M)
- 14. T. Putelat, J.H.P. Dawes and J.R. Willis,
Sliding modes of two interacting frictional interfaces.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 55, 2073-2105 (2007)
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2007.03.004.
Preprint: PDF (1.2M)
- 13. J.H.P. Dawes and T.L. Tsai,
Frequency locking and complex dynamics near a periodically forced
robust heteroclinic cycle. Phys. Rev. E 74 055201(R) (2006)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.055201. Preprint: PDF (560K)
- 12. C.M. Postlethwaite and J.H.P. Dawes, A codimension-two
resonant bifurcation from a heteroclinic cycle with complex eigenvalues. Dynamical Systems:
an international journal 21, 313-336 (2006)
DOI: 10.1080/14689360600552928. Preprint: PDF
- 11. C.M. Postlethwaite and J.H.P. Dawes, Regular and irregular
cycling near a heteroclinic network. Nonlinearity 18, 1477-1509 (2005)
Preprint: Gzipped postscript (290K) or
PDF (348K)
- 10. J.H.P. Dawes, C.M. Postlethwaite and M.R.E. Proctor, Instabilities
induced by a weak breaking of a strong spatial resonance. Physica
D 191, 1-30 (2004)
Preprint: Gzipped postscript (507K) or
PDF (1.2M)
- 9. J.H.P. Dawes, P.C. Matthews and A.M. Rucklidge, Reducible
actions of D4 x T2: superlattice patterns
and hidden symmetries. Nonlinearity 16, 615-645 (2003)
Preprint: PDF
- 8. J.H.P. Dawes and J.R. Gog, The onset of oscillatory dynamics in
models of multiple disease strains. J. Math. Biol. 45, 471-510
Preprint: PDF
- 7. J.H.P. Dawes, The normal form for a Hopf/steady-state mode interaction
on a hexagonal lattice. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive
Systems 8a (4), 551-558 (2001) - part of
a Special Issue on the Computation of Normal Forms and Applications.
Preprint (with an old title):
- 6. J.H.P. Dawes, Hopf bifurcation on a square superlattice.
Nonlinearity14, 491-511 (2001).
- 5. J.H.P. Dawes, Rapidly rotating thermal convection at low Prandtl
number. J. Fluid Mech.428, 61-80 (2001).
- 4. J.H.P. Dawes, A Hopf/steady-state mode interaction in rotating convection:
bursts and heteroclinic cycles in a square periodic domain. Physica D 149, 197-209 (2001).
Preprint (with an old title):
- 3. J.H.P. Dawes, Pattern selection in oscillatory rotating convection.
Physica D 147, 336-351 (2000).
- 2. J.H.P. Dawes, The 1:sqrt(2) Hopf/steady-state mode interaction in
three-dimensional magnetoconvection. Physica D
139, 109-136 (2000).
- 1. J.H.P. Dawes, Stable quasiperiodic solutions in the Hopf bifurcation
with D4 x T2 symmetry. Physics Letters A 262, 158-165 (1999).
Conference Proceedings (refereed)
C5. J.H.P. Dawes,
Network science tools reveal system-level properties of SDG
interlinkage networks.
Presented at the ICSD 2021: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Virtual, 20-21
September 2021.
Environmental Science Proceedings 15, 33 (2022)
Available here in PDF.
C4. T. Putelat, J.H.P. Dawes and A.R. Champneys,
Nonlinear dynamics of frictional slip localization.
Proceedings of the XXIV ICTAM, Montreal, Canada, 21-26 August 2016.
C3. T. Putelat, J.R. Willis and J.H.P. Dawes,
Reverberation d'onde et frottement.
Proceedings of the
XX Congres Francais de Mecanique (CFM2011),
Besancon, France, 28 August - 2 September 2011.
C2. T.L. Tsai and J.H.P. Dawes,
Dynamics near a periodically forced robust heteroclinic cycle.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
286, 012057 (2011)
Preprint: PDF (2.2M)
C1. T.L. Tsai and J.H.P. Dawes,
Dynamics near a periodically-forced robust heteroclinic cycle.
Proceedings of Equadiff 07, TU Vienna. Preprint.
Other Publications
J.H.P. Dawes, Comment on `The effect of rotation on the Rayleigh-Benard
stability threshold' by A. Prosperetti Phys. Fluids 24:114101 (2012).
Phys. Fluids 25, 059101 (2013)
Preprint: PDF (153K)
Book Reviews:
J.H.P. Dawes, Review of Pattern Formation: An Introduction to Methods by
Rebecca Hoyle. CUP, 2006.
J. Fluid Mech. 571, 506-507 (2007)
PDF (41K)
J.H.P. Dawes, Review of Patterns and Interfaces in Dissipative Dynamics
by L. M. Pismen. Springer, 2006.
J. Fluid Mech. 584, 473-474 (2007)
PDF (49K)
T.L. Tsai.
PhD Thesis: Robust Heteroclinic Cycles and Frequency Locking (17.8M)
University of Cambridge, April 2009.
Later versions of papers submitted or in preparation may appear here
from time to time...