
Previous Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminars at Bath

Current AGNT Seminars are here

Spring 2024

Thu 1 Feb Ivan Cheltsov (Edinburgh)   Equivariant geometry of singular cubic threefolds
Thu 8 Feb Tomasz Przezdziecki (Edinburgh)   Drinfeld rational fractions for affine Kac-Moody quantum symmetric pairs
Thu 15 Feb Matt Westaway (Birmingham)   Induction of nilpotent orbits and covers
Thu 22 Feb Laurence Mayther (Cambridge)   New mu-invariants: infinite-dimensional Morse indices and new invariants of G2-manifolds
Thu 29 Feb Nathan Broomhead (Plymouth)   Convex geometry for fans of triangulated categories
Thu 7 Mar Tim Magee (KCL)   Fundamentals of broken-line convex geometry
Thu 14 Mar
COW seminar
Itay Glazer (Oxford)   Singularity properties of word maps and applications to random walks on compact p-adic groups
Gergely Bérczi (Aarhus)   Geometry of the Hilbert scheme of points on manifolds
Dominic Bunnett (TU Berlin)   Geometry of some moduli spaces of hypersurfaces
Thu 21 Mar Beth Romano (KCL)   Graded Lie algebras and families of algebraic curves
Thu 28 Mar PhD short talks
Thu 18 Apr Thorsten Hertl (Freiburg)   Moduli spaces of G2 manifolds may have holes
Thu 25 Apr Johannes Nordström (Bath)   Rational homotopy theory of 7- and 8-manifolds
Thu 2 May Behrang Noohi (QMUL)   Group actions on stacks
Thu 13 June
Barbara Fantechi (SISSA Trieste)   The stack of coherent zero dimensional sheaves

Autumn 2023

Thu 12 Oct Tudor Ciurca (Bath)   Irrationality of cubic threefolds in characteristic 2
Thu 19 Oct Lorenzo Foscolo (UCL)   Hypertoric varieties, W-Hilbert schemes and Coulomb branches
Thu 26 Oct Qaasim Shafi (Birmingham)   Curve counting on toric surfaces
Thu 2 Nov Hao Chang (Central China Normal University)   Syzygy functions for endotrivial modules
Thu 9 Nov Hannah Dell (Edinburgh)   Stability conditions on free abelian quotients
Thu 16 Nov Tom Holt (Bath)   Hilbert complexes on non-compact complex manifolds
Thu 23 Nov Al Kasprzyk (Nottingham)   Machine learning detects terminal singularities
Thu 30 Nov Ali Craw (Bath)   The Le Bruyn-Procesi theorem and Hilbert schemes
Thu 7 Dec Thomas Cottrell (Bath)   Enriched and internal categories: an extensive relationship
Thu 14 Dec Fran Burstall (Bath)   Isothermic surfaces and conservation laws

Spring 2023

Tue 24 Jan Ali Uncu (Bath)   Recent progress on cylindric partitions and A2 Rogers-Ramanujan identities
Tue 7 Feb Gareth Tracey (Warwick)   How many subgroups are there in a finite group?
Fri 10 Feb Ryo Yamagishi (NTU, Taiwan)  Moduli spaces of G-constellations
Tue 21 Feb Liana Heuberger (Bath)   Q-Fano threefolds and how to construct them
Tue 28 Feb Tim Santens (Leuven)   The arithmetic of stacky curves
Tue 7 Mar Juan Villarreal (Bath)   The Lie algebra sl2-hat and some of its modules
Tue 14 Mar Matt Chaffe (Birmingham)   Category O for truncated current Lie algebras
Tue 28 Mar Alastair King (Bath)   Constant friezes
Tue 18 Apr Ragini Singhal (Humboldt)  Deformation theory of nearly G2 manifolds
Tue 25 Apr Hal Schenck (Auburn)   Algebraic Geometry meets Numerical Analysis
Tue 2 May Christian Liedtke (TU Munich)   Rational curves on K3 surfaces
Tue 9 May Laura Schaposnik (University of Illinois at Chicago)   A map of Higgs bundles, generalized hyperpolygons, and more
Tue 16 May Oscar Finegan (Cardiff)   Derived intersection products
Tue 23 May Inder Kaur (Loughborough)   Birational geometry on blow-ups of projective spaces
Tue 30 May Harkaran Uppal (Bath)  Integral points on diagonal affine cubic surfaces
Tue 6 June Christian Böhning (Warwick)   Equivariant birational geometry of cubic fourfolds and derived categories
Tue 13 June Tomoyuki Arakawa (RIMS)  4D/2D duality and representation theory

Autumn 2022

Tue 11 Oct Liana Heuberger (Bath) ADE classifications, the McKay correspondence and quivers
Tue 18 Oct Judith Ortmann (Hannover) Counting integral points on a del Pezzo surface via the universal torsor method
Tue 25 Oct Julian Lyczak (Bath) On the existence of rational solutions to polynomial equations
Tue 1 Nov Calla Tschanz (Bath) Expanded degenerations for Hilbert schemes of points
Tue 8 Nov Ed Segal (UCL) Circle actions in mirror symmetry
Tue 15 Nov Flora Poon (Bath) Kodaira dimension of Kuga varieties
Tue 22 Nov Lang Mou (Cambridge) Categorification of some skew-symmetrizable cluster algebras
Tue 29 Nov Chris Bowman (York) What has p-Kazhdan—Lusztig theory done for us?
Tue 6 Dec Andrea Santi (Rome) G(3) supergeometry and a supersymmetric extension of the Hilbert–Cartan equation
Tue 13 Dec Matt Turner (Bath) G2-instantons on the spinor bundle over the 3-sphere

Spring 2022

Tue 8 Feb Lucas Mason Brown (Oxford) Arthur's conjectures, the orbit method, and refined Barbasch-Vogan duality
Tue 22 Feb Jakob Stein (UCL) Calabi–Yau gauge theory with symmetries
Tue 1 Mar Samuel Johnston (Bath) The combinatorial approach to the Jacobian conjecture
Tue 8 Mar Steven Flynn (Bath) The spectral decomposition of Heisenberg ray transforms
Tue 15 Mar Vlad Mitankin (Hannover) Integral points on diagonal affine quadrics
Tue 22 Mar Ming Ng (Birmingham) Adelic Geometry via Topos Theory
Tue 5 Apr Fran Burstall (Bath) Eigenfunctions and representation theory
Tue 26 Apr Gunnar Traustason (Bath) Powerfully nilpotent, solvable and simple groups
Tue 3 May Emine Yildirim (Cambridge) Cluster categories: classical, discrete and beyond
Tue 10 May Oishee Banerjee (Bonn) Filtration of cohomology via symmetric semisimplicial spaces
Tue 17 May Sandro Mattarei (Lincoln) Narrow groups and Lie algebras

Autumn 2021

Thr 30 Sept Neil Saunders (Greenwich) Exotic Springer fibres and partial flag varieties
Tue 19 Oct Lewis Topley (Bath) Representations of Lie algebras: the orbit method and W-algebras. Part I
Tue 26 Oct Lewis Topley (Bath) Representations of Lie algebras: the orbit method and W-algebras. Part II
Tue 2 Nov Lewis Topley (Bath) Representations of Lie algebras: the orbit method and W-algebras. Part III
Tue 9 Nov Anastasia Hadjievangelou (Bath) Left 3-Engel elements in locally finite p-groups
Tue 16 Nov Robert Brown (Bath) Affine Seaweed Lie algebras: finding open orbits using quiver representation theory
Tue 23 Nov Ekaterina Shemyakova (University of Toledo, Ohio) On super Plücker embedding and cluster algebras
Tue 30 Nov Calum Ross (UCL) Periodic instantons with small period
Tue 7 Dec Efthymios Sofos (Glasgow) Gaps between prime divisors and analogues in Diophantine geometry

Spring 2021

Tue 2 Feb Lars Martin Sektnan (Aarhus) Z-critical connections and Bridgeland stability conditions
Tue 9 Feb Ronno Das (University of Chicago) Points and lines on cubic surfaces
Tue 16 Feb Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge) Null-Kähler geometry
Tue 23 Feb Johannes Nicaise (Imperial/Leuven) Tropical obstructions to stable rationality
Tue 2 Mar Giulio Bresciani (Freie Universität Berlin) Is there any polynomial bijection from Q x Q to Q?
Tue 9 Mar Guido Franchetti (Bath) Monopoles, instantons and adiabatic dynamics
Tue 23 Mar Kirsten Wickelgren (Duke) An excess intersection formula enriched in bilinear forms
Tue 13 Apr Tim Magee (Kings College London) Convexity in tropical spaces and compactifications of cluster varieties
Tue 20 Apr Siddharth Mathur (Düsseldorf) Searching for the impossible Azumaya algebra
Tue 27 Apr Tyler Kelly (Birmingham) Hypergeometric decompositions for invertible pencils
Tue 4 May Sam Crew (Bath) Gauge theory, integrability and curve counting

Autumn 2020

Tue 6 Oct Gregory Sankaran A supersingular coincidence
Tue 13 Oct Marialaura Noce (Göttingen) Groups of automorphisms of rooted trees: an overview
Tue 20 Oct Jarek Wiśniewski (Warsaw) Quaternion-Kähler manifolds via algebraic torus action on projective contact manifolds
Tue 27 Oct Martin Kerin (Galway) A pot-pourri of non-negatively curved 7-manifolds
Tue 3 Nov Csaba Nagy The Sullivan conjecture in complex dimension 4
Tue 10 Nov Markus Upmeier (Oxford) Instanton moduli spaces in gauge theory and their differential topology
Tue 17 Nov Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff) Skein-triangulated representations of generalised braids
Tue 1 Dec Elisa Postinghel (Trento) Polynomial interpolation in algebraic geometry
Tue 8 Dec Soheyla Feyzbakhsh (Imperial) Moduli spaces on the Kuznetsov component of cubic threefolds

Spring 2020

Tue 4 Feb Milena Hering (Edinburgh) Stability of toric tangent bundles
Tue 11 Feb Kevin Buzzard (Imperial) What is mathematics?
Tue 18 Feb Zhe Han Tilting theory and derived equivalences in quiver representations
Tue 3 Mar Eveline Legendre (Toulouse) Localizing the Sasaki-Futaki invariant
Tue 10 Mar Sibylle Schroll (Leicester) A geometric model and derived invariant for gentle algebras

Autumn 2019

Tue 8 Oct Daniel Loughran What are .. rational points on varieties
Tue 15 Oct Daniel Loughran Egyptian fractions and Brauer groups
Tue 22 Oct Fabian Lehmann (UCL) Cohomogeneity one Spin(7)-manifolds
Tue 29 Oct Sam Streeter Hilbert property for double conic bundles and del Pezzo surfaces
Tue 5 Nov Masahiro Nakahara Rational points on K3 surfaces
Tue 12 Nov Tom Ducat (Imperial) A Laurent phenomenon for OGr(5,10) and explicit mirror symmetry for the Fano 3-fold V12
Tue 19 Nov Michael Wong (UCL) Dimer models and Hochschild cohomology

Spring 2019

Tue 12 Feb Felix Schulze (UCL) Uniqueness of asymptotically conical tangent flows
Tue 19 Feb Eleonore Faber (Leeds) A McKay correspondence for reflection groups and some noncommutative desingularizations
Tue 26 Feb Gao Chen (IAS, Princeton) Classification of gravitational instantons
Tue 5 Mar Evgeny Ferapontov (Loughborough) Integrable Lagrangians and Picard modular forms
Tue 12 Mar Jason Lotay (Oxford) Remarks on the self-shrinking Clifford torus
Tue 26 Mar Monica Musso Gluing methods for vortex dynamics in Euler flows
Tue 16 Apr Oleg Karpenkov (Liverpool) Geometry of continued fractions
Tue 7 May Ingo Runkel (Hamburg) Defects and orbifolds in topological field theory
Tue 4 June Christian Mueller (Vienna) Relations between Discrete Differential Geometry and Architectural Geometry

Autumn 2018

Tue 2 Oct Dominic Wallis Disconnecting the G2 moduli space via U(4) coboundary defects
Tue 9 Oct Dorothy Buck Unknotting numbers for prime theta-curves
Tue 16 Oct Matt Gursky (Notre Dame) Obstructions to the existence of conformally compact Einstein manifolds
Tue 23 Oct Samuel Boissiere (Poitiers) Involutions on the Hilbert square of a K3 surface
Tue 30 Oct Thomas Madsen (Aarhus) Toric geometry of exceptional holonomy manifolds
Tue 6 Nov Alastair Craw Birational geometry of symplectic quotient singularities
Tue 13 Nov Josh Cork (Leeds) Symmetric calorons and the rotation map
Tue 20 Nov Gunnar Traustason Powerfully nilpotent groups
Tue 27 Nov James Green Reconstructing the Grassmannian of lines from Kapranov's tilting bundle
Tue 4 Dec Dominic Joyce (Oxford) A Ringel-Hall type construction of vertex algebras
Tue 11 Dec Alix Deruelle (Jussieu) Expanding gradient Ricci solitons coming out of metric cones

Spring 2018

Tue 6 Feb Qiu Yu (CU Hong Kong) Calabi-Yau-X categories of quivers with potential
Tue 13 Feb James Hook Regression and low rank matrix approximation over tropical semirings
Tue 20 Feb Jamie Judd (KCL) Tropical critical points of the superpotential of a flag variety
Tue 27 Feb Danielle O'Donnol (Indiana) Legendrian Graphs
Tue 10 Apr Gunnar Traustason Left 3-Engel elements in groups
Tue 17 Apr Alastair King Cluster exchange groupoids and decorated marked surfaces
Tue 24 Apr Frances Kirwan (Oxford) Moduli spaces of unstable curves
Tue 1 May Viveka Erlandsson (Bristol) Counting curves on surfaces
Tue 8 May Neil Gillespie (Bristol) Equiangular lines in Euclidean space

Autumn 2017

Thu 7 Sept Will Donovan (IPMU, Tokyo) Twists and braids for general threefold flops (slides)
Tue 10 Oct David Calderbank The geometry of hydrodynamic integrability (slides)
Tue 17 Oct Yuguang Zhang (Imperial & Bath) Collapsing of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Tue 24 Oct Charles Cox Degree of commutativity of infinite groups
Tue 31 Oct Tarig Abdelgadir (UNSW, Sydney) Compact moduli of noncommutative cubic surfaces
Tue 14 Nov Gareth Tracey Finite groups: minimal, random and invariable generation (slides)
Thu 16 Nov
COW Seminar
Tom Ducat (Bristol) Constructing Q-Fano 3-folds from cluster algebras
Matthew Dawes (Hannover) Kodaira dimension of the moduli of deformation generalised Kummer varieties
Tue 21 Nov Mark Haskins Metrics with special and exceptional holonomy I.
Tue 28 Nov Mark Haskins Metrics with special and exceptional holonomy II.
Tue 5 Dec Michael Shapiro The Heisenberg group has rational growth in all generating sets

Spring 2017

Tue 31 Jan Dag Madsen (Nord Univ, Norway) Filtrations in abelian categories determined by a tilting object
Tue 7 Feb Balazs Szendroi (Oxford) Euler characteristics of Hilbert schemes of points on singular surfaces
Tue 14 Feb Guiyu Yang (Shandong) Affine quasi-heredity of affine Schur algebras
Tue 21 Feb Gregory Sankaran Type III degenerations of Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces
Tue 28 Feb Yng-Ing Lee (NTU Taipei, visiting Oxford) Singularities of Lagrangian mean curvature flow
Tue 7 Mar Ana Ros Camacho (Utrecht) Matrix factorizations and the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence
Fri 10 Mar Bruce Westbury (Warwick) Introduction to crystals: the tensor product rule
Tue 21 Mar Gregoire Menet (UniCamp) A transversal gluing construction of G2-instantons over twisted connected sums
Tue 28 Mar Montserrat Alsina (UP Catalunya, visiting Bristol) From Shimura curves to Fuchsian tessellations
Tue 4 Apr Jesus Martinez-Garcia (MPIM Bonn) Stability and cscK metrics on polarised del Pezzo surfaces
Tue 25 Apr Johannes Nordstrom The rational homotopy type of closed k-connected manifolds of dimension <= 5k+2
Tue 2 May Konstanze Rietsch (KCL) Grassmannians and mirror symmetry
Thu 11 May Yu Qiu (Hong Kong) Decorated marked surfaces
Tue 23 May David Ssevviiri (Kampala) Completely prime modules and 2-primal modules
Fri 23 June Ross Ogilvie (Sydney) Moduli of harmonic tori in S^3 (slides)

Autumn 2016

Tue 11 Oct Gunnar Traustason On the stabiliser of a subspace series of infinite dimensional vector spaces
Tue 18 Oct David Calderbank Toric contact geometry in arbitrary codimension
Tue 25 Oct Jie Du (UNSW, Sydney) q-Schur algebras and their affine and super counterparts (slides)
Tue 1 Nov Thomas Cottrell Operadic definitions of weak n-categories
Tue 8 Nov Marina Logares (Oxford) Parabolic Higgs bundles and Generalised Parabolic Higgs bundles
Tue 15 Nov Claudio Onorati Moduli spaces of generalised Kummer varieties are not connected
Thu 17 Nov
COW seminar
Nathan Broomhead (Plymouth) Thick subcategories, arc-collections and mutation
Liana Heuberger (London) Del Pezzo surfaces with 1/3(1,1) singularities
Enrico Fatighenti (Warwick Grassmannians and surfaces of general type
Tue 22 Nov Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow) Symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties
Tue 29 Nov David Calderbank Integrability via geometry for second order nonlinear PDEs
Tue 13 Dec Leonard Hardiman What is .. the Mathieu group M24
19- 20 Dec LMS Workshop & LMS Regional Meeting

Spring 2016

Tue 2 Feb Alastair Craw Nef divisors on moduli of complexes with compact support
Tue 9 Feb Nero Budur (Leuven) Cohomology jump loci
Tue 16 Feb Sandro Mattarei (Lincoln) Exponentials of derivations in prime characteristic (slides)
Tue 23 Feb Brent Pym (Oxford) Meromorphic connections and Stokes groupoids (slides)
Tue 1 Mar Xiuping Su Richardson elements in seaweed Lie algebras of classical type
Tue 8 Mar Jorge Bruno Well-quasi-orderings of trees and dendrites
Tue 15 Mar Andrew Swann (Aarhus) Duality and hyperKähler metrics
Tue 5 Apr Paul Cook (Kings College, London) Kac-Moody root systems and M-theory I (slides)
Tue 12 Apr Paul Cook (Kings College, London) Kac-Moody root systems and M-theory II
Tue 19 Apr Philip Boalch (Orsay) Non-perturbative symplectic manifolds and non-commutative algebras (slides)
Tue 26 Apr Matthew Woolf (Edinburgh) t-structures, monads and moduli
Tue 12 July James Edwards Geometric perspectives in string quantisation

Autumn 2015

Tue 29 Sep Oksana Yakimova (Jena) On symmetric invariants of semi-direct products
Tue 6 Oct Ted Jones-Healey What is .. a vertex algebra
Tue 13 Oct Leonard Hardiman What is .. the Littelmann path model
Tue 20 Oct Alastair King What is .. the preprojective algebra
Tue 27 Oct Derek Harland (Leeds) Deformations of nearly Kaehler instantons
Tue 3 Nov Veronique Fischer Some questions in analysis on Lie groups
Tue 17 Nov Charlie Beil (Bristol) Noncommutative resolutions of nonnoetherian singularities and the nature of time
Tue 24 Nov Martin Kalck (Edinburgh) Matrix factorisations: Knörrer’s periodicity and beyond
Tue 8 Dec Marta Mazzocco (Loughborough) Quantum cluster algebras from geometry (slides)

Spring 2015

Tue 3 Feb Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    Discrete line complexes and integrable evolution of minors (slides)
Tue 10 Feb Matthew Pressland    Cluster structures from internally 3CY algebras
Tue 24 Feb Alastair King    Dimer models and cluster categories
Tue 3 Mar Matthias Ohst (Cambridge)    Deformations of compact Cayley submanifolds with boundary
Tue 10 Mar Joe Karmazyn (Edinburgh)    Moduli spaces and the minimal model program
Tue 17 Mar Ian Marshall (Moscow)   A new model in the Calogero-Ruijsenaars family (slides)
Fri 20 Mar Christina Tonnesen-Friedman (Union College, Schenectady)    Sasaki join and admissible Kahler constructions (slides)
Tue 24 Mar Eli Liflyand (Bar-Ilan)    Fourier transform vs. Hilbert transform
Tue 14 Apr Tony Dooley    Heisenberg-type groups and Iwasawa decompositions I
Tue 21 Apr Tony Dooley    Heisenberg-type groups and Iwasawa decomposition II
Tue 28 Apr Tony Dooley    A counterexample to a conjecture of Lichnerowicz
Tue 7 July Markus Perling (Bielefeld)    Exceptional collections and the Markov equation
Tue 21 July Colin Rogers (UNSW, Sydney)    Stefan-type moving boundary problem for the Dymequation and its reciprocals (slides)

Autumn 2014

Tue 7 Oct Ziyu Zhang   Holomorphic symplectic manifolds among Bridgeland moduli spaces
Tue 14 Oct Manfred Lehn (Mainz)    Twisted cubics on cubic fourfolds
Tue 21 Oct Boris Kruglikov (Tromsø)    Integrability of dispersionless PDEs via Einstein-Weyl and self-dual geometry (slides)
Tue 28 Oct Geoff Smith    Some results in plane and projective geometry
Tue 4 Nov Yang-Hui He (City)    Eta Products, BPS States and K3 Surfaces (slides)
Tue 11 Nov Bruce Westbury (Warwick)    On the energy statistic and the cyclic action on invariant tensors (slides)
Tue 18 Nov Gunnar Traustason    Normal right Engel subgroups of compact Hausdorff groups
Tue 25 Nov Sebastian Goette (Freiburg)    Analytic invariants of G_2-manifolds (boards L, R )
Tue 2 Dec Fran Burstall    Flag manifolds and quadratic relations (after Kostant)
Tue 9 Dec David Calderbank    Parabolic subalgebras and Lie theory from a buildings perspective

Spring 2014

Tue 18 Feb Fran Burstall    Semi-discrete isothermic surfaces
Tue 25 Feb Nathan Prabhu-Naik    Toric Fano varieties and tilting bundles
Tue 4 Mar Oscar Garcia-Prada (ICMAT, Madrid)    Higgs bundles and Hermitian symmetric spaces
Thu 6 Mar Matthew Randall (Hannover)    Local obstructions to projective surfaces admitting a skew-symmetric Ricci tensor
Thu 13 Mar Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield)    Quadratic differentials as stability conditions
Thu 20 Mar Ed Segal (Imperial)    Derived autoequivalences and FI parameter spaces
Tue 25 Mar İlke Çanakçı (Leicester)    On surface cluster algebras: snake and band graph calculus (slides)
Tue 1 Apr Xiuping Su    Zero-Schur algebras
Tue 8 Apr Kathryn Hare (Waterloo)    Convolutions of orbital measures on Lie groups and algebras
Tue 15 Apr Lisa Lamberti (Oxford)    Chebyshev polynomials and tensor diagrams
Tue 6 May Karim Anaya-Izquierdo    An overview of the use of geometry in statistics

Autumn 2013

Tue 8 Oct Mark Craddock (Sydney)    Integrating Lie Symmetries
Tue 15 Oct Gunnar Traustason    Left Engel elements in groups
Tue 22 Oct Tom Coates (Imperial)    Mirror Symmetry and 3-Dimensional Fano Manifolds
Tue 29 Oct Johannes Nordstrom    Introduction to G2 geometry
Tue 5 Nov Wolfgang Schief (UNSW Sydney & TU Berlin)    Discrete projective minimal surfaces
Tue 12 Nov Johannes Nordstrom    A new invariant of G2 structures
Tue 19 Nov Alex Collins    The graded McKay correspondence and categories of equivariant matrix factorisations
Tue 26 Nov Diarmuid Crowley (Bonn)    The topology of Stein fillable contact manifolds in higher dimensions
Thu 5 Dec
COW seminar
Al Kasprzyk (London)    Mutations, Minkowski polynomials, and Fano manifolds
Giulio Codogni (Cambridge)    Satake compactifications, lattices and the Schottky problem

Spring 2013

Tue 5 Feb Jesse Kass (Hannover)    How to make Poincare' duality into a holomorphic map
Tue 12 Feb Michael Cowling (UNSW, Sydney)    Affine geometry of Lie groups
Tue 19 Feb Alastair Craw    Reid's recipe I : the G-Hilbert scheme
Tue 26 Feb Alastair Craw    Reid's recipe II : consistent dimer models
Tue 5 Mar Alastair King    Grassmannian cluster categories
Tue 12 Mar Gunnar Traustason    Symplectic alternating algebras revisited
Tue 9 Apr Matthew Pressland    Labelled seeds and mutation groups
Tue 16 Apr Tony Dooley    The Kirillov orbit method and orbital convolutions for compact Lie groups and symmetric spaces
Tue 23 Apr Jacob Bernstein (Cambridge)    A curious variational property of smooth minimal surfaces
Tue 30 Apr Ziyu Zhang    Some aspects of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces
Tue 7 May David Calderbank    What is .. a parabolic building

Autumn 2012

Tue 9 Oct David Calderbank    Projective parabolic geometries I
Tue 16 Oct David Calderbank    Projective parabolic geometries II
Tue 23 Oct Yu Qiu (Sherbrooke)    Representations of the braid group for quivers with potential from surfaces
Tue 30 Oct Tony Dooley    Non-commutative harmonic analysis
Tue 6 Nov Sean Paul (Wisconsin, visiting IHP, Paris)    A numerical criterion for lower bounds on K-energy maps (slides)
Tue 13 Nov Tony Dooley    The Kirillov orbit method
Tue 20 Nov Mason Pember    Weierstrass representations and creating CMC surfaces with holes
Tue 27 Nov Alastair King    Hermite reciprocity revisited
Fri 7 Dec Charlie Beil (Stony Brook)    Morita equivalences from Higgsing toric superpotential algebras
Tue 11 Dec David Calderbank    Projective parabolic geometries revisited

Spring 2012

Tue 14 Feb Wayne Rossman (Kobe)    Global properties of surfaces, using various Weierstrass representations
Tue 21 Feb Tom Sutherland (Oxford)    Stability conditions for Painleve quivers
Tue 28 Feb Pawel Borowka    Generalised Humbert surfaces
Tue 6 Mar Matthew Pressland    The structure theorem in tropical geometry
Tue 13 Mar Diane Maclagan (Warwick)    A tropical approach to effective cones
Tue 20 Mar Gunnar Traustason    Symplectic alternating algebras
Tue 27 Mar Yu Qiu    Orientations of associahedra
Tue 17 Apr Fran Burstall    Classical projective geometry and harmonic maps
Fri 20 Apr Andre Neves (Imperial)    Min-Max Theory and the Willmore conjecture (PDE Seminar)
Tue 24 Apr Guiyu Yang    Structure constants of quantum Schur algebras
Tue 1 May David Calderbank    Groups, graphs and geometries

Autumn 2011

Tue 18 Oct David Calderbank    Extremal Kahler metrics and the ambitoric geometry of convex quadrilaterals I
Tue 25 Oct David Calderbank    Extremal Kahler metrics and the ambitoric geometry of convex quadrilaterals II
Tue 1 Nov Daniel Clarke    Moebius-flat submanifolds I
Tue 8 Nov Yu Qiu    Quantum dilogarithm identities for Dynkin quivers
Tue 15 Nov Jon Woolf (Liverpool)    Stability conditions and tilting
Tue 22 Nov Fran Burstall    Discrete connections in projective geometry
Tue 29 Nov Fran Burstall    Discrete connections in conformal geometry
Tue 6 Dec Daniel Clarke    Moebius-flat submanifolds II
Tue 13 Dec Gregory Sankaran    Moduli of O'Grady's 10-dimensional hyperkahler manifolds

Spring 2011

Tue 8 Feb Chris Williams    Shells, vaults, nets and sails: structural implications of geometry
Tue 15 Feb Johannes Zimmer    A geometric approach to the Hamiltonian boundary value problem: existence, approximation and applications
Tue 22 Feb Daniel Clarke    Transformations of surfaces in R-spaces
Wed 2 Mar Martin Markl (Charles Univ, Prague)    Deformations of algebras and their diagrams
Tue 8 Mar Gunnar Traustason    Multiplication in n dimensions: a farmers approach to a theorem of Hurwitz
Tue 15 Mar Pawel Borowka    What is .. an abelian surface
Tue 29 Mar Lev Birbrair (Ceara, Brazil)    Resonance sequences in Number Theory and in Differential Equations
Tue 5 Apr Katrin Leschke (Leicester)    Darboux transforms, spectral curve and simple factor dressing
Tue 12 Apr Daniel Clarke    Transformations of discrete surfaces in R-spaces
Tue 19 Apr Qiu Yu    The exchange graphs of acyclic Calabi-Yau categories

Autumn 2010

Tue 12 Oct Alastair King    What is .. an orbifold
Wed 27 Oct Amihay Hanany (Imperial)    Counting abelian orbifolds
Tue 2 Nov Alastair King    A conformal Desargues Theorem
Tue 9 Nov Nicolai Vorobjov    Semi-monotone sets
Tue 16 Nov Wayne Rossman (Kobe)    Lie sphere geometry and Omega surfaces I
Thu 18 Nov
COW seminar
Kai Behrend (Vancouver)    The derived geometry of the moduli space of sheaves on a Calabi-Yau threefold
Anca Mustata (Cork)    A canonical etale lift for local embeddings
Tue 23 Nov Wayne Rossman (Kobe)    Lie sphere geometry and Omega surfaces II
Tue 30 Nov Arjun Malhotra (Sheffield)    The positive scalar curvature problem
Tue 7 Dec David Calderbank    Omega surfaces and Guichard surfaces
Tue 14 Dec Robert Marsh (Leeds)    Cluster mutation-periodic quivers and associated Laurent sequences

Spring 2010

Tue 9 Feb Harry Braden (Edinburgh)    Monopoles, Periods and Problems (slides)
Tue 16 Feb Gregory Sankaran    Commutators in orthogonal groups
Tue 23 Feb Fran Burstall    Omega surfaces
Tue 2 Mar Andrew Hone (Kent)    The Somos Sequence Saga
Tue 9 Mar Michael Vaughan-Lee (Oxford)    Some interesting Engel groups
Tue 16 Mar Bernt Jensen    Orbits of the automorphism group of projective representations of Dynkin quivers
Tue 23 Mar Peter Crosby    Right Engel subgroups
Tue 20 Apr Michael Wemyss (Oxford)    Some mutations of quivers in the MMP
Tue 27 Apr David Calderbank    Generalized geometries and representation theory
Tue 6 Jul Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    Euler lines, nine-point circles and integrable discretisation of surfaces (slides)

Autumn 2009

Tue 13 Oct Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Moebius geometry of Euclidean triangles
Tue 20 Oct Fran Burstall    What is .. a moment map
Tue 27 Oct Mario Garcia-Fernandez (Madrid/Imperial)    Coupled equations for Kahler metrics and Yang-Mills connections (slides)
Tue 3 Nov David Calderbank    What is .. special about 6 and 8
Tue 10 Nov Wolfgang Schief (TU-Berlin)    Discrete Laplace-Darboux sequences, Menelaus' theorem and the pentagram map (slides)
Tue 17 Nov Alastair King    Discrete differential algebra
Tue 24 Nov Yuri Bazlov    Reflection groups and q-reflection groups (slides)
Tue 1 Dec Alastair King    Discrete differential algebra II: integrability and Laplace transforms
Tue 15 Dec Andrew Macpherson    Geometric configurations from representation theory

Spring 2009

Tue 10 Feb Ian Marshall (Loughborough)    Poisson properties of the Schodinger equation (slides)
Tue 17 Feb Lars Schafer (Hannover)    Differential geometric aspects of tt*-geometry
Tue 24 Feb Wolfgang Schief (TU Berlin)    Geometric interpretation of the quaternionic dSKP equation
Wed 25 Feb Bernt Jensen (Jussieu)    Degenerations for derived categories
Tue 3 Mar David Calderbank    Supersymmetry for beginners III: physics and representation theory
Tue 10 Mar David Calderbank    Supersymmetry for beginners IV: supermultiplets for super Poincare algebras
Tue 17 Mar Jonathan Evans (Cambridge)    Supersymmetry and division algebras
Tue 24 Mar David Calderbank    Supersymmetry for beginners V: enhancing supersymmetry
Tue 21 April Alastair King    What is .. a Pasquier model
Tue 28 April Antal Jarai (Bath)    What is .. a Sandpile model
Thu 21 May Phil Boalch (ENS, Paris)    Hyperkahler moduli spaces of irregular connections and Kac-Moody root systems

Autumn 2008

Thu 28 Aug Rafael Herrera (CIMAT, Guanajuato)    Almost quaternionic manifolds and rigidity
Tue 2 Sep Karin Baur (ETH, Zurich)    Modelling parabolic orbits via Delta-filtered modules
Tue 7 Oct Alastair King    What is .. the Freudenthal Magic Square I
Tue 14 Oct Alastair King    What is .. the Freudenthal Magic Square II
Tue 21 Oct Xiu-ping Su    Seaweed Lie algebras and representations of quivers I
Tue 28 Oct Xiu-ping Su    Seaweed Lie algebras and representations of quivers II
Tue 4 Nov Xiu-ping Su    Seaweed Lie algebras and representations of quivers III
Tue 11 Nov Alastair King    What is .. triality
Tue 18 Nov Fran Burstall    Supersymmetry for beginners I
Tue 25 Nov Fran Burstall    Supersymmetry for beginners II
Tue 2 Dec Nathan Broomhead    Dimers, quivers and Calabi-Yau algebras
Tue 9 Dec Kazushi Ueda (Osaka & Oxford)    Dimers, coamoebas and homological mirror symmetry

Spring 2008

Tue 5 Feb Alastair King    Exceptional curves on del Pezzo surfaces
Tue 12 Feb John Power (Comp Sci)    Why 2-categories?
Tue 19 Feb David Calderbank    Kac-Moody parabolics and E-theory I
Tue 26 Feb David Calderbank    Kac-Moody parabolics and E-theory II
Tue 4 Mar Gunnar Traustason    Groups that are pairwise nilpotent
Tue 11 Mar Gregory Sankaran    Moduli of irreducible symplectic manifolds
Tue 15 Apr Raf Bocklandt (Antwerp)    Toric Calabi-Yau algebras and tilings
Tue 22 Apr Ulrich Pinkall (TU-Berlin)    Integrable systems for real time simulation of fluid flow
Tue 29 Apr Chris Hull (Imperial)    Generalised geometry for M-theory
Fri 23 May Dan Waldram (Imperial)    Supergravity, extended generalised geometry and E7
Wed 9 Jul Johannes Engel (Wuppertal)    Non-commutative Hilbert schemes and quiver algebras I
Thu 10 Jul Johannes Engel (Wuppertal)    Non-commutative Hilbert schemes and quiver algebras II

Autumn 2007

Tue 9 Oct Alastair King    What is .. a prehomogeneous vector space
Tue 16 Oct Alastair King    Exceptional prehomogeneous vector spaces
Tue 23 Oct David Calderbank    Projective surfaces, duality and self-dual 4-manifolds
Tue 30 Oct Fran Burstall    Prehomogeneous vector spaces and parabolic subalgebras
Tue 6 Nov Bernd Sing    Model sets and quasicrystals
Tue 13 Nov Gunnar Traustason    Powerful 2-Engel groups and symplectic alternating algebras I
Tue 20 Nov Will Turner (Oxford) Cubist manifolds
Tue 27 Nov Gunnar Traustason    Symplectic alternating algebras II
Tue 4 Dec Fran Burstall    Jordan algebras and symmetric spaces
Tue 11 Dec Dirk Frettloeh (Bielefeld)    The lonely vertex problem

Spring 2007

Tue 6 Feb Fran Burstall    The 38th proof of Bianchi permutability of Darboux transforms
Tue 13 Feb Fran Burstall    Minimal surfaces and twistor fibrations
Tue 20 Feb Daniel Fox (UC Irvine & Oxford)    A Backlund transformation that arises from a twistor fibration
Tue 27 Feb Martin Svensson (Odense)    Harmonic morphisms and twistor lifts
Tue 6 Mar Alastair King    Stability conditions: an introduction
Thu 8 Mar Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield)    Stability conditions and Hall algebras
Tue 13 Mar Andreas Kyprianou    Brownian motion
Tue 20 Mar Nadia Sidorova    Surface measures on paths in an embedded Riemannian manifold
Tue 17 Apr Alastair King    Rational Conformal Field Theory and almost Koszul algebras
Thu 24 May Rob Scheichl    Numerical Approximation of Differential Operators and the De Rham Complex

Autumn 2006

Tue 17 Oct Alastair King    Introduction to dimers
Tue 24 Oct Fran Burstall    Discrete Moutard equations and flat connections I
Tue 31 Oct Fran Burstall    Discrete Moutard equations and flat connections II
Tue 7 Nov Gunnar Traustason    Engel groups
Tue 14 Nov Geoff Smith    The envelope of the Droz-Farny line
Tue 21 Nov Gregory Sankaran    Lattices, volumes and modular forms I
Tue 28 Nov Gregory Sankaran    Lattices, volumes and modular forms II
Tue 5 Dec Fran Burstall    Lines and spheres: conformal geometry via projective geometry

Spring 2006

Tue 7 Feb Barrie Cooper    The Temperley-Lieb category I
Tue 14 Feb Barrie Cooper    The Temperley-Lieb category II
Tue 21 Feb Luis Fernandez    Generalized complex structures I
Tue 28 Feb Luis Fernandez    Generalized complex structures II
Tue 7 Mar Luis Fernandez    Generalized complex structures III
Tue 14 Mar Fran Burstall    More on Generalized complex structures I
Tue 21 Mar Fran Burstall    More on Generalized complex structures II
Tue 28 Mar Fran Burstall    More on Generalized complex structures III
Tue 2 May Roger Moser    Energy concentrations and the Willmore functional
Tue 9 May Geoff Smith    Hagge Circles and Isogonal Conjugation
Tue 15 May Balazs Szendroi (Oxford)    Topological partition functions of local Calabi-Yau threefolds
Wed 28 June Amihay Hanany (MIT)    Tilings, dimers and quiver gauge theories

Autumn 2005

Tue 4 Oct Dima Vassiliev    A teleparallel interpretation of Weyl's equation
Tue 11 Oct Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    On conformally flat hypersurfaces
Tue 18 Oct Fran Burstall    Transformations of Willmore surfaces I
Tue 25 Oct Fran Burstall    Transformations of Willmore surfaces II
Tue 25 Oct Barrie Cooper    Temperley-Lieb and Clifford algebra representations in the Ising model
Tue 1 Nov Marco Lo Giudice    The Kodaira-Spencer map
Tue 8 Nov Luis Fernandez    The dimension of the set of harmonic maps from the 2-sphere to the m-sphere, I
Tue 15 Nov Luis Fernandez    The dimension of the set of harmonic maps from the 2-sphere to the m-sphere, II
Tue 22 Nov Geoff Smith    Triple perspective and porisms
Tue 29 Nov Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Discrete special isothermic surfaces
Tue 6 Dec Susana Santos    Special isothermic surfaces of type n
Tue 6 Dec Nathan Broomhead    Cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties

Spring 2005

Tue 1 Mar Vedad Pasic    PP-waves with torsion in metric-affine gravity
Tue 8 Mar Martin Kilian    What is .. a Riemann-Hilbert problem
Tue 15 Mar Geoff Smith    Centres of triangles
Tue 19 Apr Barrie Cooper    What is .. the Ising model
Tue 26 Apr Alastair King    What is .. a moduli space I
Tue 3 May Alastair King    What is .. a moduli space II
Tue 10 May Neil Donaldson    Isothermic submanifolds
Tue 17 May Alastair Craw (Stony Brook)    New GIT constructions of toric varieties
Mon 23 May Marco Lo Giudice    What is .. a scheme
Tue 31 May Alastair King    What is .. a variety I
Wed 1 Jun Alastair King    What is .. a variety II

Autumn 2004

Thu 9 Sept Fran Burstall    Isothermic surfaces I
Thu 16 Sept Fran Burstall    Isothermic surfaces II
Wed 22 Sept Fran Burstall    Isothermic surfaces III
Thu 7 Oct Fran Burstall    Isothermic surfaces IV
Tue 12 Oct Barrie Cooper    Abelian categories
Tue 19 Oct Barrie Cooper    Derived categories
Tue 26 Oct Al Kasprzyk    Toric varieties and plausible polytopes
Tue 2 Nov Al Kasprzyk    Line bundles on toric varieties
Tue 9 Nov Barrie Cooper    Triangulated categories
Tue 16 Nov Alastair King    Clifford configurations and Coxeter groups
Tue 23 Nov Tim Hoffmann (Berlin/Munich)    Integrable circle patterns
Tue 30 Nov Fran Burstall    Isothermic surfaces: classical and post-modern
Tue 7 Dec Susana Santos    Special isothermic surfaces
Tue 14 Dec Neil Donaldson    Line congruences and invariant forms

Spring 2004

Tue 20 Jan Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    Integrable discretization of harmonic maps via Backlund transformations
Tue 10 Feb Neil Donaldson    Introduction to integrable systems on quad graphs
Tue 17 Feb Discussion    Integrable systems on quad graphs
Tue 2 Mar Alastair King    Cross ratios and multiratios I
Tue 9 Mar Alastair King    Cross ratios and multiratios II
Tue 16 Mar Discussion    Integrable systems on quad graphs
Tue 23 Mar Discussion    Integrable systems on quad graphs
Tue 20 Apr Martin Kilian    Equivariant harmonic maps and twizzlers
Tue 27 Apr Neil Donaldson    Backlund-type transforms of p-flat maps I
Tue 4 May Neil Donaldson    Backlund-type transforms of p-flat maps II
Tue 11 May Barrie Cooper    McKay matrices, recurrence relations and Koszul duality
Tue 18 May Christoph Bohle (Berlin)    Conformal tori in S^4 and integrable systems
Thu 27 May Vedad Pasic    Quadratic metric-affine gravity - a new solution?

Autumn 2003

Mon 20 Oct Martin Kilian    Mathieu's equation & CMC cylinders
Thu 6 Nov Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Isothermic surfaces I
Thu 13 Nov Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Isothermic surfaces II
Thu 20 Nov Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Isothermic surfaces III
Thu 27 Nov Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Calapso and Darboux transformations
Thu 4 Dec Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Discrete isothermic surfaces I
Thu 11 Dec Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Discrete isothermic surfaces II
Thu 18 Dec Udo Hertrich-Jeromin    Discrete isothermic surfaces III

Spring 2003

Wed 5 Feb Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    On the unification of integrable discrete surfaces
Wed 12 Feb Fran Burstall    Bianchi permutability of Ribaucour transforms via Lie sphere geometry
Wed 19 Feb Alastair King    Pencils and strings: Vafa's mysterious duality
Wed 26 Feb Martin Kilian    Dressing and monodromy
Wed 5 Mar Luis Alvarez-Consul    Anomalies in gauge theory
Wed 19 Mar Fran Burstall    Clifford algebras and conformal geometry
Wed 26 Mar Tim Logvinenko    G-constellations and deformations of the generic orbit
Wed 7 May Alastair King    A-infinity Koszul complex I
Wed 14 May Katrin Wendland (Warwick)    CFT on K3: The Fermat quartic
Wed 21 May Alastair King    A-infinity Koszul complex II

Autumn 2002

Tue 1 Oct Geoff Smith    Triangle theorems via the method of statics
Tue 8 Oct Alastair King    Hermite reciprocity
Thu 17 Oct Andrew Dancer (Oxford)    Einstein metrics and Diophantine equations
Tue 22 Oct Alastair King    Strange duality and resultants
Tue 29 Oct Luis Alvarez-Consul    A new look at moduli of sheaves I
Tue 12 Nov Alastair King    What is .. the derived category?
Thu 14 Nov
COW seminar
Kevin Costello (Cambridge)    Hilbert schemes, Hecke algebras and the Calogero-Sutherland system
Yujiro Kawamata (Tokyo)    Representing the equivalence as a Fourier-Mukai functor
Tue 19 Nov Martin Kilian    CMC trinoids and the hypergeometric equation
Tue 26 Nov Jonathan Evans (Cambridge)    From PCM to KdV and back
Tue 3 Dec Luis Alvarez-Consul    A new look at moduli of sheaves II
Tue 10 Dec Fran Burstall    Baecklund transformations according to Baecklund I
Thu 12 Dec Fran Burstall    Baecklund transformations according to Baecklund II
Tue 17 Dec David Calderbank (Edinburgh)    Toric self-dual Einstein metrics

Spring 2002

Wed 16 Jan Harry Braden (Edinburgh)    Moduli spaces and many-body integrable systems
Wed 16 Jan Laurent Meersseman (Rennes)    New non-Kaehler complex manifolds
Tue 12 Feb Luis Alvarez-Consul    Dimensional reduction and quiver bundles I
Tue 19 Feb Luis Alvarez-Consul    Dimensional reduction and quiver bundles II
Tue 26 Feb Martin Kilian    Constant mean curvature surfaces I
Tue 5 Mar Martin Kilian    Constant mean curvature surfaces II
Tue 12 Mar Martin Kilian    Constant mean curvature surfaces III
Tue 19 Mar Luis Alvarez-Consul    Reductions of the anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equations to 2 dimensions
Tue 23 Apr Frederic Schuller (Cambridge)    Pseudo-complex manifolds in relativity
Tue 30 Apr Alastair King    A hitch-hiker's guide to particles and strings I: some combinatorics of the Standard Model
Tue 7 May Colin Ingalls (New Brunswick & Cambridge)    Noncommutative algebraic surfaces
Tue 14 May Alastair King    A hitch-hiker's guide to particles and strings II: Dynkin diagrams and Del Pezzo surfaces
Tue 21 May Akira Ishii (Kyoto & Cambridge)    The McKay correspondence and resolutions of a quotient singularity
Tue 28 May Helmut Hofer (Courant Institute)    Holomorphic curves and dynamics in (real) dimension three

Autumn 2001

Thu 4 Oct Fran Burstall    Solitons and symmetry I
Thu 18 Oct Iskandar Taimanov (Novosibirsk)    The inverse scattering method and Willmore spheres
Thu 25 Oct Fran Burstall    Solitons and symmetry II
Thu 25 Oct
COW seminar
Aidan Schofield (Bristol)    Mukai equivalence for curves
Alessio Corti (Cambridge)    3-fold flips after Shokurov
Thu 1 Nov Fran Burstall    Solitons and symmetry III
Thu 15 Nov Alastair King    Solitons and symmetry IV: the KP hierarchy
Thu 22 Nov Alastair King    Solitons and symmetry V: Hirota's method
Thu 29 Nov Alastair King    Solitons and symmetry VI: vertex operators
Thu 13 Dec Alastair King    Solitons and symmetry VII: the bilinear identity
Thu 20 Dec Alastair King    Solitons and symmetry VIII: loose ends

Spring 2001

Thu 8 Feb Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    Introduction to integrable difference geometry I
Thu 15 Feb Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    Introduction to integrable difference geometry II
Thu 22 Feb Wolfgang Schief (UNSW, Sydney)    Introduction to integrable difference geometry III
Thu 8 Mar Fran Burstall    Grassmannians for beginners I
Thu 15 Mar Fran Burstall    Grassmannians for beginners II
Thu 22 Mar Alastair King    Moduli of quiver representations I
Thu 29 Mar Alastair King    Moduli of quiver representations II
Thu 26 Apr Fran Burstall    Unfashionable geometries: Conformal geometry I
Thu 3 May Fran Burstall    Unfashionable geometries: Conformal geometry II
Thu 10 May Fran Burstall    Unfashionable geometries: Lie Sphere geometry I
Thu 17 May Fran Burstall    Unfashionable geometries: Lie Sphere geometry II

Autumn 2000

Tue 17 Oct Dima Vassiliev    An affine field model for the neutrino
Tue 24 Oct Raphael Rouquier (Paris)    Braid groups and monodromy representations
Tue 14 Nov Konstanze Rietsch (Cambridge)    Total positivity and some semialgebraic varieties with cell decompositions
Tue 5 Dec Dan Richardson    Geometry of numbers and the uniformity conjecture
Tue 19 Dec Bruce Westbury (Warwick)    The exceptional series of Lie groups

Spring 2000

Wed 16 Feb Alastair King   A mystery in the homology of free 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras I
Wed 1 Mar Alastair King   A mystery in the homology of free 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras II
Wed 8 Mar Nicolai Vorobjov   Cylindrical decompositions of subanalytic sets I
Wed 15 Mar Rognvaldur Moller (Oxford)   Structure theory of totally disconnected groups via graphs and permutations
Wed 22 Mar Nicolai Vorobjov   Cylindrical decompositions of subanalytic sets II
Wed 29 Mar David Calderbank (Edinburgh)   Curved parabolic geometries and differential invariants
Wed 5 Apr Geoff Smith   Free groups and orderings
Wed 10 May Alastair King   The McKay correspondence
Wed 24 May Edward Fraenkel   Approximating boundaries of class C1 and C2, I
Wed 31 May Edward Fraenkel   Approximating boundaries of class C1 and C2, II
Wed 7 June Dan Richardson   The Wilkie-Charbonnel theorem of the complement

Alastair King   --   Mathematical Sciences   --   University of Bath Updated 11 Sep 2024