Jon du Bois

Senior Lecturer (Ass, Prof.)

Journal papers show/hide

C.S. Beaverstock, M.I. Friswell, S. Adhikari, T.S. Richardson and J.L. du Bois (2015), "Automatic mode tracking for flight dynamic analysis using a spanning algorithm ", Aerospace Science and Technology , pp. - .
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P.R. Thomas, U. Bhandari, S. Bullock, T.S. Richardson and J.L. du Bois (2014), "Advances in air to air refuelling ", Progress in Aerospace Sciences , 71, pp. 14 - 35.
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C. Martínez, T. Richardson, P. Thomas, J.L. du Bois and P. Campoy (2013), "A vision-based strategy for autonomous aerial refueling tasks", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(8), , pp. 876–895.
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S. Adhikari, L. Pastur, A. Lytova and J.L. du Bois (2012), "Eigenvalue density of linear stochastic dynamical systems: A random matrix approach", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5), , pp. 1042–1058.
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B. Titurus, J.L. du Bois and N. Lieven (2012), "Modeling and Testing of a Semiactive Hydraulic Damper in Periodic Working Regimes", AIAA Journal, 50(4), , pp. 844–854.
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J.L. du Bois, S. Adhikari and N.A.J. Lieven (2011), "On the Quantification of Eigenvalue Curve Veering: A Veering Index", J. Appl. Mech., 78(4), , pp. 041007.
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B. Titurus, J.L. du Bois, N. Lieven and R. Hansford (2010), "A method for the identification of hydraulic damper characteristics from steady velocity inputs", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 24(8), , pp. 2868–2887.
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J.L. du Bois, S. Adhikari and N.A.J. Lieven (2009), "Eigenvalue curve veering in stressed structures: An experimental study", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 322(4-5), , pp. 1117–1124.
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J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2008), "Error Analysis in Trifilar Inertia Measurements", Experimental Mechanics, 49(4), , pp. 533–540.
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D.S. McGrath, Z. Daniil, P. Foley, J.L. du Bois, P.A. Lympany, P. Cullinan and R.M. du Bois (2000), "Epidemiology of familial sarcoidosis in the UK", Thorax, 55(9), , pp. 751–754.
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Conference proceedings show/hide

L. Barbini, M.O.T. Cole, A.J. Hillis and J.L. du Bois (2015), "WEAK SIGNAL DETECTION BASED ON TWO DIMENSIONAL STOCHASTIC RESONANCE", EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015.
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M. Bolien, P. Iravani and J.L. du Bois (2015), "Robotic Pseudo-Dynamic Testing (RPsDT) of Contact-Impact Scenarios", TAROS, Liverpool, UK, 2015.
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J.L. du Bois (2014), "A Regenerative Approach to Energy Efficient Hydraulic Vibration Control", Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Springer International Publishing, Orlando, FL, pp. 211-220.

J.L. du Bois (2014), "A Strategy for Improving Performance in Real Time Hybrid Testing", Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Springer International Publishing, Orlando, FL, pp. 219-225.

U. Bhandari, P.R. Thomas, T.S. Richardson and J.L. du Bois (2013), "Bow Wave Effect in Probe and Drogue Aerial Refuelling", Guidance, Navigation, and Control and Co-located Conferences, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Boston, MA, 2013, pp. –.

P. Thomas, T. Richardson and J.L. du Bois (2013), "Robotic Relative Motion Reproduction for Air to Air Refuelling Simulation", 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, Munich, Germany.
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J. du Bois, P. Thomas and T. Richardson (2012), "Control methodologies for relative motion reproduction in a robotic hardware in the loop simulation of aerial refuelling", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
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J. du Bois, P. Thomas and T. Richardson (2012), "Development of a relative motion facility for simulations of autonomous air to air refuelling", Aerospace Conference, 2012 IEEE, Big Sky, MT, pp. 1-12.

J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2012), "A tensioned cable as an adaptive tuned vibration absorber for response suppression in rotorcraft", ISMA 2012 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium.
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J.L. du Bois, P. Newell, S. Bullock, P. Thomas and T. Richardson (2012), "Vision based closed-loop control systems for satellite rendezvous with model-in-the-loop validation and testing", 23rd International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Pasadena, CA.
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J. du Bois, B. Titurus and N. Lieven (2010), "Transfer Dynamics Cancellation in Real-Time Dynamic Substructuring", ISMA2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 1891–1914.
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B. Titurus, J. du Bois, N.A. Lieven and R. Hansford (2010), "Model uncertainty in identification of the static characteristics of the hydraulic damper", Tenth International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton, UK.
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J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2009), "Localisation and Curve Veering: A Different Perspective on Modal Interactions", Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, FL.
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J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2009), "A New Approach to Model Updating in Symmetric Structures", Proceedings of the 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
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J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2009), "On the Role of Modal Coupling in Model Updating", Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, FL.
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J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2009), "Towards a Wireless Powering and Interrogation Strategy for Rotorcraft Health Monitoring", Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, FL.
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J.L. du Bois, S. Adhikari and N.A.J. Lieven (2007), "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Mode Veering in a Stressed Structure", Proceedings of the 25th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, FL, XXV, pp. 233.
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J.L. du Bois, N.A.J. Lieven and S. Adhikari (2007), "Adaptive Passive Control of Dynamic Response Through Structural Loading", Proceedings of the 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Waikiki, HI.
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PhD thesis

du Bois, Jonathan Luke, Adaptive Fuselage Response Suppression, PhD dissertation, University of Bristol, UK, 2009
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