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Integrative Think Tank 5

Chemical Dispersion and Effectiveness

SAMBa welcomes you to the webpage for ITT5, titled "chemical dispersion and effectiveness". This will be updated frequently throughout the week to contain all of the presentations given by industrial partners, academics and students. It will also have a digital copy of the handbook and any other relevant information. We hope that you enjoy the week and will join us for further ITT events in the future.

Key Information

Dates: Monday 30 January - Friday 3 February
Loaction: Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, BA1 2HN
Industrial Partners: Syngenta and Roche

ITT Relevant ./Resources

Here is a digital copy of the ITT5 booklet


Colour code:

Green: Syngenta Presentation.
Blue: Roche Presentation.
Red: Academic Presentation.
Purple: SAMBa Student Presentation

Monday 30th January

Morning Session
Biomarkers - Chris Harbron (here)
First In Human Trials - Alun Bedding (here)
Ranking Chemicals Based On Heterogeneous Data - Kim Travis (here)
Statistical Problems in Syngenta - Vangelis Evangelou (here) and a relevant paper about chemical space (here)
Afternoon Session
Interim Monitoring Of Clinical Trials - Chris Jennison (here)
Adaptive Enrichment Clinical Trials - Thomas Burnett (here) and a printer friendly version (here)

Tuesday 31st January

Seed Shaking - Federica Cattani (here)
Tumour Size Dynamics - Francois Mercier (Delivered by Chris Harbron and Alun Bedding) (here)
Mathematical Models For Dermal Absorption - Jane White (here) and a relevant paper here

Wednesday 1st February

Toxicity and Chemical Space - Tsoogii and Tom (here)
Biomarkers - Elizabeth (here)
Missing Data With Chemistry - Malena and Dan (here)
Tumour Growth Modelling - Emiko and Nadeen (here)
First in Human Trials - Lizzi (here)
Page Ranking Model - Uziel and Amélie (here)
Dermal Absorption - Ben (here)

Thursday 2nd February

Hybrid Seed Coating - Matthias (here) and the video (here)
Fluids Seed Coating - Matt L (here)

Friday 3rd February

Dermal Absorption - Cameron (here)
Toxicity and Chemical Space - Tom and Tsoogii (here) and (here)
Hybrid Seed Coating - John (here) and two videos (here), (here)
Page Ranking Model - Uziel (here)
Fluids Seed Coating - Matt L (here) and three videos (here), (here), (here)
Missing Data with Chemistry - Malena and Daniel (here)
First in Human Trials - Lizzi (here)
Biomarkers - Elizabeth (here)
Tumour Growth Modelling - Emiko and Nadeen (here)

Other Related Information

Seed Shaking

The following has been provided by Matt Parkinson, 3rd SAMBa student:
The key points to achieve good mixing are:
The shape of the mixer, non-circular mixers generally mix better.
The speed the mixer is turning. This is because the rotational speed defines which "flow regime" the granular material is in. For example there are continuous flows, avalanching etc.
How "filled" the mixer is. See the figure below (initially the mixer is split exactly in half with red and green), where if the mixer is over-filled you end up with a central area that just won't mix (espescially in a circular mixer).
Shaking Mixer
Also, see this .bib file (open in notepad or any other text editor) for a list of references.

Please click here to return to the SLS webpage which contains resource from throughout the semester.