Algebraic Topology TCC course

Easter term 2021
Wednesdays 13.30-15.30 on Teams, 28 April-16 June

I consider myself a geometer, but as I am interested in manifolds I also often care about their topology. In modern algebraic topology that seems to be regarded as very mundane, and I have no pretension to be modern or even to have much mastery over the traditional parts of the field. My aim is to share some pieces of algebraic topology that I have encountered and enjoyed and/or found useful such as

presented as elementarily as I can, rather than developing the theory in depth.

Lecture 1
(28 April) Scanned notes

Brisk review of (co)chain complexes and (co)homology, singular (co)homology, long exact sequences, universal coefficients, cup products.

Lecture 2
(5 May) Scanned notes

Poincaré duality, intersection and torsion linking forms and their geometric interpretations. Künneth formula for cohomology of a product and Leray-Hirsch theorem for cohomology of (some) fibre bundles.

Lecture 3
(12 May) Scanned notes

Thom isomorphism theorem, and its use in geometric interpretation of Poincar\é duality. Homotopy groups, Hurewicz theorem, weak homotopy equivalences.

Lecture 4
(19 May) Scanned notes

CW complexes and Whitehead's theorem. Fibrations and their long exact sequence of homotopy groups. Cellular (co)homology. Eilenberg-MacLane spaces.

Lecture 5
(26 May) Scanned notes

Proof that Hn(X; G) <-> [X, K(G,n)] by naive obstruction theory. Principal G-bundles and characteristic classes, with first Chern class of complex line bundles as illustration of different approaches. Euler class and obstruction to existence of non-vanishing sections of oriented bundles.

Lecture 6
(2 June) Scanned notes

Classifying spaces. Primary obstruction classes. Characterisation of Chern classes by Whitney sum formula.

Lecture 7
(9 June) Scanned notes

Existence of Charn classes and cohomology of BU(n). Stiefel-Whitney classes, Pontrjagin classes and cohomology of BO(n). Axioms of Steenrod squares and construction via cup-i products.

Lecture 8
(16 June) Scanned notes

Cohomology of SQ(X) = (X x X x S^oo)/Z_2 and Steenrod squares. Wu's theorems on relationship between Steenrod squares and Stiefel-Whitney classes.