Journal articles
- G. Traustason, Engel Lie-algebras.
Quart. J. Math. Oxford. Ser. (2)
44 (1993), 355-384.
- G. Traustason, A polynomial upper bound for
the nilpotency classes
of Engel-3 Lie algebras over a field of characteristic 2.
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 51 (1995), 453-460.
- G. Traustason, CIP-groups.
Arch. Math. 65 (1995), 97-102.
- G. Traustason, On 4-Engel groups.
J. Algebra. (2) 178 (1995), 414-429.
- G. Traustason, Engel-5 Lie algebras.
Int. J. Algebra Comput. (2) 6 (1996), 291-312.
- G. Traustason, A note on supersoluble
Fitting classes.
Arch. Math. 70 (1998), 1-8.
- G. Traustason, A constructive approach
to Zel'manov's global nilpotency
theorem for n-Engel Lie algebras over a
field of characteristic zero.
Int. J. Algebra Comput. 8 (1998), 317-326.
- G. Traustason, On groups in which every
subgroup is subnormal of
defect at most three.
J. Austral. Math. Soc. 64 (1998), 397-420.
- G. Traustason, Semigroup identities in
4-Engel groups.
J. Group Theory 2 (1999), 39-46.
- L. C. Kappe and G. Traustason, Subnormality
conditions in non-torsion
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 59 (1999), 459-465.
- G. Traustason, On 3-Baer groups.
J. Group Theory 3 (2000), 285-292.
- G. Traustason, On automorphisms of a group of
prime exponent.
J. Group Theory 4 (2001), 217-221.
- G. Endimioni and G. Traustason, On
torsion-by-nilpotent groups.
J. Algebra 241 (2001), 669-676.
- A. Abdollahi and G. Traustason, On locally
finite p-groups satisfying an
Engel condition.
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 2827-2836.
- G. C. Smith and G. Traustason, Power groups of
free abelian groups
of finite rank.
Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), 4487-4498.
- G. Traustason, Locally nilpotent 4-Engel groups
are Fitting groups.
J. Algebra 279 (2003), 7-27.
- G. Traustason, Milnor groups and
(virtual) nilpotence.
J. Group Theory 8 (2005), 203-221.
- G. Traustason, Two generator 4-Engel groups.
Int. J. Algebra and Comp. 15 No. 2 (2005), 1-8.
- G. Endimioni and G. Traustason, On varieties in
which soluble groups are torsion-by-nilpotent.
Int. J. Algebra and Comp. 15 No. 3 (2005), 537-545.
- G. Traustason, A note on the local nilpotence
of 4-Engel groups.
Int. J. Algebra and Comp. 15 No. 4 (2005), 757-764.
- H. Smith and G. Traustason, Torsion-free groups
with all subgroups 4-subnormal.
Comm. Alg. , 33 No. 12 (2005), 4567-4585.
- P. Moravec and G. Traustason, Powerful $2$-Engel groups. Comm. Alg , 36 No. 11 (2008), 4096-4119.
- G. Traustason, Powerful $2$-Engel groups II.
J. Algebra , 319 (2008), 3301-3323.
- G. Endimioni and G. Traustason, Groups that are pairwise nilpotent, Comm. Alg. , 36 No. 12 (2008), 4413-4435.
- G. Traustason, Symplectic alternating algebras, Int. J. Algebra and
Comp. , 18 No. 4 (2008) 719-757.
- P. Crosby and G. Traustason, A remark on the structure of n-Engel groups, Comm. Alg. , 39 No. 11 (2011),
- G. Traustason, Engel groups, in Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath, Volume II, 520-550.
London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 388, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 2011.
- P. G. Crosby and G. Traustason, On right n-Engel
subgroups, J. Algebra , 324 (2010), 875-883.
- P. G. Crosby and G. Traustason, On right n-Engel
subgroups II, J. Algebra , 328 (2011), 504-510.
- G. A. Fernandez-Alcober, M. Morigi and G. Traustason, A note on conciseness of Engel words, Comm. Alg. , 40 No. 7 (2012), 2570-2576.
- R. Hartung and G. Traustason, Refined solvable presentations for polycyclic groups, International Journal of Group
Theory, Vol. 01 No. 2 (2012), 1-17.
- A. Tortora, M. Tota and G. Traustason, Symplectic alternating nil-algebras, J. Algebra, 357 (2012),
- G. Traustason, Left 3-Engel elements in groups of
exponent 5, J. Algebra, 414 (2014), 41-71.
- G. Traustason, The local nilpotence theorem for 4-Engel groups revisited, International Journal of Group Theory,
4 No.3 (2015), 21-75.
- G. Traustason, Normal right Engel subgroups of compact Hausdorff groups, J. Algebra, 418 (2014), 142-153.
- L. Sorkatti and G. Traustason, Nilpotent symplectic
alternating algebras I, J. Algebra, 423 (2015), 615-635.
- G. Traustason, On the Hirsch-Plotkin radical of stability groups , J. Algebra, 425 (2015), 31-41.
- L. Sorkatti and G. Traustason, Nilpotent symplectic
alternating algebras II, Int. J. Algebra and Comp. , 26 (2016), 1071-1094.
- L. Sorkatti and G. Traustason, Nilpotent symplectic
alternating algebras III, Int. J. Algebra and Comp. , 26 (2016), 1095-1124.
- O. Puglisi and G. Traustason, On simple symplectic alternating algebras and their groups of automorphisms , J. Algebra, 461 (2016), 164-176.
- O. Puglisi and G. Traustason, Unipotent automorphisms of solvable groups , Journal of Group Theory, 20 No. 3 (2017), 573--578.
- G. Tracey and G. Traustason, Left 3-Engel elements in groups of exponent 60 , Int. J. Algebra and Comp. , 28. No. 4 (2018), 673--695.
- E. Jabara and G. Traustason, Left 3-Engel elements of odd order in groups , Proc. Am. Math. Soc. , 147 (2019), 1921-1927.
- G. Traustason and J. Williams, Powerfully nilpotent groups , J. Algebra , 522 (2019), 80-100.
- E. Khukhro, P. Shumyatsky and G. Traustason, Right Engel-type subgroups and length parameters of finite groups ,
J. Austr. Math. Soc. , 109 No. 3, (2020), 340-350.
- E. Detomi, A. Lucchini, M. Moscatiello, P. Spiga and G. Traustason, Groups satisfying a strong complement property , J. Algebra , 535 (2019), 35-52.
- M. Noce, G. Tracey and G. Traustason, A left 3-Engel element whose normal closure is not nilpotent , Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra , 224 No. 3 (2020), 1092-1101.
- G. Traustason and J. Williams, Powerfully nilpotent groups of maximal powerful class , Monatshefte fur Mathematik , 191 No. 3 (2020), 779-799.
- E. Jabara and G. Traustason, On (n+1/2)-Engel groups , J. Group Theory , 23 No. 3, (2020), 503-511.
- G. Traustason and J. Williams, Powerfully nilpotent groups that are of rank 2 or small order , Journal of Group Theory , 23 No. 4 (2020), 641-658.
- O. Puglisi and G. Traustason, Some remarks on unipotent automorphisms , Int. J. Group Theory , 9 No. 4, (2020), 293-300.
- P. Longobardi, M. Maj, P. Shumyatsky and G. Traustason, Groups with boundedly many commutators of maximal order , J. Algebra , 567 , (2021), 269-283.
- A. Hadjievangelou, M. Noce and G. Traustason, Locally finite p-groups with a left 3-Engel element whose normal closure is not nilpotent , Int. J. Alg. Comp. , 31 No. 1, (2021), 135-160.
- I. de las Heras, G. Traustason, Powerfully solvable and powerfully simple groups , J. Pure Appl. Algebra , 225 No. 8, (2021), 20pp.
- A. Hadjievangelou, G. Traustason, Left 3-Engel elements in locally finite 2-groups , Comm. Algebra , 49 No 11, (2021), 4869-4882.
- M. H. Jafari, A. R. Madadi, G. Traustason, On triple homomorphisms of Lie algebras , J. Algebra Appl. , 22 No 8, (2023), 18pp.
- A. Hadjievangelou, P. Longobardi, M. Maj, C. Monetta, E. A. O'Brien, G. Traustason, Left 3-Engel elements in groups: A survey , J. Iranian Math. Soc. , 2 , (2023), 207-234.
- A. Hadjievangelou, G. Traustason, Sandwich groups and (strong) left 3-Engel elements in groups , Proc. Am. Math. Soc. , 152 No. 04, (2024), 1467-1477.
- I. de las Heras, M. Noce, G. Traustason, Powerful 3-Engel groups , Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra , 228 No. 7, (2024), 15pp.
- A. Caranti, C. M. Scoppola, G. Traustason, Elements of prime order in the uppper central series of a group of prime-power order , Comm. Alg. , to appear.