Interface Messages
Read all the documents in this lab script before starting to do/type anything. Ask if anything is unclear before doing something.
If you do something you need to know what effect it will have, otherwise you could damage the VM or ROS and be unable to work properly.
Interface Messages
The CoppeliaSim interface publishes sensor data to a set of standard topics, with only 1 exception: /cop/prox_sensors.
How to import the custom message will be part of the tutorial specifics to the ROS labs.
Robot Sensors
Message: sensor_msgs/LaserScan
Topic: /hokuyo
Message: demo_programs/prox_sensor
(custom message)
Topic: /cop/prox_sensors
Message: geometry_msgs/Twist
Topic: /cop/twist
Message: geometry_msgs/Pose
Topic: /cop/pose
RGB Camera
Message: sensor_msgs/Image
Topic: cop/rgb_image
Depth Camera
Message: sensor_msgs/Image
Topic: cop/depth_image
Camera Info
Message: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
Topic: /cop/camera_info
Line sensor
Message: demo_programs/line_sensor
Topic: /cop/line_sensors
Robot controls
Differential and Omni Robots
Message: geometry_msgs/Twist
Topic: /cmd_vel
Ackermann Robot
Message: demo_programs/ackermann_control
Topic: cmd_vel_ack
Custom messages
Proximity sensor
float32 prox_front_left
float32 prox_front
float32 prox_front_right
float32 prox_back
float32 prox_back_left
float32 prox_back_right
float32 prox_back_left_left
float32 prox_back_right_right
float32 prox_front_left_left
float32 prox_front_right_right
Line Sensor
bool line_right
bool line_middle
bool line_left
Ackermann control
float32 steering_angle
float32 speed