Demo Exercise 1


Useful tutorials from the ROS Wiki can be found here.

  • Create a ROS package/system capable of controlling a differential robot within CoppeliaSim in an obstacle avoidance task.

  • The node(s) will be used to monitor the robot sensors and control during the navigation. The data sent to the robot should be logged.

  • Provide a launch file to execute the program.

Some relevant links:

  • Create a Workspace here
  • Create a Package here
  • Build Packages here
  • ROS nodes here
  • Python Publisher/Subscriber example here
  • The list/reading material continue at your discretion.


  1. Create a ROS workspace (it should be already set up on your machines).
  2. Create a ROS package (be sure it is the workspace folder, subfolder src).
  3. Create one or more ROS node(s).
  4. Write all the required nodes / messages / services / actions and to log commands (commands logged are at your discretion e.g. just errors, controls, all, etc…).
  5. Solve the environment (task 1) allowing your robot to avoid obstacles using at least 1 single set of sensors (good performance of the algorithm e.g. no collision/not getting lost).
  6. Create a launch file that can run the ROS packages.
  7. Solve the environment (task 2) allowing your robot to avoid obstacles using at least another type of sensors with respect to point 5.
  8. Solve the environment (task 3) adding a stop condition (e.g. adding to the maze, using other sensors). When you reach the stop condition, stop the robot.