ML Warm-Up Exercises

Reactive Behaviors and Perceptron for Robot Control

In this lab session, you will test different reactive robot behaviors (aggression, fear, exploration and love behaviors). You will train and test a perceptron model to control the speed of a mobile robot.

Reactive Behaviors

Task 1

Download the ZIP file from the Moodle page of this unit and extract the files in your Documents folder. This folder contains the following files:

  • Demo_aggression_reactive_behavior.ttt: Example of aggression behavior using a mobile robot with input data from distance sensors.
  • Demo_fear_reactive_behavior.ttt: Example of fear behavior using a mobile robot with input data from distance sensors.
  • Demo_Braitenberg_vehicles_wall_following - template.ttt: Example scenario with a mobile robot for the implementation of wall following using reactive behaviors.

Task 2

Open and analyse the code from the aggression (Demo_aggression_reactive_behavior) and fear (Demo_fear_reactive_behavior) reactive robot behaviors. Figure 1 illustrates these behaviors with Braitenberg vehicles. Observe how the sensors connected to the motors control the direction of the robot when an obstacle is detected. Change the weights of the sensorimotor connections to small and large values and observe how they affect the robot behavior.

Illustration of (a) Fear and (b) Aggression Behaviors with Braintenberg Vehicles.
Illustration of (a) Fear and (b) Aggression Behaviors with Braintenberg Vehicles.

Task 3

Open the Demo_Braitenberg_vehicles_wall_following - template file and try to implement the fear or exploration robot behaviors to make the robot capable of following the walls of the scenario.

CoppeliaSim Scenario for Wall Following Using Reactive Behaviors.
CoppeliaSim Scenario for Wall Following Using Reactive Behaviors.

Perceptron model

Task 1

Download the ZIP file from the Moodle page of this unit and extract the files in your Documents folder. This folder contains the following files:

  • Example of perceptron model with 2 input signals for recognition of AND gate input pattern.
  • Example of perceptron model with 3 input signals for recognition of colours and robot control in CoppeliaSim.
  • Demo_perceptron_camera_color_control.ttt: Example scenario for control of robot speed based on colour predicted by the perceptron model.

Task 2

Open the file and check the implementation of the Perceptron model () algorithm from the Lecture slides available on Moodle. The example implements the Perceptron model for recognition of input pattern from a 2-bit AND gate. Train and test the network for recognition of input patters from a 2-bit AND, NOT, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR logic gates.

Perceptron Model for 2-bit AND Logic Gate.
Perceptron Model for 2-bit AND Logic Gate.

Task 3

Open the file and check the implementation of the Perceptron model with three inputs (Red, Green, Blue) for recognition of colours (). Run the program and verify the output recognition. Try changing the training values for the Red, Green and Blue components to be able to recognise different colours.

Perceptron Model with 3 Inputs.
Perceptron Model with 3 Inputs.

Task 4

Open the file and set the variable robotControl = True.

Open the Demo_perceptron_camera_color_control.ttt file, which contains the CoppeliaSim scenario for robot control. Run CoppeliaSim and then run the Perceptron model, the robot should move faster when red colours are detected and slower when green colours are detected ().

Recognition of colours using the Perceptron model for robot control.
Recognition of colours using the Perceptron model for robot control.