CM20318: Comparative Programming Languages

Unit Catalogue


Some links

Wikipedia articles tend to be fairly accurate in this area, but always treat Wikipedia as the start, not the end, of your research.

The Exam

At the end of the Semester 2 (100%)

Online Past Papers

Past papers for CM20318.

Past Papers for CM20253 are a good source for the kind of questions that might appear in CM20318 (though the CM20318 paper will be answer three out of a choice of four).


Not much on the Moodle page, anything interesting will be on this Web page.


These will be released after the relevant lecture: there is no substitute to having the material go through your brain at least once!

Note that these slides are reminders to me as to what topics I should cover: as with all units you are expected to read around the subject and refer to your lecture notes. Don't treat the slides as the entirety of your study. Or as model answers for the exam!

The file numbers don't correspond to anything in particular in terms of lectures or subject covered.

I may have skipped some material in lectures: why not improve your general education and read the extra too! The exam will only be set on material covered in lectures and your lecture notes will tell you what was covered in lectures.

slides01.pdf slides02.pdf slides03.pdf slides04.pdf slides05.pdf slides06.pdf slides07.pdf slides08.pdf slides09.pdf slides10.pdf slides11.pdf slides12.pdf slides13.pdf slides14.pdf slides15.pdf slides16.pdf slides17.pdf slides18.pdf slides19.pdf slides20.pdf slides21.pdf

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