Asel Sartbaeva
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Pint of Science Bath 2019
May 21st 2019
At the pint of science event "Living in a material World" Asel gave a presentation about ensilicating vaccines and the potential benefits this can have. The Pint of Science events are designed to allow the general public to interact and engage with researchers, learning more about science and cutting edge research. They also allow academics a chance to communitcate their work to the wider world on a causal and intimate platform.
Science Week at Combe Down Primary School 2019
June 25th 2019
During Science week 2019 we were joined once again by Dr Hamide Khanbareh. This time we showed the pupils
how to make simple polymers and using cheese, grapes, and toothpicks.
Crystal Growing at Combe Down Primary School
June 26th 2018

Accompanied by Dr Hamide Khanbareh from mechanical engineering, we spent the
day showing the Year 3 class at Combe Down School how to grow a crystal garden
by adding metal salts to a silicate solution, "isinglass". Once the metals start
reacting with silicate, they grow as trees and make intricate shapes with
different colours.

We also talked with pupils about what scientists do, to see what perception
pupils have about scientists and the work they do at the university. It was
interesting to hear what such young pupils think about scientists. Already by
7-8 years, the assumption is that we all just mix chemicals in the laboratories.
We wanted to bring other dimensions of our work and talked about computer
simulations and working on big engineering structures, to show that there are
many aspects to what scientists actually do.
Combe Down Primary School Science Week 2018
June 25th 2018

We were joined by staff and colleagues from across the Faculty of Science this
week for science week at combe down school. Conducting a variety of experiments
for individual classes and the whole school, ranging from reception classes to
year 3.
Science Week at Combe Down Primary School 2017
May 22nd 2017
As part of Science Week we have organised experiments in Reception, Year 1 and
Year 2 classes in Combe Down Primary School today. We did acidity measurements,
looked at gels and surfactants, made a conducting circuit.
Visit to Year 2 Pupils at Combe Down Primary School
December 2nd 2016
I have visited today two Year 2 classes at Combe Down Primary School with
"A story of a fooled Dragon". This is a story in which an unfriendly dragon
attacks the kingdom and demands gold. The king has no gold so he asks a scientist
to make gold. After she struggles to make gold, the king asks her to make something
else that looks like gold. She experiments with different metals, and eventually
makes something looking like gold, but made of lead.
The demonstration experiments are based on Cu, Fe and Pb precipitation reactions,
and lead iodide which precipitates as a beautiful yellow precipitate does look
like gold.
Visit to Year 6 Pupils at Combe Down Primary School
October 11th 2016

Together with Dr. Steve Flower, we have visited two year 6 classes today at
Combe Down Primary school, where we have talked about ionic compounds and
precipitation reactions. Pupils were given two compounds to mix to produce
Fe and Cu precipitates and we did a demonstration of lead iodide precipitate
The pupils enjoyed the activity and enjoyed asking questions about the
precipitation and other topics.
Visit to Year 1 Pupils at Combe Down Primary School
July 15th 2016
Use of membranes in cleaning water
Polymerisation and chain formation
Irreversible reactions
We received amazing feedback from all the kids, such as: "science is cool",
"I want to do experiments too", "molecules are fun" and others