MA30245: Graphs & Networks
University of Bath, 2021
Unit information
This unit is about graph theory and its application to problems in network science.
Lectures are on Tuesdays at 14:15 in 8W1.1 and Wednesdays at 10:15 in the Edge Theatre. In week one there will be an extra lecture on Friday at 15:15 in 8W1.1.
Starting in week two there will be a problems class on Fridays at 15:15 in 8W1.1.
Problem sheet \(n\) will be released digitally (on Moodle) on Wednesday of week \(n\). You can hand in your work during the problems class in week \(n+1\), when the solutions will be discussed. Marked work will be returned in week \(n+2\).
Full typed lecture notes will be available online from the start of semester.
Coursework will be set in late March, with a two-week period to complete. The coursework will follow the same format as pervious years: a short individual piece of work involving some calculations by hand and some MATLAB programming. There are plenty of MATLAB examples throughout the course to help students prepare for this.