Guannan Chen

PhD student in Applied Mathematics

About Me

I am a second-year PhD student in Applied Mathematics based in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Applied Mathematics (SAMBa) at the University of Bath, under the supervision of Dr. Pranav Singh and Prof. Chris Budd OBE. My thesis title is "Quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation". My work primarily lies at the intersection of numerical analysis, quantum computation, with a particular focus on geometric numerical integration and its applications in quantum dynamics and control.

Prior to my PhD study, I completed the MRes portion of the SAMBa CDT with Distinction and completed my MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing at the University of Oxford. During my undergraduate studies, I engaged in a dual degree programme, as a result of which I earned a Bachelor of Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Manchester as well as a Bachelor of Statistics from Shandong University.


Computation of some dispersive equations through their iterated linearisation
Submitted, 2024
Guannan Chen, Arieh Iserles, Karolina Kropielnicka, Pranav Singh
Quantum simulation of highly-oscillatory many-body Hamiltonians for near-term devices
Submitted, 2023
Guannan Chen, Mohammadali Foroozandeh, Chris Budd, Pranav Singh

Talks and Presentations

Bath Numerical Analysis seminar
16 February 2024 Bath, UK

Talk on Quantum simulation of highly-oscillatory many-body Hamiltonians for near-term devices.

Talk on High accuracy algorithms for quantum dynamics and control at the minisymposium Numerical and data-driven approaches for optimal control problems.

7th SAMBa Summer Conference
11-12 July 2023 Bath, UK

Talk on Efficient simulation of time-dependent Hamiltonians.

Quantum Computing Theory in Practice 2023
17-19 April 2023 Cambridge, UK

Poster presentation on Efficient simulation of time-dependent Hamiltonians.

Talk on Efficient simulation of time-dependent Hamiltonians.

Math Postgraduate Seminar Series
23 March 2023 Bath, UK

Talk on Fundamentals of quantum computation and efficient simulation of time-dependent Hamiltonians.

26th Conference on Quantum Information Processing
6-10 February 2023 Ghent, Belgium

Poster presentation on Efficient simulation of time-dependent Hamiltonians.

Conferences and Research schools

IAS/PCMI Graduate Summer School 2023
16 July - 5 August 2023 Park City, US
7th SAMBa Summer Conference
11-12 July 2023 Bath, UK
Quantum Computing Theory in Practice 2023
17-19 April 2023 Cambridge, UK
6th SAMBa Summer Conference
5-6 July 2022 Bath, UK

Volutanry Work and Outreach

Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses
Spring 2023 - Present Bath, UK

Delivering lectures and workshops to local school students at Royal Institution/Bath Masterclasses.

Doctoral Representative
September 2022 - Present Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath

In my role, I communicate with PhD students about various relevant policy developments and gather their feedback and opinions on these topics as well as on daily academic issues, ensuring a transparent and inclusive environment. I attend departmental, faculty, and doctoral college Staff and Student Liaison Committee meetings, bringing feedback to facilitate enhanced communication between students and faculty. Additionally, I take part in organizing departmental PhD events, such as poster competitions, to encourage academic engagement.

SAMBa 19th Integrative Think Tank Workshop with Industry
29 January - 2 February 2024 Bath, UK

Industrial partners: Wessex Water and Camera Forensics.

During the week, I worked with the Camera Forensics on an industry challenge on improving tne extraction of signal pattern noise. Our final presentation can be found here.

SAMBa 17th Integrative Think Tank Workshop with Industry
30 January - 3 February 2023 Bath, UK

Industrial partners: Environment Agency and Mayden.

During the week, I worked with the Environmental Agency on an industry challenge on investigating extreme values in tidal levels. Our final presentation can be found here.

In the months leading up to the event, I assisted in liaising with CEA as the student coordinator. During the week, I worked with Schlumberger on an industry challenge on "Suspension Modelling of Drilling Fluid" and delivered two presentaions representing the group. Our final presentation can be found here.

During the week, I worked with the Bath Beacon on an industry challenge on "Placement Optimisation of Tidal Turbines" and delivered two presentaions representing the group. Our final presentation can be found here.