HOME - Guannan Chen

拯救选恐 The Least Awful Option


Just another day in life, sifting through a pile of options seemingly bright, to find the least bad, the one that feels right.

How productive I am, what a positive spirit I have.


This tool helps you to compare and rank your preferred items through pairwise comparisons. Simply add items and start comparing.

请在输入框中输入您想要比较的元素,然后点击'添加元素 Add Item'按钮或直接按回车键来添加。


此外,您还可以使用空格、逗号或顿号来分隔多个元素,实现一次性批量添加。比如,若您想添加“苹果”、“香蕉”和“樱桃”这三个元素,可以这样输入:“苹果, 香蕉 樱桃”或“苹果、香蕉,樱桃”。提交后,这些元素将被一次性添加到系统中。

Please enter the items you want to compare in the input box and then click '添加元素 Add Item' or press Enter to add them.

For example, you can add items like "Harry Potter", "The Big Bang Theory", "Doctor Who", "The Lord of the Rings", "Star Trek" and "Star Wars". The system will provide pairwise comparison options for these items, and you simply need to choose your preferred item in each pair to obtain a final list sorted according to your preferences.

Additionally, you can separate multiple items using spaces or commas for batch addition. For instance, if you want to add “Apple” “Banana” and “Cherry” you can type them as “Apple Banana Cherry” or “Apple,Banana,Cherry.” Once submitted, these items will be added all at once.

To ensure the uniqueness of each item, any duplicates entered will be automatically excluded.