Semester 2 2024/2025

Date Speaker Title Abstract
04/02/2025 13:15 Silvia Liverani
(Queen Mary University of London)
Bayesian modelling for spatially misaligned health areal data Abstract
11/02/2025 13:15 Marco Scutari
(Dalle Molle Institute Lugano)
Causal modelling for environmental epidemiology Abstract
18/02/2025 13:15 Evangelos Evangelou
(University of Bath)
Facilitating teaching of large statistics units using electronic voting system and quizzes Abstract
25/02/2025 13:15 Rebecca Lewis
(University of Oxford)
High-dimensional logistic regression with separated data Abstract
04/03/2025 13:15 Jeremias Knoblauch
(University College London)
11/03/2025 13:15 Juliette Unwin
(University of Bristol)
18/03/2025 13:15 Luana Boumendil
(University of Bath)
25/03/2025 16:00 Chiara Boetti
Sebastian Quintanilla Terminel
(University of Bath)
01/04/2025 13:15 Jairo Cugliari
(Université Lumière Lyon 2)
22/04/2025 13:15 Qingyuan Zhao
(University of Cambridge)
29/04/2025 13:15 Anna Freni Sterrantino
(Turing Institute)
06/05/2025 13:15 Sam Power
(University of Bristol)
13/05/2025 13:15 Thomas Berrett
(University of Warwick)

Semester 1 2024/2025

Date Speaker Title Abstract
01/10/2024 13:15 Welcome Meeting
08/10/2024 13:15 Sara Wade
(University of Edinburgh)
Understanding uncertainty in Bayesian cluster analysis Abstract
15/10/2024 13:15 Cancelled
(Due to the speaker being ill)
22/10/2024 13:15 Abhishek Pal Majumder
(University of Reading)
Long-time behaviour of some semi-Markov modulated diffusions Abstract
29/10/2024 13:15 Chao Zheng
(University of Southampton)
Optimal detection of spatial anomaly regions Abstract
05/11/2024 13:15 PhD student talks
12/11/2024 13:15 Ensor Palacios
(University of Bath)
Air pollution and risk of dementia in the UK Biobank Abstract
15/11/2024 16:00 Jonathan Bartlett
G-formula for causal inference via synthetic multiple imputation
(Organized by the RSS Avon Local Group)
19/11/2024 13:15 Cancelled
(Due to the speaker being ill)
26/11/2024 13:15 Henry Elsom
Sinyoung Park
(University of Bath)
1. Development of changepoint detection algorithms for extreme values
2. New directions in community detection for networks
03/12/2024 13:15 Amandine Pierrot
(University of Bath)
Forecasting offshore wind energy: non-linearity, non-stationarity and varying bounds Abstract
10/12/2024 13:15 Evan Kwiatkowski
(University of Texas)
Incorporating external data in Bayesian clinical trial design using posterior predictive checks Abstract
13/12/2024 11:15 Jordan Richards
(University of Edinburgh)
A deep learning approach to modelling joint environmental extremes Abstract

Semester 2 2023/2024

Date Speaker Title Abstract
06/02/2024 13:15 Panayiota Touloupou
(University of Birmingham)
Scalable inference for epidemic models with individual level data Abstract
13/02/2024 13:15 Oliver Feng
(University of Bath)
Convex loss selection via score matching Abstract
16/02/2024 15:15 Jonathan Tawn
(Lancaster University)
Statistical modelling of the extreme events: from flooding, via sinking ships, to elite swimming
(Landscapes seminar)
20/02/2024 13:15 Dennis Prangle
(University of Bristol)
Flexible tails for normalizing flows Abstract
27/02/2024 13:15 Ed Cohen
(Imperial College London)
Analysing spatial point patterns on curved surfaces Abstract
05/03/2024 13:15 Matthew Pawley
(University of Bath)
Multivariate extreme value statistics for analysing simulated environmental extremes Abstract
12/03/2024 13:15 Christopher Jennison
(University of Bath)
Optimising sequential and adaptive designs: the power of dynamic programming Abstract
19/03/2024 13:15 Emma Simpson
(University College London)
An extreme value approach to estimating bivariate limit sets and new environmental contours Abstract
26/03/2024 13:15 Vasiliki Koutra
(King's College London)
Designing experiments on networks Abstract
16/04/2024 13:15 Simon Wood
(University of Edinburgh)
On neighbourhood cross validation Abstract
23/04/2024 13:15 Neza Dvorsak
Christian Rohrbeck
(University of Bath)
1. Effect of Missing Data on Conditional Power
2. Joint estimation of monotonic regression functions in health applications
30/04/2024 13:15 Richard Marchese Robinson
Industrial Applications of Generative AI: Designing Novel Crop Protection Product Active Ingredients
03/05/2024 15:15 Peter Thall
(MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Bayesian Personalized Treatment Selection for Advanced Breast Cancer
(Landscapes seminar)
07/05/2024 13:15 Xinle Tian
Dan Miles
(University of Bath)
1. Multi-response linear regression estimation based on low-rank pre-smoothing
2. Encouraging sparsity and similarity across multiple covariate-influenced Gaussian Graphical Models
14/05/2024 13:15 Helen Barnett
(Lancaster University)
Joint TITE-CRM: A Design for Dose Finding Studies for Therapies with Late-Onset Safety and Activity Outcomes Abstract
21/05/2024 13:15 Yosef Rinott
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
On the behavior of posterior probabilities with additional data: monotonicity and nonmonotonicity, asymptotic rates, log-concavity, and Turán’s inequality Abstract

Semester 1 2023/2024

Date Speaker Title Abstract
03/10/2023 13:15 Welcome Meeting
10/10/2023 13:15 Ilaria Bussoli
(University of Bath)
From research to teaching stats - a small journey Abstract
17/10/2023 13:15 Sam Livingstone
(University College London)
Some advances and applications of robust gradient-based Markov chain Monte Carlo Abstract
24/10/2023 13:15 Emiko Dupont
(University of Bath)
Demystifying spatial confounding Abstract
31/10/2023 13:15 Connor Gascoigne
(Imperial College London)
A Bayesian Interrupted Time Series framework for evaluating policy change on mental well-being: an application to England's welfare reform Abstract
07/11/2023 13:15 Mark Fiecas
(University of Minnesota)
Hidden (Semi-)Markov Models for Dynamic Connectivity Analysis in Resting-State fMRI Abstract
14/11/2023 13:15 Anna Daupare
(University of Bath)
Application of neural networks in predicting human population dynamics Abstract
Zak Varty
(Imperial College London)
Shaking Things Up: Statistical Modelling of Earthquakes
(organized by the RSS Avon Local Group)
21/11/2023 13:15 Katarzyna Reluga
(University of Bristol)
The impact of job stability on monetary poverty in Italy: causal small area estimation Abstract
28/11/2023 13:15 Jere Koskela
(Newcastle University)
Consistency criteria for latent tree reconstruction Abstract
05/12/2023 13:15 David Robertson
(University of Cambridge)
Response-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: from myths to practical considerations Abstract
07/12/2023 14:15 Min Xu
(Rutgers University)
Root and community inference on the latent growth process of a network Abstract
12/12/2023 13:15 Haiyan Zheng
(University of Bath)
Statistical design and analysis of clinical trials with multiple strata Abstract

Semester 2 2022/2023

Date Speaker Title Abstract
07/02/2023 13:15 Emmanouil Tranos
(University of Bristol)
Internet and firm productivity: a multilevel approach based on experienced broadband speed data Abstract
14/02/2023 13:15 Purvasha Chakravarti
(University College London)
Signal detection in particle physics using a classifier decorrelated through optimal transport Abstract
21/02/2023 13:15 Andreas Artemiou
(Cardiff University)
SVM-based real time sufficient dimension reduction Abstract
28/02/2023 No seminar due to SAMBa showcase event
07/03/2023 13:15 Alex Gibberd
(Lancaster University)
Temporal disaggregation and regularised GLS estimation Abstract
15/03/2023 13:15 Alex Rudge
(University of Bath)
Dynamic modelling of primary care health-records for earlier diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis Abstract
28/03/2023 13:15 Ciara Pike-Burke
(Imperial College London)
Putting a price on expert advice: Online classification with paid stochastic experts Abstract
18/04/2023 13:15 Josh Inoue
(University of Bath)
Spatio-temporal change-point detection using vector autoregressive models Abstract
25/04/2023 13:15 Emily Nightingale
Understanding the burden of visceral leishmaniasis from surveillance at different spatial scales Abstract
02/05/2023 13:15 Euan McGonigle
(University of Bristol)
Nonparametric change point detection for multivariate time series Abstract

Semester 1 2022/2023

Date Speaker Title Abstract
04/10/2022 13:15 Welcome Meeting
11/10/2022 13:15 Bharati Kumar
(University of Bath)
Weighted hazard ratio estimation for delayed and diminishing treatment effect Abstract
18/10/2022 13:15 Theresa Smith
(University of Bath)
Dynamic prediction of competing risks in electronic patient records systems
25/10/2022 13:15 Thomas Burnett
(University of Bath)
Making all pairwise comparisons in multi-arm clinical trials without control treatment
02/11/2022 13:15 Robin Mitra
(University College London)
Saturated count models for user-friendly synthesis of categorical data Abstract
08/11/2022 13:15 Jaime Delgadillo
(University of Sheffield)
Stratified medicine and the use of AI for mental health care Abstract
15/11/2022 13:15 Jennifer Israelsson
(UK Health Security Agency)
From abstract climate models to physical hospital beds –an impact modelling case study Abstract
22/11/2022 No seminar due to interviews for academic positions in statistics.
29/11/2022 13:15 Bhramar Mukherjee
(University of Michigan)
Using Electronic Health Records for Scientific Research: Promises and Perils Abstract
30/11/2022 16:00 Theodore Papamarkou
(University of Manchester)
Machine learning with probability generating functions Abstract
06/12/2022 13:15 Clement Lee
(Newcastle University)
A latent time series model for house price indices Abstract

Semester 2 2021/2022

Date Speaker Title Abstract
15/02/2022 13:15 Helen Ogden
(University of Southampton)
Flexible models for clustered data Abstract
22/02/2022 13:15 Carolina Euan
(Lancaster University)
Bernoulli Vector Autoregressive Model Abstract
08/03/2022 13:15 Eleni Matechou
(University of Kent)
New models for DNA-based single and multi-species monitoring Abstract
29/03/2022 13:15 Camila Olarte Parra
(University of Bath)
Hypothetical estimands in clinical trials: a unification of causal inference and missing data methods Abstract
05/04/2022 13:15 Vasileios Maroulas
(University of Tennessee)
Random Persistence Diagram Generation Abstract
03/05/2022 13:15 Rhian Daniel
(University of Cardiff)
Regression by composition Abstract

Semester 1 2021/2022

Date Speaker Title Abstract
12/10/2021 13:15 Timothy Cannings
(University of Edinburgh)
Adaptive Transfer Learning Abstract
19/10/2021 13:15 Axel Finke
(Loughborough University)
Conditional sequential Monte Carlo in high dimensions Abstract
26/10/2021 14:15 Michael Elliott
(University of Michigan)
Using synergies between survey statistics and causal inference to improve generalizability of clinical trials Abstract
02/11/2021 13:15 Jordan Richards
Joint estimation of extreme precipitation aggregates at different spatial scales through mixture modelling and conditional methods Abstract
23/11/2021 13:15 Christian Rohrbeck
(University of Bath)
Bayesian ordinal regression under a monotonicity constraint Abstract
30/11/2021 13:15 Kaustubh Adhikari
(Open University)
Understanding ourselves: Applying statistics to human genetics Abstract
14/12/2021 13:15 Deborshee Sen
(University of Bath)
Constrained inference through posterior projections Abstract

Semester 2 2020/2021

Date Speaker Title Abstract
16/02/2021 13:15 Sarah Heaps
(Newcastle University)
Enforcing stationarity through the prior in vector autoregressions Abstract
23/02/2021 13:15 Sumeetpal Singh
(Cambridge University)
Monte Carlo based Inference for State-space Models Abstract
02/03/2021 13:15 Matteo Quartagno
(University College London)
The DURATIONS design: a practical randomised trial design to optimise treatment duration Abstract
09/03/2021 13:15 Swati Chandna
(Birkbeck, University of London)
Nonparametric regression for multiple heterogeneous networks Abstract
16/03/2021 13:15 No seminar due to presentations by lectureship applicants
23/03/2021 13:15 Lizzi Pitt
(University of Bath)
Using dynamic programming to optimise First In Human trial designs Abstract
13/04/2021 13:15 Isabella Gollini
(University College Dublin)
A latent space approach for interdependent ego-networks with application to criminal networks Abstract
20/04/2021 13:15 Evangelos Evangelou
(University of Bath)
On the choice of importance distributions for multiple importance sampling estimators I Abstract
27/04/2021 13:15 Evangelos Evangelou
(University of Bath)
On the choice of importance distributions for multiple importance sampling estimators II Abstract
04/05/2021 13:15 Arron Gosnell
(University of Bath)
Incorporating the Tanimoto coefficient in a Gaussian process model to predict herbicide performance Abstract

Semester 1 2020/2021

Date Speaker Title Abstract
06/10/2020 13:15 Connor Gascoigne
(University of Bath)
Age-period-cohort modelling Abstract
13/10/2020 13:15 Adam Sykulski
(Lancaster University)
Time series parameter estimation and some applications Abstract
20/10/2020 13:15 Daniel Burrows
(University of Bath)
The multilevel bootstrap particle filter Abstract
27/10/2020 13:15 Clémence Leyrat
Addressing immortal-time bias in emulated trials from cancer registry data Abstract
03/11/2020 13:15 Olga Isupova
(University of Bath)
Deep learning applications for disaster management and conservation Abstract
10/11/2020 13:15 Emiko Dupont
(University of Bath)
Spatial+: a novel approach to spatial confounding Abstract
17/11/2020 13:15 Daniela Castro-Camilo
(University of Glasgow)
Bayesian space-time gap filling for inference on extreme hot-spots: an application to Red Sea surface temperatures Abstract
24/11/2020 13:15 Jo Eidsvik
Autonomous oceanographic sampling designs using excursion sets for multivariate Gaussian random fields Abstract
01/12/2020 13:15 No seminar
08/12/2020 13:15 Duncan Lee
(University of Glasgow)
Improved inference for areal unit count data using graph-based optimisation Abstract
15/12/2020 13:00 Karim Anaya-Izquierdo
Kari Heine
Matthew Nunes
Christian Rohrbeck
Sandipan Roy
Research Topic Talks