Further Resources


Teacher Worksheets

I am in the process of creating a number of worksheets for teachers, which can be used in the classroom to help with follow-up lessons. I hope you will be able to use them to capitalise on the interest my talk might have created, and welcome feedback or suggestions for improvements from teachers. Feel free to redistribute or photocopy them as much as you like, but please keep the reference back to this website at the foot of the page.
  • Geometry
  • Resonance
  • Sightlines


    Below are links to some of the resources I have used in my talk. Please don't view / show them before you come and see my talk or it will spoil the surprise...
  • Nurnberg Stadium Bouncing YouTube Video.
  • Tacoma Narrows YouTube Video with a detailed explanation of why it collapsed from New Scientist's One Minute Physics.
  • Uncut video of a man being hit by a javelin
  • Belgian Techno track Encephaliod Disturbance by Magnetic Neurosis

    General Resources

    Comprehensive set of teaching resources on the Maths of Olympics is courtesy of nrich:
  • http://sport.maths.org/content/
  • http://nrich.maths.org/thismonth/all/2011/06
  • The interactive "Out of the Blocks" online version of the book aimed at teachers showcasing the Maths behind the Olympics is available at AcitveTeach.
    A fantastic Teacher Package on Mathematics in Sport is available from Plus Magazine.
    An academic, but perfectly understandable scientific paper on correcting sprint times for wind assistance can be found here.


    Bristol University's IDEERS group is mainly interested in Earthquake Engineering, but has lots of relevant information on designing movement-resistant buildings, including experiments on Natural Frequency and Resonance.
    A good explanation of why tall buildings move can be found here.
    Some real-life examples of resonance are given here.