The Contest Machines
The window fro IDE additions is now closed.
- CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-7700, 3.60GHz, 4 cores
- RAM: 16 GiB
- Disk: 512 GB SSD
- Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) with Gnome3
- Teams may bring their own, non-programmable, USB keyboards, to be handed in at registration. This is offered on a best efforts basis, and there is no absolute guarantee that these will work.
- GCC 5.4.0 (gcc -x c -O2 -static -std=gnu11)
- G++ 5.4.0 (g++ -x c++ -O2 -static -std=gnu++14)
- Java 1.8.0 (OpenJDK, Java 8) (java -Xss64m)
- PyPy 5.1.2 (= Python 2.7.10)
- Python3 3.5.2
- Kotlin 1.1.4
- Code::Blocks 16.01 (note upgrade)
- Eclipse 4.7
- Emacs 24.5
- Geany 1.27
- Gedit 3.18
- Vim / GVim 7.4
- Idle 2.7.12
- Idle 3.5.1
- IntelliJ IIDEA Community 2017.2
- PyCharm Community 2017.2
- Visual Studio Code 1.18 (new)
- KDevelop 4 (new)
- Atom 1.22 (new)
- Terminator 0.98
- MATE Terminal 1.12
- xterm 322
- ddd 3.3
- Valgrind 3.11
- gdb 7.11
- gtest 1.7
- junit 3.8
- NumPy 1.11
- Perl 5.22 (not as a submission language!)
- GHCi 7.10 (not as a submission language!)
- Python2 2.7.12
- Sed 4.2
- Git 2.7