1. Paul, A., Campbell, N., & Shardlow, T. (2024) Sparse Nystrom Approximation of Currents and Varifolds.

    @online{allen1, author = {Paul, A. and Campbell, N. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {Sparse Nystrom Approximation of Currents and Varifolds}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2406.09932}, note = {arXiv:2406.09932}, year = {2024} }
  1. Cornalba, F. & Shardlow, T. (2023) The Regularised Inertial Dean-Kawasaki equation: discontinuous Galerkin approximation and modelling for low-density regime. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, DOI: 10.1051/m2an/2023077.

    @article{2207.09989, author = {Cornalba, Federico and Shardlow, Tony}, title = {The Regularised Inertial {Dean-Kawasaki} equation: discontinuous Galerkin approximation and modelling for low-density regime}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1051/m2an/2023077}, journal = {ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2207.09989}, github = {tonyshardlow/RIDK-FD} }
  2. Delos Reyes, J. (2023) Mathematical modelling of agrochemical uptake across leaf cuticle (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{reyes:phd, author = {{Delos Reyes}, J.}, title = {Mathematical modelling of agrochemical uptake across leaf cuticle}, school = {University of Bath, co-supervised with K. A. J. White, B. Delgado-Charro}, year = {2023}, uni = {researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/mathematical-modelling-of-agrochemical-uptake-across-leaf-cuticle} }
  3. Delos Reyes, J., Shardlow, T., Delgado-Charro, M.B., Webb, S., & White, K.A.J. (2023) Mathematical Modelling of Droplet Evaporation and Surfactant Effects on Pesticide Leaf Uptake.

    @online{delosreyes2023, author = {{Delos Reyes}, J. and Shardlow, T. and Delgado-Charro, M. B. and Webb, S. and White, K. A. J.}, title = {Mathematical Modelling of Droplet Evaporation and Surfactant Effects on Pesticide Leaf Uptake}, year = {2023}, eprinttype = {SSRN}, eprint = {4331165}, url = {https://ssrn.com/abstract=4331165} }
  4. Firmo, M. (2023) Numerical Methods and Bayesian Inference for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PhD thesis).

    @phdthesis{firmo:phd, author = {Firmo, M.}, title = {Numerical Methods and Bayesian Inference for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance}, school = {University of Bath, co-supervised with S. Gazzola and E. Fordham}, year = {2023}, uni = {researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/numerical-methods-and-bayesian-inference-for-nuclear-magnetic-res} }
  5. Deveney, T., Mueller, E., & Shardlow, T. (2023) Deep surrogate accelerated delayed-acceptance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal heat fluxes in rotating disc systems. SIAM Uncertainty Quantification, DOI: 10.1137/22M1513113.

    @article{teo_hmc, author = {Deveney, T. and Mueller, E. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {Deep surrogate accelerated delayed-acceptance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal heat fluxes in rotating disc systems}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2204.02272}, journal = {SIAM Uncertainty Quantification}, doi = {10.1137/22M1513113}, year = {2023}, vol = {11}, number = {3} }
  6. Wang, F., Poon, C., & Shardlow, T. (2023) Compressed online Sinkhorn.

    @online{peggy_cos, author = {Wang, F. and Poon, C. and Shardlow, T.}, title = {Compressed online Sinkhorn}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprint = {2310.05019}, note = {arXiv:2310.05019}, year = {2023} }

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