Will I be jumping on my own to start with?

With the Static Line route into the sport you will be jumping solo from your very first jump. An instructor is with you in the plane and dispatches you but you will be jumping out on your own.

For the first few jumps your parachute will be deployed automatically by the static line which is attached to both your parachute and the plane. After you have demonstrated that you can exit the plane in a stable body position you will progress onto short freefalls where you pull the ripcord to deploy your parachute yourself.

If you choose to start with AFF then you will be jumping with two very experienced instructors (each with over a thousand jumps) for your first three jumps and one instructor for the next four jumps. Over the course of those jumps you will demonstrate that you can fall in a stable body position, turn and move around the sky yourself. You will then be jumping by yourself for the next 10 jumps – your consolidation jumps, after which you will be given your A Licence.