Wine Society

The University of Bath Student's Wine Society

Describing a Wine

Common Descriptive Terms


Aromatic Has a pleasant or distinctive smell
Beefy Lots of Flavour, Full Bodied
Coarse Rough and Ready (usually cheap wine)
Creamy Resembles texture and/or flavour of cream
Crisp Fresh and Invigorating
Dense Lots of Colour or Flavour
Earthy Earthy or Minerally Taste and/or Smell
Flat Lacking in Freshness or acidity
Green Young or Unripe
Heavy Full bodied and Alcoholic
Herbaceous or Herby Flavours of Grass and Herbs
Hot Overcooked, and/or strong alcohol taste
Jammy Jam like flavours, usually from hot climates
Long Long lasting flavour in the mouth
Meaty Rich flavours, or literaly meaty flavours
Oaky Smells and/or oaky taste
Rich Depth and Breadth of Flavour
Rough Cheap wine see Coarse
Round No sharp tastes, ready for drinking
Scented Scented Purfumed, usually floral
Sharp Acidic flavour, decanting can help give a smoother taste
Short No aftertaste or the taste dies quickly
Smooth No acid or tannin
Stewed Cooked fruit flavours
Structure Description of the balance of acid, tannin, fruit and alcohol
Tannin Bitter, mouth drying taste
Thin Little flavour or body
Vegetal Leafy and herbaceous
Watery see thin

Return to the Wine Guide Contents
Serving a Wine | How to taste a Wine | Tasting Types | Describing a Wine | Wine with Food | Storing a Wine | Aging Wine |
Wine Faults


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