Organiser: R. Moser
Continuum theories for (anti-)ferromagnetic materials, such as micromagnetics, need to account for a variety of patterns such as domain walls, magnetic bubbles, vortices, Skyrmions, etc. Often these are modelled by PDEs with interesting structures such as singularities. The main focus of this workshop are patterns with nontrivial topology and/or caused by topological effects, where physics, PDE theory, and topology interact with each other.
More information can be found here.
Organisers: E. Crooks, F. Dragoni, and R. Grande
More information can be found here.
Organiser: N. Katzourakis
Variational problems involving the L∞-norm have attracted significant attention since the pioneering work of G. Aronsson in the 1960s. Typically they do not arise as fundamental physical laws, but appear instead in design and optimisation problems, especially when it is does not suffice to prescribe and minimise just the average of a quantity. Apart from being of fundamental analytical interest, they are very useful, and sometimes pivotal, for applications. In this event we bring together experts in the field, early career researchers and research students to discuss the latest developments in the area.
More information can be found here.
Organisers: G.-Q. G. Chen, J. A. Carrillo, and E. Süli
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: E. Crooks (Swansea) and F. Dragoni (Cardiff)
More information can be found here.
Organisers: F. Schulze and P. Topping
This event will focus on PDEs with a geometric flavour, including topics such as minimal surfaces, harmonic maps, mean curvature flow, free boundary problems and variational problems for eigenvalues.
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Please see the conference webpage for more information.
Organisers: E. Crooks, F. Dragoni, and U. Kadri
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organiser: N. Katzourakis
More information can be found here.
Organisers: M. del Pino, K. Matthies, and M. Musso
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: S. Gomes, F. Theil, and M.-T. Wolfram
Please see the workshop webpage for more information. If you are interested, you can register here. The organisers can only cover accommodation for invited speakers as explained here but can help people find accommodation nearby if needed.
Organisers: D. Bourne, A. Mészáros, and L. Scardia
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: G.-Q. Chen, J. Kristensen, A. Mondino, C. Mouhot, and N. Wickramasekera
See here for more details.
Organisers: A. Einav, J. Evans, M. Griffin-Pickering, and K. Matthies
The meeting aims to bring experts in PDEs of physical nature (loosely speaking) together to share recent advances and emerging open problems. Invited speakers include Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Manuel del Pino, Alpár Mészáros, Matthew Schrecker, and Florian Theil amongst others.
Participants should register here. The registration will close on Friday 10 May at 12:00pm.
Organiser: P. Topping
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: N. Katzourakis, K. Koumatos, and A. Taheri
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: E. Crooks, F. Dragoni, and V. Moroz
This event aims to enhance the training of early career researchers in the field through mini-courses and guest lectures on topics ranging across nonlinear PDEs, and to offer early career researchers the opportunity to interact with leaders in their fields, expose them to adjacent fields, and build networks and collaborations among themselves.
Please see the event webpage for more information.
Organiser: P. Topping
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: G.-Q. G. Chen and J. A. Carrillo
This workshop focuses mainly on the analysis of nonlinear PDEs arising in the interplay of interacting particle systems, calculus of variations, and fluid dynamics. There will be a programme of research talks, but also plenty of time to network.
Please see the workshop webpage for more information.
Organisers: D. Bourne and L. Scardia
This workshop brings together applied mathematicians, engineers and industrial partners working on computational materials science, homogenisation and computational geometry.
More information can be found here.