
Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs

This is a network to bring together people working in the theory of partial differential equations and adjoining fields. We have nodes based at Bath, Cardiff, Heriot-Watt, Oxford, Reading, and Warwick. We organise a number of events on various aspects of the theory. Participation is open to everybody and there is no registration fee. See the events section for details or see below for an overview of upcoming events.

Calendar of events

Date Title Place
7 – 8 October 2024 Discontinuities and Singularities in Nonlinear Evolution PDEs University of Oxford

Mailing list

There is a mailing list that we use to circulate news about our events and other developments in the network. To subscribe, send a message to sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk from the address you want to subscribe to the list. In the subject line of your message, type in: subscribe pde-network Firstname Name (indicate your own first name and name). Leave the message body blank. In case of any problems, please contact Roger Moser.


The network is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

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