Jonathan Knight's Research pages

Research cannot be done without resources and so most of my work revolves around funded research projects. These projects pay for people, consumables, fabrication costs, software and equipment. Project funding has come from a wide range of sources over the years, but the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has been the single largest funder and has ensured the continuity of our work. Without their support, the work we have done would not have been possible.


Currently, I am working on two major projects:


  • Hollow antiresonant fibres for visible and ultraviolet beam delivery. This project is a collaboration with others at Bath and with long-standing colleagues Duncan Hand and Jon Shephard at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, and with a number of partners from the commercial sector (Coherent Scotland, Litron, Powerlase Photonics and M-Solv). We are developing and testing hollow-core optical fibres for the delivery of powerful short and ultrashort optical pulses in industrial environments.


  • Proteus: Multiplexed Optical Molecular Sensing and Imaging. An Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration with a web page at The Bath role is in developing and providing multifunctional fibres for imaging and sensing. The work is led by Edinburgh (PI Mark Bradley) and includes researchers at Heriot Watt University. Clinical lead is Dr Kev Dhaliwal.

Department of Physics, University of Bath, United Kingdom

email: j.c.knight "at"