
A list of the EngD students I have supervised, along a link to download their thesis, can be found below.
Click the triangle next to the title to see their Abstract.
Download PDF (17MB)Procedural Reconstruction of Architectural Parametric Models from Airborne and Ground Laser Scans by Kwamina Edum-Fotwe This research addresses the problem of efficiently and robustly reconstructing semantically-rich 3D architectural models from laser-scanned point-clouds. It first covers the pre-existing literature and industrial developments in active-sensing, 3D reconstruction of the built-environment and procedural modelling. It then documents a number of novel contributions to the classical problems of changedetection between temporally varying multi-modal geometric representations and automatic 3D asset creation from airborne and ground point-clouds of buildings. Finally this thesis outlines on-going research and avenues for continued investigation - most notably fully automatic temporal update and revision management for city-scale CAD models via data-driven procedural modelling from point-clouds. In short this thesis documents the outcomes of a research project whose primary aim was to engineer fast, accurate and sparse building reconstruction algorithms.
Formally: this thesis puts forward the hypothesis (and advocates) that architectural reconstruction from actively-sensed point-clouds can be addressed more efficiently and affording greater control (over the geometric results) - via deterministic procedurally-driven analysis and optimisation than via stochastic sampling.
Download PDF (40MB)Reducing Head Mounted Display Simulation-Sickness through Dynamic Field of View Constriction by Hashim Yaqub Although virtual reality head-mounted displays (HMD) have been in use since the mid- 1960s, the surge in public interest and access to VR had spurred an increased interest in all industries to investigate the potential of VR as an interaction modality associate with high subjective presence. Many challenges need to be addressed through the disciplined application of research methods, especially combating simulator sickness, if this potential is to be realised. This Engineering Doctorate thesis reports a series of investigations within the context of real-world development with a partner company (BMT Defence Service, an naval engineering consultant). The primary interest of the thesis is in the potential of VR for developing cases and uses for this technology in training. The target modality of training was a portable set-up, i.e. sitting down with a laptop, HMD and a game controller. This set up would prove beneficial for providing axillary training to personnel who are not always able to receive regular on-board training. It would also prepares people for situations which are difficult to simulate in real-world conditions. Example cases included familiarisation, line of sight tests, hazard recognition and evacuation procedures.
An initial study of VR HMD experience in training scenario highlighted simulator sickness as a key limiting factor for usability thus focusing the research on identifying and reducing the factors which induce simulation sickness. Prior research suggest that static field of view restrictions could help but only at the cost of loss of presence. There were no reported studies of the effects of restricting the field of view dynamically thus this thesis presents two investigations of dynamic Field of View (FOV) constriction triggered by movement in a virtual space. It was hypothesised that a reduction in FOV reduced the induction of Simulator/Cybersickness. The problem with doing so however was that it may negatively influence presence as the change in FOV could distract the user. This thesis reports the development of a method for adjusting FOV to reduce simulator sickness without loss of presence. Two dynamic FOV constriction studies are reported. The first failed to demonstrate a clear effect but subjective user reports suggested methodological and experiential issues in its design. Meanwhile, research into a similar method was published at the 3DUI Symposium at IEEE VR 2016. Fernandes & Feiner [1], showing that dynamic FOV constriction can reduce simulator sickness without compromising presence. However, their work used interaction scenarios with normal walking in an unchallenging virtual environment. Users were not subject to the types of motion which literature suggests are most likely to induce sickness.
Consequently, the second DFOV constriction study tested simulator sickness reduction in a more discomforting situations via involuntary movements and animations on the virtual character and camera. Many of these animations and movements are typical in fist-person applications and yet are absent from VR applications. These include for example head-bobbing, falling animations, stumbling, and forward rolls. The aim was test whether DFOV constriction could allow VR developers to include such facets in future development. It showed that extreme movements still generate simulator sickness, despite the use of DFOV constriction, but subjective reports suggest some users appear to benefit. Further research is recommended on introducing user control to the extent of DFOV manipulation. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the state-of-the-art in DFOV constriction as a general approach to immersive VR interactions, including how the human vestibular system may limit DFOV effectiveness as a means of controlling simulator sickness.
Download PDF (55MB)Performance Driven Design Systems In Practice by Sam Joyce This thesis is concerned with the application of computation in the context of professional architectural practice and specifically towards defining complex buildings that are highly integrated with respect to design and engineering performance. The thesis represents applied research undertaken whilst in practice at Foster + Partners.
It reviews the current state of the art of computational design techniques to quickly but flexibly model and analyse building options. The application of parametric design tools to active design projects is discussed with respect to real examples as well as methods to then link the geometric definitions to structural engineering analysis, to provide performance data in near real time. The practical interoperability between design software and engineering tools is also examined.
The role of performance data in design decision making is analysed by comparing manual work-flows with methods assisted by computation. This extends to optimisation methods which by making use of design automation actively make design decisions to return optimised results. The challenges and drawbacks of using these methods effectively in real deign situations is discussed, especially the limitations of these methods with respect to incomplete problem definitions, and the design exploration resulting in modified performance requirements.
To counter these issues a performance driven design work flow is proposed. This is a mixed initiative whereby designer centric understanding and decisions are computer assisted. Flexible meta-design descriptions that encapsulate the variability of the design space under consideration are explored and compared with existing optimisation approaches. Computation is used to produce and visualise the performance data from these large design spaces generated by parametric design descriptions and associated engineering analysis.
Novel methods are introduced that define a design and performance space using cluster computing methods to speed up the generation of large numbers of options. The use of data visualisation is applied to design problems, showing how in real situations it can aid design orientation and decision making using the large amount of data produced. Strategies to enable these work-flows are discussed and implemented, focusing on re-appropriating existing web design paradigms using a modular approach concentrating on scalable data creation and information display.
Download PDF (93MB)Meta-Parametric Design: Developing a Computational Approach for Early Stage Collaborative Practice by John Harding Computational design is the study of how programmable computers can be integrated into the process of design. It is not simply the use of pre-compiled computer aided design software that aims to replicate the drawing board, but rather the development of computer algorithms as an integral part of the design process. Programmable machines have begun to challenge traditional modes of thinking in architecture and engineering, placing further emphasis on process ahead of the final result. Just as Darwin andWallace had to think beyond form and inquire into the development of biological organisms to understand evolution, so computational methods enable us to rethink how we approach the design process itself.
The subject is broad and multidisciplinary, with influences from design, computer science, mathematics, biology and engineering. This thesis begins similarly wide in its scope, addressing both the technological aspects of computational design and its application on several case study projects in professional practice. By learning through participant observation in combination with secondary research, it is found that design teams can be most effective at the early stage of projects by engaging with the additional complexity this entails.
At this concept stage, computational tools such as parametric models are found to have insufficient flexibility for wide design exploration. In response, an approach called Meta-Parametric Design is proposed, inspired by developments in genetic programming (GP). By moving to a higher level of abstraction as computational designers, a Meta- Parametric approach is able to adapt to changing constraints and requirements whilst maintaining an explicit record of process for collaborative working.
Download PDF (52MB)Learning From Experience in the Engineering of Non-orthogonal Architectural Surfaces: A Computational Design System by Katrin Jonas This research paints a comprehensive picture of the current state of the conception and engineering of non-orthogonal architectural surfaces. The present paradigm in the design and engineering of these elaborate building structures is such that the overall form is decided first and it is then broken down into building components (facade cladding, or structural or shell elements) retrospectively. Subsequently, there is a division between the creation of the design and then the reverse engineering of it. In most of these projects, the discretisation of elaborate architectural surfaces into building components has little to do with how the form has been created, and the logic of the global form and its local subdivision are not of the same order.
Experience gained through project work in the sponsoring company Buro Happold has been harnessed to inform the implementation of a design tool prototype. It is an open, extendible system. The development of the tool aims at stepping outside the current paradigm in practice; provides an integrated process of bottom-up generation of form and top-down search and optimisation, using an evolutionary method. The assertion of this thesis is that non-orthogonal design, which mimics a natural form in appearance, can be derived using mechanisms found in nature. These mechanisms, e.g. growth and evolution, can be transferred in such a way that they integrate aspects of the aesthetic, manufacturing, construction or performance. Designs are then created with an inherent logic. Growing form by adding discrete local geometries to produce larger componential surfaces ensures that the local parts and the global geometry are coherent and of the same kind.
The aspiration is to make use of computational methods to contribute to the design and buildability of non-orthogonal architectural surfaces, and to further the discussion, development and application of digital design tools in practice.