Dr Andreas Krause









Research projects

Unpublished work

Information for PhD




I am able to accept new PhD students in the areas of banking and financial markets. Generally I am open to any well-founded research ideas in this areas, but for the area of banking, I list below some possible research questions in areas that I have identified as lacking research coverage in the (theoretical) literature. Of course, in the areas on banking and financial markets many well-researched topics still have considerable outstanding questions that a PhD student could seek to make a contribution to; I am open to hear such research ideas.

While my work is mainly theoretical, I am open to students proposing research topic that contain an empirical element or are even fully empirical. When formulating your research question it is, however, essential to consider the availability of data and whether access to such data can be obtained.


Potential research questions for PhD candidates

The below list of possible research questions for PhD students is indicative only and meant to be a starting point for (potential) PhD students to develop research questions. In the field of banking theory These topics are not necessarily indicative of active research I am currently undertaking and students are invited to make their own proposals within my areas of interest, including for empirical research questions and in the area of financial markets.


Commercial banking

1.      Equity stakes and loans

a.      Conflicts of interest between loan provision and holding equity stakes in a company

b.      Informational advantages for banks from board roles

2.      Brokered deposits

a.      Implications of the sensitivity of large deposits to interest rates and risk

b.      Diversification of banking risk for depositors

3.      Brokered loans

a.      The effect of mortgage brokers

b.      Incentives from lending through retailers

4.      Disclosure of unsuccessful loan applications to credit reference agencies

5.      Ring-fencing of commercial banking

a.      The effect of the separation of high risk activities from lending activities

b.      Implications of ring-fencing for cross-selling of products

6.      Correspondent banking for international payments

a.      Selection of correspondent banks and the resulting network of correspondent banks

b.      Incentives for acting as a correspondent bank

7.      Using CoCos

a.      The effect of CoCos on the risk taking by banks

b.      Comparison of CoCos with equity increases

8.      The impact of lending restrictions

a.      The consequences of LTV rules and minimum lending standards

b.      The effect of exposure limits on bank lending

9.      FinTech

a.      The use of open banking and its impact on lending

b.      The impact of the use of Big Data and AI in banking

Investment banking

1.      M&A advisory in merchant banking

a.      Bridge loans for mergers and MBOs: revenue from advisory and loan provision are linked, repayment depends on characteristics of the company bought and the success of the merger

b.      Equity stakes: implications for the advisory role of investment banks

c.      Loans: implications for the advisory role of investment banks

d.      Modelling of advisory conflicts of interest with loans given, equity stakes of banks, taking into account relationship banking

2.      Underwriting in merchant banking: influence of investment banks on IPOs and bond issues companies that have loans

3.      Dutch action IPOs: Comparison of this form of selling securities with book-building and fixed price offers


To discuss your interest in becoming a PhD student at the University of Bath under my supervision, please contact me informally with an initial research idea and a full CV.