Noise sensitivity and dynamical percolation
Reading group, spring semester 2014
We'll be working from the lecture notes by Jeff Steif and Christophe Garban. Feel free to come and see me (4W1.13) at any point to discuss what exactly you should include - some chapters are long and might need pruning, whereas some are short and you could do some of the exercises or take some stuff from other chapters.
19/2: Matt - Definitions and key concepts (chapter I)
26/2: Matt - Percolation in a nutshell (chapters II and III)
5/3: Cécile - Fourier analysis (chapter IV)
12/3: Francis - Hypercontractivity (chapter V)
19/3: Peter - Noise sensitivity of percolation (chapter VI)
26/3: Steven - Randomized algorithms (chapter VIII)
2/4: Sam - Dynamical percolation (chapter XI)
9/4: Antal - Fluctuations of first passage percolation (chapter VII)
16/4: Chris - The spectral sample (chapter IX)