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Posted Saturday 23rd February 2013 at 5.22pm
Sponge pudding
Here's a recipe for a sponge pudding that's adapted from Jamie Oliver's... goes fantastically well with toffee sauce! (He used dates instead of the other fruit.)

225g fruit (I used 2 plums, a small handful of black grapes, and made the rest up with sultanas)
1tsp baking powder
85g butter
170g caster sugar
2 eggs
170g self-raising flour
1/4tsp mixed spice (I actually used nutmeg and ginger, as I didn't have mixed spice)
1/4tsp cinnamon
2 tablespoons drinking chocolate

Soak the fruit and baking powder in 200ml boiling water for 2 mins, then drain. In a separate bowl, cream the sugar and butter, then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Pour into a greased ovenproof dish and bake at 180C for 35 mins. (Mine wasn't quite ready at this point - I stuck a knife in and it came out with cake on it - so I turned down the heat to 100C and cooked for a further 5 mins or so.)

For toffee sauce, put 115g butter, 115g brown sugar, 140ml cream (or milk) in a saucepan and warm on a lowish heat until it thickens, stirring regularly. This can take some time if you're using milk...

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Posted Monday 25th February 2013 at 3.04pm
Matt Roberts says:
By the way, it turns out that you don't need to reheat toffee sauce very long in the microwave before it gets VERY hot... I managed to melt not one but two plastic containers before I got it right!

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