
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Wednesday 26th October 2011 at 3.34pm
Welsh rarebit
If you're only going to learn one sentence in German, I recommend "Mein Hamster ist gestorben." One sentence in Swedish: "Kanske ar jag kar i dig." And in Welsh, it has to be "Torra fy ngwallt yn hir." This might be the only ever Welsh song of the week. Make the most of it.

To quote another Super Furry Animals lyric, Marie Curie was Polish born but French bred. HA! FRENCH BRED!

This, from this isn't happiness made me laugh (thanks Nick!):

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Posted Friday 9th December 2011 at 1.19pm
Melina says:
I have not read your blog in a few months .. "Mein Hamster ist gestorben", haha! How come every English person I know seems to know only that sentence in German? Do you learn that before "Danke" and "Bitte"?

Posted Friday 9th December 2011 at 1.22pm
Matt Roberts says:
Actually just before I moved to Berlin you told me that that sentence was the only sentence Phil knew. Before that I didn't know it. It made a good ice-breaker while I was in Germany!

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