
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Wednesday 4th January 2012 at 2.08pm
I've been to the year 2000...
...not much has changed but the horse in harness is as scarce, if not even scarcer, then than the yoked ox is today.

I have no idea whether this is genuine, but if it is, some of the predictions are quite spectacular! Click for full-size.

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Posted Wednesday 4th January 2012 at 2.14pm
Matt Roberts says:
By the way this is, allegedly, from 1900 or 1901, in case that wasn't clear from the hamming of Busted.

Posted Tuesday 10th January 2012 at 10.50pm
Matt Roberts says:
There's a story about it on the BBC website now, which suggests it is genuine and hasn't just been mocked up recently by someone with too much time on their hands. Good work John Elfreth Watkins, Jr.

Posted Wednesday 18th January 2012 at 12.08pm
Nils says:
thanks for that. very entertaining. :)

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