
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Thursday 10th November 2011 at 8.14pm
I'm not wearing a poppy this year
I agree with this short article from the Independent. "Wearing a poppy is an act of personal respect for those who fought and died for this country in two world wars as well as more recent conflicts. It is not, or should not be, an exercise in communal conformity." (Actually I don't agree with the "for this country" bit, but for want of a suitably succinct alternative I'll let it roll.)

The reason that I wear a poppy isn't that I'm proud to wear a poppy, or to donate money to injured soldiers or relatives of dead soldiers or whatever. I do it to remember, and to remind other people that they should remember, what people went through and what people fought for.

I hope I'll never know, but I remember those who did, and those who still do.

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