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Posted Monday 30th July 2012 at 9.53am
One good summer
   "People look for patterns in everything. It's what keeps us sane, I suppose. I struggle to see any patterns in my life. I think I can understand depression a bit because of my sister. My own feelings of..." Palin hesitates. "I'm aware that, if you feel down, it can be strangely unrelated to circumstances around you. That's just the way life is."
   "Of course you must have witnessed depression in others, like Spike Milligan."
   "I loved Spike, yet I never realised, until I got to know him, that this person, who made me so happy, was desperate, and that writing the comedy I adored was tearing his life apart. When I interviewed him for Comic Roots, I asked him what it felt like to work on The Goon Show. He said, 'It was like one good summer.'" Palin pauses. "What a moving phrase that is. 'One good summer'. Something fleeting, that you can never recapture. That sense of: was it all just a dream?"

Source: Robert Chalmers, The Independent.

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