
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Wednesday 29th August 2012 at 9.59pm
A moan
Time for a little moan. I need a work permit to work in Canada. When I arrived, I had a letter saying that I was coming to work for one year, with a possible extension for another year, from 23rd September 2011. I requested a work permit for 2 years; they gave me a work permit that was valid only until 31st August 2012, so a bit less than a year. At the time I thought that was a bit annoying, and now I'm actually leaving (after one year) on 21st September, which means I had to renew my work permit (which costs about $100) for just 21 days, it's definitely a bit annoying. But it happens.

So towards the end of June I thought I had better renew my work permit. The government website told me that the processing times were around 38 days. I got a letter confirming that I was staying for the second year (at the time I still was) and sent off the application on 29th June. The end of July came and went, and so I checked the government website again. 60 days! That took me almost to the end of August. Hmmmm. So I checked again the next week. 67 days! It seems they'd done absolutely nothing that week. The pace of increase then slowed for a while, but this week it went up by another 6 days. It's now on 74 days - almost twice the length of time it advised me it would take when I submitted. So I will be starting September with no work permit. If this rate of increase continues I won't actually receive my work permit before I leave Canada.

Incidentally the processing times for applicants with a new employer are running at 61 days. So it would have been quicker if I wanted to change jobs. Bizarre.

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Posted Friday 7th September 2012 at 3.14am
Matt Roberts says:
Now up to 79 days. The question is, will my work permit ever arrive?

Posted Thursday 13rd September 2012 at 4.52am
Matt Roberts says:
82 days...

Posted Thursday 20th September 2012 at 2.13am
Matt Roberts says:
86 days...

Posted Saturday 29th September 2012 at 1.23pm
Matt Roberts says:
88 days...

Posted Thursday 4th October 2012 at 9.31am
Matt Roberts says:
93 days...

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