
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Tuesday 21st May 2013 at 9.10pm
Mister Bond
In the pub after work today, someone asked me a question about ants on midpoints of a rectangle trying to get to the corners in a constrained way. I said "It's probably possible as long as it's not a square or something like that." He replied, "Something like that, yes, but that's not the right answer." After 30 seconds' more thought I tried "Ah, as long as the length isn't a rational multiple of the width," and he retorted "You're just throwing out guesses now. I want justification!"

"What, you expect me to come up with a proof right now?" I asked, and waited for the inevitable response:

"No, Mister Roberts. I expect you to die."

This is one of my favourite articles in a long time. By Jamie Stokes in the Guardian.

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