
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Monday 11th March 2013 at 10.36am
Made in Dagenham
I watched Made in Dagenham a few nights ago. It's about a group of women who find themselves thrust into fighting for wage equality. It's good. And it reminded me of something I read in a review of Lincoln recently (I haven't seen Lincoln): that good politicians realise, eventually, what is right, and shift the centre ground to fit around it. Stop monkeying around and worrying that you'll make your market less globally competitive; stop waiting for global agreement. If it's right, make the change, and the world will follow.

Climate change and the pay gap between rich and poor might not be as idealogically loaded as race, gender or sexual equality, but they are still important issues that need addressing. And we can address them - if someone grasps the nettle, they might just change the world.

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