
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Tuesday 27th September 2011 at 10.37pm
Waiting for Kirsten
I was back in my hometown of Gothenburg this summer, and one day my friend calls me up who works at this shitty hotel in the city, and she says "You'll never guess who just checked in!" And I say "Is it Kirsten Dunst?" And she says "Yes." Now I don't know much about Kirsten Dunst, I haven't seen any of her movies. But the thing is she mentioned me once in an interview she did in a newspaper, and I've been trying not to be too impressed by that. Thing is that I grew up in a suburb next to a potato chips factory, standing there like a tombstone with two gigantic chimneys coming out of it; and so what is a suburban potato chips factory boy like me to do when Kirsten comes to my home town except obsessively stalk her all night?

In Gothenburg we don't have VIP lines,
In Gothenburg you're not worth less and you're not worth any more.
But times are changing, Kirsten...
Göta älv is slowly reversing;
The VIP lines are not to the clubs
But to healthcare, apartments and jobs.

Yeah, Jens has a new EP. The first two songs are good.

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