
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Monday 9th January 2011 at 9.46pm
A fumbling play
A new song from the Shins. I hadn't even realised they were releasing a new album, or that "they" are now just James Mercer and guests.

The production is too much like Wincing the Night Away for my liking. I prefer the subtler sounds of Chutes too Narrow, where the lone violin on Saint Simon, or the pedal steel on Gone for Good, really stood out. Now it's all throbbing bass, chiming guitars and cooing backing vocals, the lighthouse of Mercer's voice beaming out over the top. Still sounds good though, and I look forward to hearing the rest of the album. Actually, for a lead single, this is a bit weird - the top falling off two-thirds of the way through - and you never know, that could be a good sign.

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