
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Thursday 13th September 2012 at 10.40pm
Finally Twigged
At last! A sensible article about the GCSE English exam grades fiasco!

Here's the main point:

"I do believe in tackling grade inflation... in a planned and coherent way. Michael Gove must be able to understand there is a difference between ensuring rigour in a planned way, and changing the rules after exams have been set. The education secretary has said he feels 'sympathy' or 'sadness' for what has happened to pupils. But he has refused to act."

The problem is, regrading will take too long, and an independent inquiry will take way too long. In fact it's already been too long. This is one of the problems with the current system. Grades are announced in August, and the new school year starts in early September. There's no time for anyone to launch alternative procedures if anything goes wrong. The best case scenario now is that a load of kids are held back a year.

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