
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Friday 18th January 2013 at 11.14am
Epijournals? Yes please! See this post by Tim Gowers and this article by Rich Van No. Besides the whole journals-being-free thing, there's another possible fantastic idea waiting to get out. From Gowers:

"One possibility being discussed, which I am very much in favour of, is each accepted article having not just a link to the arXiv but also a web page for (non-anonymous) comments and reviews. For example, the editor who accepts an article might wish to write a paragraph or two about why the article is interesting, a reader who spots a minor error might write explaining the error and how it can be fixed (if it can), and an expert in the area might write a review that could be very useful to hiring committees."

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