
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Sunday 8th April 2012 at 9.39pm
The difference is thin
Whenever I'm back in Nottingham, I have a sort of competition with my dad... when a song comes on the radio or TV, and one of us recognises it, we'll ask "who's this by?" Generally I have no idea about anything on the radio nowadays, but on TV adverts they often use indie pop songs. There's some furniture company that uses Peter Bjorn and John. My dad's indignance at being asked whether he knows a (to him) obscure band involving three Swedish men means he now retorts "Lars, Peter and Dave" - or variations on that theme - whenever I ask about any band he doesn't recognise.

I remember when, when I first moved here,
A long time ago,
Cos I heard some song I used to hear back then,
A long time ago.

This song reminds me of standing on the U-bahn, on my way from Schönhauser Allee to Hausvogteiplatz.

If only this competition had existed two years ago...

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