
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 at 12.58pm
Ian Chappell - sometimes talks sense, sometimes talks codswallop. Brilliant interview with him in the Guardian.

Do you have a favourite word, or a word you overuse?
I don't overuse it, but there was an Australian guy, John McMahon, who played county cricket for Somerset and Sussex. I met him in England when I playing in the leagues in 1963. He was an interesting guy because he loved words and poetry. You'd be getting pissed in the sleaziest bar of all time around Manchester – and there were a few of those in '63 – and all of a sudden Macca would start quoting Banjo Patterson or something like that. Most Australian guys called blokes by nickname – Dougie rather than Walters, Rodney rather than Marsh – but Macca would always say to me, "How's KD Walters going?" or "How's RW Marsh going?" He used to use the word 'amass'. He'd say, "How many did KD Walters amass today? or "How many did RW Marsh amass today?" So every now and then when I'm writing a column, I'll always stick in an amass every now and then. And every time I do it, I think, "There's one for you Macca."

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