
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Saturday 29th September 2012 at 3.17pm
All change
I start at Warwick on Monday. This site will move - Bath are deleting my account tomorrow so there'll be some downtime.

Return to blog


Posted Thursday 4th October 2012 at 9.30am
Matt Roberts says:
OK, Bath *told me* my account would be deleted on Sunday/Monday. It doesn't seem to have happened yet!

Posted Friday 5th October 2012 at 5.03am
Muffy Rudy says:
Ai ya.
You are going to be lost to the internet.

Shame they can't just redirect to your new site for a few months.

Posted Friday 5th October 2012 at 5.19am
Matt Roberts says:
To be fair to them, they have been hosting my site for the best part of three years since I finished my PhD.

Posted Friday 30th November 2012 at 11.37am
melina says:
And it is still not gone...

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