
This page represents only my own views, and not those of any university or other body.

Posted Monday 28th November 2011 at 10.28pm
From little acorns...
It seems someone in the UK has realised that it might be a good idea to teach kids how to program computers. I learnt basic, C and html from the internet while at school they made us use the paint program on our Acorns to design logos for fast food companies. (This turned out to be the wrong piece of coursework, which meant that my entire year at school got dud IT grades at GCSE. I got a B, despite being able to create a Flash game based on Breakout during exam leave that saved high scores to the web via php. I'm by no means claiming that this takes wunderkind levels of computer literacy, but one question on our mock GCSE exam involved correctly labelling a mouse, monitor and keyboard on a picture of a PC.)

Putting programming on the curriculum could make school much cooler and much more useful. So bravo to whoever came up with this idea. Years too late, but better late than never!

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