E-mail address
lmk54 [at] bath.ac.uk
Postal address
Dr Lisa Maria Kreusser
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
United Kingdom
2024/25 | Machine Learning II, lecturer. More details on the course on Moodle. |
2023/24 |
Machine learning in climate science, supervisor of year-long interdisciplinary project. Large systems of differential equations for modelling power systems, instructor. Data-driven mathematical modelling with differential equations, instructor. Computational optimal transport, instructor. |
2022/23 | Dynamical systems, lecturer. More details on the course on Moodle. Programming and data science, lecturer. More details on the course on Moodle. Stability of grid connected microgrids, supervisor of year-long interdisciplinary project. Neural networks and differential equations, instructor. Computational optimal transport, instructor. |
2021/22 | Dynamical systems, lecturer. More details on the course on Moodle. Mathematics of Deep Learning, instructor. Connections, tutorial. |
2021/22 | From Computation to Information, instructor. |
2020/21 | From Computation to Information, instructor. Essay on "From micro to macro: mathematical modelling across scales for collective behaviour", supervisor. |
2019/20 | From Computation to Information, instructor. Inverse Problems, lecturer. |
2018/19 | Numerical Solution of Different Equations, drop-in session. Introduction to Optimal Transport, drop-in sessions. |
2017/18 | Introduction to Functional Analysis, lecturer. Partial differential equations, drop-in session. Applied and computational analysis, drop-in sessions. |
2016/17 | Differential equations, supervisions. Partial differential equations, drop-in session. Applied and computational analysis, drop-in sessions. Co-supervisor of summer research project as part of Post Masters Placement Scheme. |
2013/14 | Ordinary differential equations, example classes. Vector calculus, example classes. |