
For the 2023-24 academic year, Claire will be lecturing on the following courses:

  • Year 1 - CH12002 - Atomic Structure (Weeks 1-4)

  • Year 1 - CH12003 - Semester 1 Computational Experiments

  • Year 1 - CH12004 - Python Coding

  • Year 1 - CH12005 - Starting Computational Chemistry

  • Year 1 - CH12005 - X-ray Diffraction

  • Year 3 - CH30239 - Introduction to Computational Chemistry for Natural Scientists (and CH20238)

  • Year 3 - CH30187 - Comp Lab for NS students

  • Year 3 - CH30240 - Comp Lab for CwM students

  • Year 4 - CH40131 / CH40155 - Advanced Structural Methods

University of Bath students can click the unit names to access the relevant Moodle page.

My Chemistry-themed Spotify playlist can be found here.
