Cameron Allett

Today's Thought

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About me
I am a PhD student in the Mathematical Foundations of Computation group at the University of Bath, doing research in proof theory. I began my studies in October 2021, with funding from an EPSRC studentship. My supervisor is Willem Heijltjes.

Previously, I completed a BA and MMath in Mathematics at the University of Oxford.
Conference Publications
I presented my work on the epsilon-calculus in deep inference at LICS 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia on 8 July 2024. (pdf)
Non-elementary compression of first-order proofs in deep inference using epsilon-terms, presented at the The Oxford Advanced Seminar on Informatic Structures on 31 May 2024. (slides)

Compressing first-order proofs in deep inference using epsilon-terms, presented at the Southern Logic Seminar in Birmingham, England on 5 September 2023.
I attended the Proof and Computation Autumn School in Herrsching, Germany from 10 - 16 September 2023.

I attended the Proof Society Autumn School and Workshop 2022 in Utrecht, The Netherlands from 7 - 12 November 2022.

I attended the Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science in Nottingham, England from 10 - 14 April 2022.

I attended the Linear Logic Winter School as part of Logic and Interactions 2022 at CIRM in Marseille, France from 24 - 28 January 2022.
I teach on the Functional Programming, Foundations of Computation and Programming 1 modules.