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Information for those staying overnight on the 1st July

Your accommodation will be in the Marlborough or Solsbury blocks.

Luggage storage

On the day of arrival (1st July), your rooms will not be available until 15:00 so you should either leave your luggage in your car, or bring it to The Edge where we will have a room for luggage storage. Similarly when you have to leave your room by 10am on the 2nd.

Collecting keys

You will be able to collect your keys from the Registration desk in The Edge. Any problems with your room, contact the East Accommodation Centre (which is close to the East car park).


Breakfast will be served in Polden Cafe for residents from 7:30 until 9:30am. Please note that you will need to wear your SWSBC badge to the restaurant.

North campus map

Returning keys

Keys must be returned to the meeting reception desk at the Edge before 10am on Tuesday to avoid having to pay for a second night's accommodation.

Parking permits

If arriving by car you will need to download a parking permit. Please see the travel page.