Analysis on Manifolds with Symmetries
and Related Structures
University of Bath 28-29 June 2016
University of Bath
Organiser: Dr Veronique Fischer
London Mathematical Society

This workshop aims at gathering mathematicians interested in the following topics:
  • analysis on manifolds with symmetries, especially related to Lie groups,
  • commutative and non-commutative harmonic analysis,
  • phase-space analysis and spectral analysis.

Venue: Building 6 West, lecture theatre 6W 1.1, University of Bath.

University of Bath
Campus of the University of Bath
(the venue is behind the trees on the left!)
Pulteney bridge
City of Bath (UK)

The workshop will start on Tuesday 28th June at 1pm, and end on Wednesday 29th June at 5pm.
Social dinner: Tuesday 28 June.

A meeting of the LMS network Harmonic Analysis and PDEs will follow on Thursday 30th June.

This event is sponsered by

For further information, please contact Dr Veronique Fischer at v.c.m.fischer AT