Harmonic Analysis/PDEs Workshop
30th June 2016
University of Bath

Local Organiser: Veronique Fischer

This workshop is a one day meeting of the LMS network Harmonic Analysis and PDEs.
It will take place at the University of Bath on 30th June 2016.

Before this meeting, on June 28-29, a workshop on Analysis on Manifolds with Symmetries and Related Structures will take place at the same venue. Both events are open to anyone interested. There is (limited) funding available to support PhD students and junior researchers.


10:30 Tea/Coffee in the foyer of Building 6 West

11:00 Professor Fulvio Ricci (SNS, Pisa, Italy)
            Fourier and spectral analysis

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Chiara Taranto (Imperial College London, UK)
            Well-posedeness of the sub-Laplacian wave equation on stratified Lie groups
                    and Sub-Laplacian Gevrey Spaces

14:15 David Beltran (University of Birmingham, UK)
            Weighted inequalities for oscillatory Fourier multipliers

15:00 Tea/Coffee Break

15:30 Odysseas Bakas (University of Edinburgh, UK)
            Classical inequalities of Paley and Zygmund:
                    weighted and higher dimensional versions revisited

16:15 Marco Vitturi (University of Edinburgh, UK)
            Uniform estimates for the double Hilbert transform
                    along a polynomial surface in the Heisenberg group

17:00 Conclusion, end of meeting.

A more detailed programme can be found here, including the abstracts of the talks can be found

Venue: Building 6 West, lecture theatre 6W 1.1, Campus of the University of Bath.
Find travel advice here, in particular a map of the campus.
If you are lost on the campus, go to the Parade and find the cafeteria 4W, then enter Building 4 West and ask for directions at the maths central office. Building 6 West is the first building westward of Building 4 West.

Further information: Please contact Dr Veronique Fischer.

Acknowledgment: The meeting is funded by the LMS Scheme 3 Grant of the research network Harmonic Analysis and PDE's, by the dept of Mathematical Sciences and V. Fischer's Starting Fund of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bath.