Patterns, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications (PANDA)
Since 2001, PANDA has comprised a regular series of one-day meetings
on pattern formation, nonlinear dynamics and related applications in the
physical, chemical and biological sciences. Meetings are currently hosted, roughly in rotation, by
the Universities of Bath, Nottingham, Leeds and Surrey.
History: After a brief pause through 2005-2006, PANDA rose phoenix-like
from the ashes;
meetings restarted in November 2006 (the last of the 2004/05 season!).
Roughly three are held every year.
Funding continues for 2014!
The organisers (Jonathan Dawes, Rebecca Hoyle, Paul Matthews
and Alastair Rucklidge) gratefully acknowledge the continuing financial
support of the LMS under a Scheme 3 grant.
Invited lectures: Each meeting usually features two invited lectures.
These are of a pedagogical
nature and are aimed at research students in applied mathematics,
specifically nonlinear dynamics; students are warmly
encouraged to attend, and reimbursement of travel expenses is
usually possible.
Contributed talks: Research students and post-docs who would like
to speak at a meeting are warmly encouraged (your subject need not be
closely related to the `theme' of the day) - contact the relevant meeting organiser.
Childcare and travel expenses: Limited funds are available to reimburse expenses incured by speakers and participants in meetings. Details of how to claim reimbursement are available at meetings.

Dynamical Systems Group (coordinated by Jeroen Lamb at Imperial College) and
(coordinated by Martin Rasmussen at Imperial College) also
organise meetings and short courses on related topics.

PANDA 10th Anniversary Meeting
(January 2012, Leeds, details in the meeting archive below) was featured
in the April 2012 Edition of the LMS Newsletter. The Newsletter can be downloaded
here - see pages 29-30 and the back cover!
Forthcoming PANDA meetings:
Tuesday 3 June 2014, University of Bath
Invited speakers:
Tanniemola Liverpool (Bristol): Synchronization and liquid crystalline order in soft active materials
Sebastian Wieczorek (Exeter): Rate-induced bifurcations: critical rates, non-obvious thresholds, and adaptation failure
Contributed talks:
Wayne Arter (CCFE): Fitting dynamical systems to data - preliminary results using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Clare Perryman (Exeter): Can we adapt to a changing environment? Banded instability thresholds for rate-induced bifurcations
Ivan Ovsyannikov (Imperial): An analytic proof of Lorenz-like attractors in continuous and discrete time models
Gabriela Gomes (Gulbenkian Inst): An organizing centre for
serotype competition and vaccine effects in pneumococcus dynamics
More details are available here.
Contributed talks from PhD students and post-docs are particularly welcome.
Contact Jonathan Dawes for further information.
The Archive: Topics
covered in past meetings (oldest first):
Monday 17th December 2001, Cambridge.
Invited speakers: Michael Proctor (Cambridge) and Ian Melbourne
Contributed talks: Gabriela Gomes (Warwick), Andrew Soward
(Exeter), John Norbury (Oxford) and Razvan Satnoianu (City)
More details available here.
Monday 25th - Tuesday 26th March 2002, Leeds.
Invited speakers: Alastair Rucklidge (Leeds), Rebecca Hoyle
(Surrey), Mike Turlow (Manchester), Tom Mullin (Manchester)
Contributed talks: Matt Lees, Bjoern Hof, Carl Tipton (all
Manchester), Sarah Pollicott (Nottingham), Konstantin Blyuss and Anne Skeldon
(both Surrey), Magdalen Carr (Durham) and John McSloy (Strathclyde).
Click here
for more details. This two-day meeting was organised jointly with the `Nonlinear
Pennine Triangle' network (also funded by the LMS under Scheme 3).
Tuesday 25th June 2002, Surrey.
Invited speakers:
Pete Ashwin (Exeter): Symmetric chaos, intermittency and pattern
James Robinson (Warwick): Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems.
Contributed talks:
Rob Sturman (Leeds): Loss of stability of cycling chaos
Yong Kheng Goh (Imperial): Pattern formation in a shaken granular
Jon Dawes (Cambridge): The dynamics of models of multiple virus
Stella Abreu (Surrey): Using symmetry to reduce the phase space
Friday 18th October 2002, Cambridge.
Invited speakers: Jon Dawes (Cambridge) and Anne Skeldon (Surrey)
Contributed talks: Paul Matthews (Nottingham), Jeff Porter
(Leeds) and Edgar Knobloch (Leeds).
Further details are available here.
Slides for the invited talk by Jon Dawes on `The dynamics
of mode interactions: patterns, bifurcations and symmetry' are available
to download:
Postscript version: slides,
reduced to fit 2 per A4 page (4.8M)
Gzipped version: slides, reduced
to fit 2 per A4 page (525K)
Postscript version: full-size slides
(A4) (4.8M)
Gzipped version: full-size slides
(A4) (523K)
If you have any problems downloading these files, please
get in touch.
Monday 10th March 2003, Surrey.
Invited speakers: Mary Silber (Northwestern) and Alan Champneys (Bristol)
Contributed talks: Faridon Amjadi (Glasgow Caledonian), Jennifer
Siggers (Nottingham), Katarzyna Boronska (Orsay) and Andrew Torok (Houston).
More details can be found here.
Friday 1st August 2003, Leeds.
Invited speakers: Grant Lythe (Leeds) and Peter Daniels (City)
Contributed talks: Francesco Papoff (Strathclyde), Rob Sturman
(Leeds), Jonathan Dawes (Cambridge) and Alastair Rucklidge (Leeds).
Click here
for more details.
Thursday 23rd October 2003, Nottingham.
Invited speakers: Paul Matthews (Nottingham) and Laurette Tuckerman (LIMSI-CNRS)
Contributed talks: Isabel Irurzun (Cambridge), Dwight Barkley
(Warwick), David Lloyd (Bristol) and Paul Wheeler (Warwick).
Click here for more details.
Friday 12th December 2003, Cambridge.
Invited speakers: Chris Budd (Bath) and David Chillingworth (Southampton)
Contributed talks: Alice Courvoisier (Leeds), Tom Mullin
(Manchester), Claire Postlethwaite (Cambridge) and Sergei Turitsyn (Aston).
More details are available here
(gzipped ps) or here (pdf).
Friday 14th May 2004, Leeds
Invited speakers:
Carmen Molina-Paris (Leeds): Mathematical models of T-cell
Stephen Coombes (Loughborough): Patterns, bumps and waves in
neural field theories
Contributed talks: Christophe Girardet (Oxford), Jennifer
Siggers (Nottingham)
Thursday 8th July 2004, Surrey
Invited speakers:
Bjorn Sandstede (Surrey): Spiral waves, and (some of) their instabilities
Bernd Krauskopf (Bristol): Growing global invariant manifolds
Contributed talks:
Stefano Luzzatto (Imperial): A new proof of the stable manifold
David Lloyd (Bristol): Robust heteroclinic cycles in the
complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
Fabio Biancalana (Bath): Soliton effects in photonic crystal
fibers: toy models and experiments
Pavel Kuptsov (City): Flow and diffusuion distributed
structures (FDS) in a 2D Lengyel-Epstein system with flow
Tuesday 18th January 2005,
Invited speakers:
Mark Roberts (Surrey) : Hamiltonian systems with Euclidean
Peter Hydon (Surrey): Symmetries of difference equations
Contributed talks:
Joel Miller (Cambridge): Weakly nonlinear dynamics in an
interfacial instability of elastic shear flow
David Winterbottom (Nottingham): Oscillatory pattern
formation with a conservation law
Yulia Timofeeva (Heriot-Watt/Nottingham): Modelling neuronal dendrites
with active spines
Tim Sykes (Manchester): Orientational and translational
ordering of anisotropic particles in granular segregation
Monday 13th November 2006,
Invited speakers:
Alastair Rucklidge (Leeds): An introduction to pattern selection in experiments
Anne Juel (Manchester): The influence of viscosity on the frozen wave instability
Rebecca Hoyle (Surrey): Pattern formation during the oxidation of CO on Pt{100}: a mesoscopic model
Fritz Busse (Bayreuth): Understanding turbulence through sequences of bifurcations
Thursday 29th March 2007, Surrey
Invited speakers:
Jonathan Dawes (Cambridge): Introduction to localised patterns
PDF of slides (1.9M)
Jon Chapman (Oxford): Exponential asymptotics for localised patterns
Contributed talks:
David Lloyd (Surrey): Hexagon patches and planar fronts
Gian-Luca Oppo (Strathclyde): Localised states in photonics
Apala Majumdar (Oxford): Tangent unit-vector fields and the post-aligned bistable nematic device
Steve Cox (Nottingham): Persistent localised states for a chaotically-mixed bistable reaction
Thomas Wagenknecht (Manchester): N-pulse solutions in homoclinic snaking scenarios
John Burke (UC Berkeley): Structure and stability of localized stripes in two dimensions
Wednesday 13 June 2007, Nottingham
Computational tools for pattern formation and nonlinear dynamics
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Markus Owen (Nottingham): Mathematical and computational
modelling in developmental biology
Paul Matthews (Nottingham): Computing isotropy subgroups and
equivariants in symmetric nonlinear dynamics
Contributed talks:
Bjorn Sandstede (Surrey): Spectra of waves in PDEs with time delay
Alastair Rucklidge (Leeds): Symbolic algebra methods in
pattern formation
Daniele Avitabile (Surrey): Continuing coherent structures
with Trilinos
Jonathan Mestel (Imperial College): Laminar dynamos in
helical pipes - hydrodynamic and magnetic instabilities
Thursday 29 November 2007, Surrey
Patterns in Optics
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Dmitry Skryabin (Bath) New soliton effects in fiber optics
Gian-Luca Oppo (Strathclyde) Turing patterns, control, and localised spots in optics and chemistry
Contributed talks:
Andrey Gorbach (Bath) Generation of multiply charged optical vortices and spatiotemporal helical beams using cascaded four-wave mixing
Neal Radwell (Strathclyde) Optical patterns and solitons in a VCSEL with feedback from a volume Bragg grating
Giampaolo D'Alessandro (Southampton) Defect formation and dynamics in liquid crystal microcavities
Gregory Kozyreff (ULB) Modulational instabilities and localized structures in optical fiber cavities with high-order chromatic dispersion
Friday 11 April 2008,
Discrete Systems: Coupled Oscillators and Network Dynamics
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Mikhail Ivanchenko (Leeds)Patterns of synchrony: from two cells towards a crowd
Jonathan Dawes (Cambridge)Robust Heteroclinic Cycles
Contributed talks:
Chris Taylor (Cambridge)Pattern formation in lattice dynamical systems
Eddie Wilson (Bristol)Lattice equation models for highway traffic: macroscopic properties and the connection to empirical patterns
Alfonso Castrejon Pita (Oxford)Experimental and numerical synchronization of baroclinic chaos
Gabor Orosz (Exeter) Learning spatiotemporal codes in coupled oscillator systems
Sandhya Patidar (Loughbrough) An analytical approach to the
collective dynamics in neural networks
A link to the meeting details can be found
Friday 6 June 2008,
Patterns and nonlinear dynamics in biology
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Ray Goldstein (Cambridge)Physical aspects of evolutionary transitions to multicellularity
Ruth Baker (Oxford)Propagating pattern formation in developmental biology
Contributed talks:
Tiina Roose (Oxford) Network development in biological gels and its role in lymphatic vessel development
Frank Marten (Bristol) Modelling EEG activity in patients with absence seizures
Nikola Venkov (Nottingham) Modelling electrocortical activity through integral neural field equations
Jim McElwaine (Cambridge) Washboard road: transition to chaos in sand ripples
More details available here.
Tuesday 16 December 2008, Nottingham
Patterns in granular media
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Nico Gray (Manchester) Particle-size segregation, shock waves and pattern formation in granular avalanches
Michael Swift (Nottingham) Pattern formation in vibrated granular media
Contributed talks:
Anthony Thornton (Manchester) Modelling of particle size segregation and its applications to geophysical problems
Rob Sturman (Leeds) Mixing by piecewise isometry in granular media
Tsung-Lung Tsai (Cambridge) Time-periodic forcing of robust heteroclinic cycles
Rachel Sigrist (Nottingham) Spiral patterns on spheres
Monday 27 April 2009, Leeds
Patterns in Complexity Science
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Robert MacKay (Warwick) Space-time phases for spatially extended nonlinear dynamics
David Broomhead (Manchester) Digital Complexity
Contributed talks:
Chris Budd (Bath)Emergent scaling laws in electrical networks
Wolfram Just (QMW)MANMADE: complexity and criticality of real infrastructure networks
Henrik Jensen (Imperial)Networks: How dynamics shapes topology
More details are available here.
Tuesday 16 June 2009, University of Surrey
Mathematical Modelling in Biology
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Sarah Waters (Oxford) Mathematical models for tissue engineering applications
Andrzej Kierzek (Surrey) Stochastic models in systems biology
Contributed talks:
Gianne Derks (Surrey) A minimal soliton-carrying model for coupled DNA-RNAP dynamics
Alexander Lorz (Cambridge) Collective motion of swimming microorganisms
Uchechukwu Vincent (Lancaster)Collective dynamics in two coupled inertia rachets
Theresa Lockett (Southampton) Pattern formation in liquid crystals
Monday 26 April 2010, University of Bath
Delay Differential Equations
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Yuliya Kyrychko (Bristol) Delay differential equations: theory and applications
Jan Sieber (Portsmouth) Numerics for delay equations - similarities and differences to ODEs
Contributed talks:
Thibaut Putelat (Cambridge) Delay-induced complex slidings of a frictional interface
Abul al Azad (Plymouth) Within-burst synchrony changes in mutually delay-coupled neuronal elliptic bursters
Craig McIntyre (Strathclyde) Dissipative spatial solitons in lasers with delayed feedback: theory and experiments
Tobias Galla (Manchester) Intrinsic fluctuations in stochastic delay systems: theoretical description and application to a simple model of gene regulation.
More details are available here.
Thursday 16 September 2010, University of Nottingham
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Philip Moriarty (Nottingham) Self-organised nanoparticle systems: a panoply of patterns
Jitse Nitsen (Leeds) The Evans function and the stability of travelling waves
Contributed talks:
Andrew Stannard (Nottingham) Intermolecular disorder and rhombus tilings
Uwe Thiele (Loughborough) Modelling the formation of patterned deposits at receding contact lines
Anushi Weliwita (Leeds) Skew-varicose instability of a generalized Swift-Hohenberg model
More details are available here.
Monday 18 October 2010, University of Leeds
Stochastic Dynamics and Applications
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Gabriel Lord (Heriot-Watt) Solution of SPDEs with an application from porous media
Jasmina Panovska-Griffths (UCL/Oxford) A systems biology approach to solving biological and medical problems
Andrew Stuart (Warwick) Transition paths in molecules at finite temperature
Contributed talks:
James Currie (Leeds) Stochastic models for T cell to APC binding
Marc Ryser (McGill) On the well-posedness of nonlinear SPDEs in higher dimensions
More details are available here.
Wednesday 6 April 2011, University of Surrey
Invited pedagogical speakers:
Daniele Avitabile (Surrey) Equation-free methods for numerical continuation in agent-based models
Tim Foxon (Leeds) Complex systems methods for informing energy decision-making in cities
Contributed talks:
Nick McCullen (Leeds) Modelling energy technology diffusion on networks
Alef Sterk (Exeter) New nonlinear mechanisms of midlatitude atmospheric low-frequency variability
Aiman Elragig (Exeter) A new necessary condition for Turing instabilities
Adam Kucharski (Cambridge) Effect of infection history on influenza dynamics
More details are available here.
Friday 10 June 2011, University of Bath
Invited pedagogical speaker:
Edgar Knobloch (Berkeley) Localised states: an overview
Contributed talks:
Andrew Dean (Nottingham) Exponential asymptotics of homoclinic snaking in the Swift-Hohenberg equation
Steve Houghton (Leeds) Swift-Hohenberg equation with broken cubic-quintic nonlinearity
Alexander Mikhailov (Leeds) Wave fronts and soliton webs - exact solutions of the 2D Volterra chain
Jonathan Sherratt (Heriot-Watt) The separation distance in source-sink pairs in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
Matthew Buckley (Newcastle) Localised states in magnetoconvection
Soumendu Jana (Strathclyde) Moving and colliding localised states and localised patterns
More details are available here.
Monday 19 September 2011, University of Nottingham
Patterns and nonlinear dynamics in neuroscience
Invited pedagogical speaker:
Stephen Coombes (Nottingham): Interface dynamics in planar neural field models
Contributed talks:
Claude Baesens (Warwick): Global bifurcation diagrams for models of two coupled class 1 neurons
Tommaso Biancalani (Manchester): Stochastic waves in a Brusselator model with non-local interaction
Karin Mora (Bath): Discontinuous maps and their applications
Hil Meijer (Twente): Analysis of thalamic dynamics during Parkinson's disease and deep brain stimulation
Nick McCullen (Leeds): Active audition using coupled oscillators
More details are available here.
Friday 20 January 2012, University of Leeds
Anniversary meeting: 10 years on
Invited speakers:
Suzanne Fielding (Durham): Nonlinear dynamics and rheology of biologically active fluids
Jonathan Dawes (Bath): Nonlinear dynamics in continuum mechanics: current challenges and future opportunities
Contributed talks:
Gustav Delius (York): Waves induced by demographic stochasticity
Rachel Taylor (Heriot-Watt): Analysis of a predator-prey model with a seasonally forced prey growth rate
Thomas Wagenknecht (Leeds): Two different ways to kill homoclinic snakes
More details are available here.
Friday 21 September 2012, University of Bath
Invited speakers:
Christian Kuehn (Vienna): A tour through multiple time scale dynamics
Paul Milewski (Bath): An introduction to wave modelling and droplet zitterbewegung in Faraday experiments
Contributed talks:
Thibaut Putelat (Ecole Polytechnique): Relative roles of treadmilling and autotaxis for cell motility
Christine Venney (Bath): Some effects of including the next to nearest neighbour in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice
Asma Ismail (Exeter): A restricted Conley index for constrained robustness of heteroclinic cycles
Jonathan Ward (Reading): Modelling the dynamics of culture
Victor Brena-Medina (Bristol): Pattern formation in a non-homogeneous reaction-diffusion system: a model of plant root hairs
More details are available here.
Friday 19 April 2013, University of Nottingham
Invited speakers:
Nick Manton (Cambridge): Skyrmions
Hadi Susanto (Nottingham): Bose-Einstein Condensates
Contributed talks:
Abeer Alnahdi (Leeds): Oscillons in a PDE with parametric forcing
Jonathan Dawes (Bath): Predator-prey dynamics: mass-action laws and functional responses
Ruth Smith (Nottingham): Pattern formation in a periodically forced neural field model
More details are available here.
Monday 8 - Tuesday 9 July 2013, University of Surrey
A two day joint meeting with the London Dynamical Systems Group.
Topic: Biological Dynamics
Invited speakers:
Philip Aston (Surrey): Drug dynamics
Stephen Baigent (UCL): The geometry of invariant manifolds for ecological models
Stephen Coombes (Nottingham): Patterns in neural field models
Marc Lefranc (Lille): Robustness and flexibility of the circadian clock of a microscopic green alga
Anne Skeldon (Surrey): The fast-slow dynamics of sleep
Julia Yeomans (Oxford): Stirring by microswimmers
Contributed talks:
Ben Fulcher (Imperial College): Highly comparative time-series analysis for biological signal processing
James Hook (Manchester): A stochastic max-plus linear model of mRNA translation
Sarah Byrne (Imperial College): Stability analysis of protein kinases
Daniele Avitabile (Nottingham): Localised states in nonlocal neural field equations
Tiago Pereira (Imperial College): Hub synchronisation in heterogeneous networks
Gabor Kiss (Durham): Asymptotic behaviour of memory driven biological processes
Congping Lin (Exeter): Modelling long distance molecular transport in Ustilago maydis
Tamas Bansagi (Leeds): Biochemically driven complex dynamics of particles
More details are available here.
Tuesday 10 September 2013, University of Bath
Invited speakers:
Istvan Kiss (Sussex): Formulating exact and approximate epidemic models on networks
Rebecca Hoyle (Surrey): Quantitative genetics and maternal effects
Contributed talks:
Luke Heaton (Oxford): Growth and transport in fungal networks
Neville Boon (Surrey): Foot stomping in myosin-V the molecular motor
Samuel Johnson (Imperial): Modelling food-web structure without niche dimensions
More details are available here.
Wednesday 23 April 2014, University of Leeds
Heteroclinic dynamics and the edge of turbulence
Invited speakers:
Claire Postlethwaite (Auckland): Heteroclinic networks: stability, switching and memory
Ashley Willis (Sheffield): Travelling waves in turbulent shear flows: their discovery and role in transition
Contributed talks:
Alexandre Rodrigues (Porto)
Symmetry Breaking and Heteroclinic Tangencies
Nicolas Verschueren Van Rees (Bristol)
The Chaoticon: Localised Patterns with permanent dynamics
Dwight Barkley (Warwick)
Localised and expanding states in pipe flow
More details are available here.
Contact Alastair Rucklidge (follow the link) if you have questions or for further information.